Eddie Munson X Reader - Here With Me

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A/N - This chapter was sort of inspired by the song Here With Me by Marshmello ft CHVRCHES. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Your heart was practically beating out of your chest as you sat in your car, your eyes fixed on the door of Eddie's trailer. You'd been sitting that way for half an hour at this point, trying your hardest to build up the courage to just go inside. He would figure out that something was different soon enough, whether you told him or not, and you knew deep down that it was better coming from you, but the idea of having to actually tell him made you feel sick to your stomach. 

Eddie had been your best friend since you were in kindergarten. He was one of the only constants in your life. He'd been there through each and every turn. And now, you were facing the risk of losing him for the first time and all because neither of you had been able to keep it in your pants. It was stupid really. Some self-conscious thought when you were 15 about having never been kissed before had turned into a deal with Eddie to just get it out of the way for both of you. And then a couple of years later, the same worries had come up about your virginities and you'd come to an arrangement with that too. And now, a couple of years later, you'd just sort of kept sleeping together, no strings attached. 

But now, the strings were definitely getting a bit tangled and you were really sure how to sort it out. 

You jumped slightly when someone tapped on the car window, blinking out of your haze to find Eddie grinning down at you. You rolled down the window, offering up your best attempt at your normal smile. 

"Hey Dolly-Daydream," he hummed, crouching down so that his head was level with yours. "Did your legs stop working or something? You've been out here for ages," he told you, clearly using his teasing as an attempt to lure you into talking about something much deeper like he always did. Hell, you were practically a vault with other people, intent on keeping your thoughts to yourself, but Eddie just knew you too well. He knew exactly how to draw you into conversations with him, and he used it to his advantage as often as he needed to. He let out a soft sigh when you didn't answer, standing back up straight, jogging around to the other side of the car and tugging open the door to climb in beside you. "Okay, what's wrong?" he uttered, watching as you sank back into your seat, reluctant to answer the question. 

"I'm trying to word something right," you confessed quietly, turning your head to look at him and frowning softly. 

He shrugged slightly. "You know how my brain works, Sweetheart," he hummed out, patting your knee lightly. "The best way to say something is to just come out and say it, right?"

"I'm late," you blurted, watching Eddie's brow furrowed. 

"Well, you have been sitting out here for like 30 minutes-"

"No, Ed," you interrupted, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "I'm late," you repeated, watching as confusion floundered on his face before shifting to sheer surprise, his eyes widening. 

"Oh shit-"

"I took a test this morning," you pressed on, bouncing your knee slightly in an attempt to distract yourself from the words leaving your mouth. "It said I was pregnant."

Eddie nodded slightly, quickly grabbing at you to pull you into an awkward hug across the centre console before the tears could even begin to flow. "Did you tell your parents?" You shook your head. "Okay, well we should make a plan before you do, alright? Have it all set out so it's easier to explain to them-"

"I don't know what to do," you confessed. "Babies are hard work," you reminded him. "And everyone always talks about how hard it is to be a single mom-"

"You aren't going to be a single mom," he interrupted, letting you pull away from him to stare at him in confusion, your eyebrows all knitted together. "We'll get married; raise the kid together."

"Be serious, Eddie. This is a big deal."

He nodded. "I am being serious," he told you, shrugging slightly. "I mean, come on, would being married to me be that bad?"

"We aren't even dating. We're just friends," you reminded him, shaking your head in frustration.

"We've been sleeping together since we were 16, Baby. We've been more than just friends for a long time," he corrected. 

You paused for a moment, and Eddie could swear he could practically see the cogs turning in your brain as you were thinking. "It's hardly some epic romance, Ed. Last week, after we finished having sex, you slapped me on the ass and said good hustle out there like we'd been playing baseball," you finally uttered.

"What did you want me to say? Good job making me cum?"

"Jesus, that isn't the point I'm trying to make-"

"I love you, okay?" he cried out, interrupting your flow of words. "Is that what you need to hear from me? I love you and I know the timings are a little out of order, but I don't really think that matters." He paused again, letting out a breathy sigh. "And I think being married to you and raising a family with you would be pretty damn incredible," he added softly, his lips twitching up into a little half smile. "Imagine it, Baby. A little Munson tearing around the place. Think about how fucking adorable the kid would be."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, still staring at him in disbelief. I mean, you had always loved Eddie, there was no doubt about that. But this still felt pretty damn quick, even if you had known him for longer than anyone else in your life. 

"Okay, so if I say yes," you started, clearing your throat. "You need to promise that a couple of years down the line you aren't going to resent me. I don't want to be the girl that trapped you in some shitty marriage because you knocked her up."

Eddie caught your flailing hands, drawing them up to his mouth to press a kiss to one palm and then the other. "I am in love with you," he repeated, offering you the sweetest smile you had ever seen. "And our marriage isn't ever going to be shitty, alright? It's you and me. Nothing we do is shitty."

You sighed, nodding. 

"Is that a yes, Baby," he hummed out, manoeuvring your hands so that he could link his fingers through yours. 


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Stranger Things - ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora