Steve Harrington X Reader - Underneath Your Clothes

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Underneath Your Clothes by Shakira. This one is set a few years after the end of Stranger Things, so Reader and Steve are probably mid-twenties. It's just a little, soft, mushy one, so I hope you all enjoy it. 

The second that Robin had introduced you to Steve, you had known that you were going to fall in love with him. Of course, you'd tried to force the thought out of your mind, attempting to give your college roommate the common courtesy of you not fawning over her best friend, but you hadn't been all that successful at hiding the doe-eyed stares. Robin had cottoned on before Steve had. She'd claimed that it was blatantly obvious. She'd told you that Steve was oblivious, but that he would be more than happy for you to be a bit more open in flirting with him. She'd told you that he had already confessed to her that he thought you were incredible. And your life had been turned on its head. 

So, you'd let her set you up on a date, even though Steve lived a two-and-a-half-hour drive away and you already knew the distance would be hard. Distance phone calls would be expensive. Gas was expensive. Hell, your car probably wouldn't be able to make the drive without breaking down. And when you'd rattled off these concerns to Robin, she'd laughed in your face and told you to stop putting obstacles in the way of what could possibly be the love of your life. 

She'd been right. Of course, she had. She was always right when it came to stuff like this. So, you'd gone on the date and it had been perfect. You'd gone to dinner and when that had come to a reluctant end, he'd suggested heading over to the arcade round the corner. When the arcade had closed, he walked you home, offering you his hand to hold, and grinning at you as if you were the only girl in the world. And shit, you'd felt like it. It was like everything else had fallen away and all that was left was the two of you, wandering hand in hand towards your dorm, his jacket draped around your shoulders to fight off the late evening chill. 

A couple of dates later, he asked you to be his girlfriend, and when you'd finished college a few months later, he asked you to move to Hawkins to be with him. You'd said yes without hesitation. 

And now, a few years later, you were thinking just how happy you were that you'd agreed to that first date, despite your worries. Steve had made it all effortless. He'd eased the fears of living long distance. He'd insisted on being the one to drive to you, hating the idea of you being out on your own at night, especially in the shitty little beat-up car you had. And even now, he was your safe space when you'd had a particularly difficult day. 

You hummed, your fingers drifting over his stomach, running over the scars that he'd started off being so self-conscious of, even though you'd never really paid them much mind. Now though, you paid them more attention than most would. To you, the scars were beautiful. They were evidence of the strength he possessed. They were proof that he would go above and beyond to keep the people he loved safe. But most importantly, they were a part of him, and that made them more beautiful than anything else you had ever set your sights on.  And it was all yours. It had been from the very first moment you had met him, the both of you far more infatuated with one another than was probably normal at a first introduction.

Steve stirred slightly in his sleep, and your fingers halted against his skin, your head lifting to look up at his face. 

"What time is it?" he hummed softly, his eyes still closed against the light pooling through the gaps in the blinds. 

You craned your neck slightly, looking for his alarm clock. "8:15," you murmured, letting out a sharp squeal when he used his free arm to tug you closer to his chest. 

"It's too early," he grumbled, snorting with laughter when you started wriggling in his grip, fighting against him despite the knowledge that he would always win. "Go back to sleep, Baby," he chuckled, watching as you finally managed to wrangle yourself free, your head popping up with mussed hair and wide eyes. 

"Asshole," you bit at him, though it was clear from the smile forming on your lips that you didn't really mind it. 

He lifted his hand, brushing his fingers over your hip whilst you stayed sitting on your knees, staring at him. "Come back here," he murmured, gripping your t-shirt in an attempt to pull you closer. "Want a kiss," he added softly, grinning when you shifted forwards to press a quick kiss to his lips. 

You finally settled back down, resting your head on his shoulder as you tucked yourself into his side, his free hand running over your back lightly. 

"This is nice," he hummed, turning onto his side until he was facing you properly. "Waking up slow," he pressed on, trying to explain exactly what was so nice about this morning in particular. "Right here with my girl, knowing I don't have to get up and go to work, I just get to stay right here with you," he added, nudging his nose against yours. "Wish I could do this every morning," he murmured. 

A soft bubble of laughter slipped out of you. "If you woke up a little earlier rather than rushing around getting ready for work-"

"See, here's the problem with that, Baby," he hummed out, interrupting you. "I love you so, so much," he pressed on. "But I really love my sleep too-"

"Idiot," you interjected, snorting when he kissed you, his grin still playing on his lips. 

He let out a soft, contented sigh as he pulled back, running his fingers over your jaw. "Besides, it wouldn't be as special if we got to do it every day," he told you. "I like that it feels like a treat for being so good and getting up for work all week."

When his fingers drifted down to run over your bottom lip, you nipped at his fingertips, making him flinch slightly, and releasing a soft snort of laughter in response.

"I love you," he uttered, watching as your expression softened. Hell, he'd said it a thousand times before. He'd been saying it for years. But it was still enough to make your heart flutter. 

"I love you too," you reminded him, biting down on your bottom lip. "So much."

"So much," he repeated back to you, looking so damn content that it was enough to make you feel a ton lighter. 

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