Jim Hopper X Reader - Guys My Age

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Guys My Age by Hey Violet. For this one, reader is in her mid-twenties whilst Hopper is in his early forties. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Over the years, it had become a pretty common occurrence for the chief of police to show up on your doorstep. Either, he was dropping Hunter back to you, usually in some drunken stupor, or he was out looking for him, or he was coming over to ask you a couple of questions in relation to some crime spree that you both knew would definitely end up being linked back to your boyfriend.

But in the last couple of months, it seemed they'd stopped showing up so much. It was a nice break, really. You'd never much enjoyed having to drag yourself out of bed in the middle of the night to deal with whatever chaos he was causing. 

So, when Hopper had shown up tonight, you'd been totally baffled. You were out of the habit. Hell, you were almost certain you'd never have to do it again. 

"Sorry to wake you, Y/N," he hummed, holding his hat tight in his grasp as he attempted to keep his eyes on your face whilst you were wearing some pretty revealing pyjama shorts. "I'm looking for Hunter-"

"You won't find him here," you interrupted. "Might as well take me off any lists you've got, too," you pressed on, giving a quick shrug. "He's not welcome in this house anymore."

Hopper nodded slowly, brow furrowed slightly. "Trouble in paradise?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of you. "Kicked the asshole to the curb a couple of months back. Caught him stealing from my jewellery box," you told him. "Made my opinions on that pretty clear. You can ask any of the neighbours; I'm amazed none of them called you to report a disturbance, to be honest."

"Shit," he breathed out. "Would it be bad of me to say I'm happy about it?" he added.

"No worse than my parents," you uttered. "They practically threw a party when I told them."

Hopper snorted at that, shaking his head. "Well, you always were way too good for that asshole," he hummed. 

A small smile pulled at the corners of your lips at his comment, your head tilting to the side slightly. "You think so?"

He nodded. "Yeah," he uttered. "Deep down, you're a good girl, you just fell in with the wrong guy." He shrugged slightly. "But now, you're rid of him, right? You'll be keeping yourself out of trouble." 

"Right," you confirmed. 

"I'm sorry for waking you, Sweetheart," he told you, placing his hat back on his head and offering you a small smile. "I'll put the word out around the precinct; let the boys know Hunter won't be around here anymore. At least that way you should get some peace and quiet for once."

"Thanks, Hop," you hummed, watching as he nodded, heading back to his truck whilst you hesitated on the doorstep. 

*Time Skip*

Hopper had to admit, he'd been a little shocked when he'd seen you standing outside of his office, clutching onto a tin so tightly that your knuckles were turning white. 

"What're you doin' here, Sweetheart?" he murmured, brow tightly furrowed as you forced a smile onto your face. 

"Can we talk inside?" you started, your eyes darting down the hallway to where two police officers were eyeing you. Hopper shot them a firm glare, ushering you into his office. "Hunter is at my house," you told him, the second the door was closed behind you. Your smile was gone now, replaced by a deep frown. "He showed up this morning and basically forced his way inside; told me I had to help him," you paused for a moment, swallowing down the lump forming in your throat. "He had a gun, Hop. I didn't know what to do-"

"Does he know you were coming here?"

You shook your head. "He wouldn't have let me leave if he did," you uttered. You couldn't stand still, shuffling around on the spot. "I told him I had to drop these over to my Mom," you added, lifting the tin slightly. "Told him she was expecting me and she'd be worried if I didn't show up."

"Smart girl," he murmured, taking the tin from your hands and settling it down on his desk. "Why don't you sit down? I'll get Flo to bring you something to drink-"

"Don't leave me," you yelped, grabbing his arm before he could fully retreat. "Please," you added softly, loosening your grip slightly. 

"I'm not going anywhere, alright? I'm just going to open the door and call out to her," he told you, his free hand moving to rest over yours. "Coffee? Tea? Water-"

You shook your head. "I'm fine."

"You're shaking," he disagreed. "You need to drink something," he told you, popping the lid off of the tin. "And eat one of these," he added, holding the cookies out to you. "The sugar will help."

You nodded, taking one of the cookies with a trembling hand. "Coffee is fine," you breathed out, finally releasing him completely. 

Hopper, true to his word, didn't leave the office, calling out his request to Flo from the doorway, and she'd come back a couple of minutes later with two steaming mugs of coffee, glancing over his shoulder to find you perched awkwardly in one of the seats at his desk. 

When Hopper placed the coffee down in front of you, your hands moved to cup it on instinct, absorbing the heat from the mug. "What are you going to do?" you hummed, keeping your eyes fixed on the tabletop as he watched you. 

"I've got Powell and Callahan out picking him up already," he told you, leaning forward until he caught your eye. "Once they've got him processed, we'll get you home, alright?"

"But when he gets out-"

"He's not getting out this time, Sweetheart." Your brow furrowed slightly. "We already had him on a warrant for assault charges. And now with Breaking and Entering, and topping it off with aggravated burglary. He's looking at doing real jail time. He won't be bothering you any time soon." 

You nodded, biting down on the inside of your cheek. "So, how long's he going to be locked up for?" 

"I'd say he'd get 2 years for the aggravated assault. Another 2 for the breaking and entering. The least he'll get for the aggravated burglary is 6 years, give or take a couple of months," he paused, shrugging slightly. "I'd say he'll get 10 years total. Maybe be out in 8 if he behaves himself inside."

You cleared your throat slightly. "Right," you murmured. 

"But that boy hasn't been able to keep himself out of trouble his entire life," he told you, offering you a small smile. "Likelihood is he does the whole 10 and that's if he doesn't get himself in trouble. Chances are he'll pick up some extra time when he's inside." 

You nodded again. 

"He's not going to get the chance to come anywhere near you, alright, Sweetheart? I'm not going to let that happen." 

"Thank you, Hop," you breathed out, finally lifting your head fully to look at him. "I know they all think I'm as bad as he is-"

"No one thinks that," he interrupted. "We all know what he's like. And anyone with any sense can see that you aren't like that."

A knock on the door broke the silence of the room, and Hopper quickly got to his feet, pulling it open just enough to look outside. 

"We've got Hunter Grady in one of the cells, Chief," Powell started, glancing over at you for a second before returning his attention to Hopper. "Got transport coming to pick him up in a couple of hours." 

Hopper nodded. "I'm going to get Y/N to fill out a statement and then I'm to make sure she makes it home safe," he muttered. "Just keep it quiet that she's here, alright?"

Powell uttered some agreement before leaving the two of you alone. 

"You ready to tell me what happened? We need it on record." 

"Yeah," you murmured. "I'll tell you everything."

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