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Chapter Seventy-two[7

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Chapter Seventy-two
[7.2k words]

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"Alert the order." Jimin said, turning to Taehyung and there was a glint in his eyes.
"Are you mental? We're going with you." they snarled in objection.
Jimin shook his head, still dismissive of them. "It's too dangerous."
"When the hell are you going to get it to your head that —"
"We're in this together. We'll all come with you." Yuna squeezed his hand and curved a small smile. He sighed softly but was secretly thankful for all of them. They really would be there for him.
His face frowned in concern. "But —"
"I'm going with you no matter what." she said, looking up into his eyes and he took it that she was already firm with her decision.
"All right."


"JIMIN!" roared a voice right behind them and it startled them, not expecting it from Neville.
"What —" the guys turned around, dazed as Neville walked over to them with Taehyun right beside him.
"I'll come with you guys!" Neville said without a stutter and looked as though he was just as determined as they were.

Namjoon paused for a moment and glanced at Jimin who seemed to expect him to speak up first. They were well aware of Neville's tremendous growth since their B.A (Bang's Army) trainings but he still thought that it was far too dangerous and life-risking for Neville.
"It might be too dangerous, Neville." Jimin said slightly agitated.
"Well —" Taehyun was gonna speak up but Neville beat him to it.
"We were all in the B.A. together," said Neville quietly. "It was all supposed to be about fighting You-Know-Who, wasn't it? And this is
the first chance we've had to do something real — or was that all just a game or something?"
"No, of course it wasn't —" said Jimin impatiently, frowning slightly.
"Then we should come too." said Neville simply. "We want to help."
"That's right," said Taehyun earnestly.

Jimin's eyes met Namjoon's. He knew that Namjoon was thinking exactly what he was: If he could have chosen any members of the D.A. in addition to himself and their usual squad to join him in the attempt to rescue Sirius, he would not have picked Neville or Taehyun yet. No, they would hesitate picking anyone anyways. But then why did they even teach their friends?
"Let's just bring them...?" Jimin said defeatedly because they were supposed to worry more about Sirius.
Neville and Taehyun felt acknowledged.

They broke into another sprint, heading to the forest. Jimin was thinking as they moved, wondering and weighing... If it was like last time — maybe his vision was happening right as they were speaking. But if what Taehyung feared was right that he was getting lured — no, he needed to make sure Sirius was safe from harm.
"Are we sure about this though?" Seokjin asked slowly, alarmed for any reaction from Jimin.
"I am not going to risk Sirius's life!" Jimin said and Yoongi frowned slightly, scratching his forehead as they ran.
"Taehyung, how is it?" Yoongi then whispered. Taehyung appeared to be calling someone.
"Are you calling Joohyuk? Did he answer yet or do we need better signal? We have to go farther from Hogwarts." said Jimin and they nervously quietened. Maybe they had forgotten that Phyton and Zil bestowed him good hearing.
"Uh, I'm calling Sirius first — Maybe he's all right after all, and we have to make sure we won't waste our time —" Taehyung's words drifted off and the silence fell between them just as they halted before the entrance of the forest. Jimin was glaring at them and they raised their eyebrows while stepping back slowly, alarmed. Yuna guessed this was going to happen eventually but she was impassive despite Namjoon and Fee giving her a look as though they were begging for her to calm Jimin down. Namjoon really was never able to read her mind; and Jimin was still glaring at them. "ARE YALL EVEN WITH ME —"
"We know what you're gonna say, Jimin, calm down!" Hoseok interrupted him abruptly. He had enough of his shenanigans, now shooting Jimin a scoff but Jimin couldn't care less — he was staring at Taehyung who had his phone over his ear.
Dood... Dood... Dood...
A few seconds passed and that felt unrealistically long for the rest of them aside from Jimin. 
"There's no answer —?" Taehyung said with a tone indicating sceptism. He was actually expecting someone to answer. Their faces went slightly green.
Before Jimin roared exasperatedly, Taehyung's phone rang and he pressingly swiped the button, "Hello —?"

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