Steve Harrington X Henderson!Reader - Your Love

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Your Love by The Outfield (It really has nothing to do with the song, it was just a vibe tbh). Reader is Dustin's older sister. I hope you all enjoy it.

When you had opened the door of your home, Steve had been one of the last people you had been expecting. Sure, you'd been through Hell and back together, but he had never saught you out outside of the company of the younger kids, and he definitely never showed up unannounced like this. 

"Dustin doesn't get home from camp until next week," you murmured, forgoing a proper greeting whilst he smiled at you. 

"I-" he paused for a moment, running his hand through his hair in an attempt to calm his racing heart. "I'm not here to see Dustin," he pressed on. "Please, tell me if I'm being out of line here, but this girl I work with, Robin, says that I talk about you all the time. Actually, she said it was annoying how much I talk about you and that if I don't ask you out she was going to shoot me and then herself." 

You let out a soft bubble of laughter. "She sounds like a lot of fun," you teased. 

"She's a pain in the ass but that's not the point. The thing is, she's not wrong. I do really like you-" his words trailed off into a small shrug and a lopsided grin.

"Steve," you murmured. "You're really sweet, but-"

He winced slightly and your words fell off into nothing. "Sorry, it's just that in my experience, 'but' is usually followed by something devastating." 

"But," you repeated, letting out a small chuckle. "I think I need to speak to Dustin first. I know he's my little brother, but he can be pretty protective and I don't want him to think we've been sneaking around behind his back."

"Oh," he hummed. "That wasn't devastating," he murmured. "Should I call him?"

"No," you answered, probably a little bit too quickly. "When he gets back from camp, I'll talk to him. And you aren't going to say a word to him until I have, alright?"

He nodded. "Understood," he uttered, flashing you a bright smile. "I'll see you around, Henderson."

*Time Skip*

"Y/N Henderson, get your butt in here." Dustin hadn't been back in Hawkins for more than a couple of hours and already he was screaming for your attention in the living room. I mean, it's not like you expected any less. He was a ball of restless energy at the best of times, but after a long car journey, he was sure to be on the verge of an explosive outburst.

"Mom told you not to yell in the house anymore, Dusty-" you called back, emerging from your bedroom only to find Dustin and Steve standing in the middle of the room. 

"Do you like Steve?" he asked, his face a mask of frustration as you glanced between the two of them, clearly very flustered.

Your eyes finally landed on Steve, still in his Scoops Ahoy uniform, a glare forming on your features despite his stupid outfit. "I told you to let me talk to him," you bit out. 

"I didn't-"

"So you do like him?" Dustin interrupted, letting out a faux-gagging noise. "Come on, Y/N, Steve?"

"Dusty," you yelped, shaking your head in disbelief. 

Steve sighed slightly. "I didn't tell him. He came into Scoops and I called him Henderson like I always do, and Robin recognised the name. She's no good at keeping her mouth shut." He shook his head. "Sorry."

"So, you guys had a deal to keep this from me? Do you know how sick that is?"

"Dusty," you bit out again. "We weren't keeping anything from you. Nothing happened."

Dustin rolled his eyes at you, scoffing.

"I turned up here and Y/N sent me packing. Told me she needed to run it past you first." He shrugged slightly. "And I know this is probably a little weird, okay Buddy. If it's too much then nothing has to happen. But I really like her and, if it's alright with you, I'd like to take her out to dinner sometime." 

There was a moment of silence as Dustin paced the length of the living room, muttering to himself. And then suddenly, he came to a complete standstill, his head shooting over to look at Steve. "And you mean it? You really like her?"

"Cross my heart," Steve confirmed, his lips twitching into a half-smile as he glanced over at you.

"Well, if you hurt her, you'll have me to deal with, you know that, right?" He paused for a moment. "And not just me, either. All of us. Max. El. Lucas. Mike. Will-" 

"Okay, I think he gets the point, Dusty," you murmured, reaching out to draw him into a tight hug. "You sure this isn't going to be weird for you?" you uttered, giving him an extra tight squeeze. 

He sighed. "We fight interdimensional monsters and one of our friends has super powers. This isn't even close to weird." 

You chuckled, your eyes lifting to look over at Steve, who was watching the two of you with a soft smile. "Yeah, I just mean-"

"I'd rather you date Steve than some random guy you meet in town. At least I know he'll be nice to you," he murmured, groaning when you pressed a kiss to the top of his head. 

"You're the cutest, you know that?" 

Dustin finally shrugged out of your embrace, brushing his fingers through his hair to restyle it.

"Does this mean I can take you out tonight?" You smiled as Steve moved towards the calendar on the wall. "No plans, or anything?"

"No plans," you confirmed.

Steve turned his grin on you, making your stomach fill with butterflies. "Enzo's? I'll pick you up at 8?" 


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