Billy Hargrove X Wheeler!Reader - Guy Like Me (Part 2)

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A/N - This is a follow-up to another chapter in this book. It's inspired by the song Blonde by Maisie Peters. Also, Nancy and Steve are still together in this one. I hope you all enjoy it. 

It was safe to say that you'd been pretty anxious about returning to school after everything that had happened with Billy. The moment you'd explained it all to your mom, she'd called the school and told them you were sick, letting you have the rest of the week off with the guarantee that your grades wouldn't be affected. She'd held you whilst your cried too, sending your dad into the other room and letting you huddle up next to her on the couch to pour your little heart out to her. You'd needed her more than ever and she'd been right there with you. 

But then Monday had rolled around and there really wasn't any way of avoiding going back to school. So, you'd forced yourself out of bed and made yourself presentable, even though all you wanted to do was crawl back into the covers and pretend you didn't exist. 

The drive to school was quiet. Mike didn't ever really say all that much to you anyway, but Nancy was normally a total chatterbox. But today, she hadn't said a single word. She just sat silently beside you, staring out the front window. 

When you pulled into a parking spot, Mike had leapt from the car as fast as he could, not even saying goodbye as he ran off towards where his friends would be waiting. Nancy, on the other hand, stayed sitting beside you. 

"Do you want me to beat him up?" she murmured, watching a small smile pull at your lips. 

"Mom told you?"

She shook her head, shifting in her seat to look at your properly. "Not really. Just said you broke up. She called him a piece of shit-"

A snort of laughter slipped out of you at that, your hand lifting to stifle it. "Mom said that? Like, our Mom?"

"Yeah," she confirmed. "He must've done something pretty shitty to get that reaction," she pressed on, watching your smile fade slightly. 

You nodded. "He was using me because he wanted to sleep with Mom," you confessed, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "Which is so unbelievably twisted-"

"He is a piece of shit," Nancy interrupted. "Just going to offer one more time: Do you want me to beat him up?"

You reached out, taking her hand in yours and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, but no."

"I can ask Steve to do it-"

"Nance, I don't want you to beat him up," you uttered. "But thank you for sticking up for me."

The two of you had wandered up to the front entrance slowly after that, arm in arm, completely unaware of the eyes lingering on you. It wasn't until Steve appeared in front of the two of you, a couple of yards away from the main doors, that you'd stopped moving. 

"Morning," he started, attempting to remain as chirpy as possible, even though the smile on his face looked anything but easy. "Just a little heads up-"

"What?" Nancy started, brow furrowed as she glanced over his shoulder at the door. 

Steve cleared his throat slightly, his smile dropping away entirely. "Billy's been telling people about the breakup," he murmured. 

"What's he telling people?" you started, face worryingly neutral as you glanced over to a group of girls, all giggling together on the steps, eyes darting over to you every couple of seconds. 

"Said you're a total psycho and that you got all clingy and weird, so he had to break it off-"

A sharp snort of laughter slipped out of you at the comment, silencing it. "Right," you uttered, nodding. "Of course I am," you added.

"We can go home," Nancy started, her grip on your arm tightening. "Mom can call the principal and get you some more catch-up work-"

"No," you interrupted. "He doesn't get to intimidate me out of being at school when he's the asshole," you pressed on. 

She nodded, watching you take in a deep, shaking breath before starting back towards the building, arm still linked through hers. Steve quickly moved to walk alongside you, trying his hardest to look threatening when people stared at the three of you. 

It hadn't taken long for you to cross paths with Billy, Hell, you hadn't even made it to your locker before his smug smirk was aimed at you. 

"Hey, Wheeler," he called out, giving you a little wave, which you forced yourself to ignore, your grip on Nancy tightening as you pulled her towards your locker. "Oh, come on, Sweetheart. Let's be civil."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, pulling the locker open and shoving your bag inside. 

"Come on, Wheeler; I'm trying to be nice-"

"Fuck off," Nancy bit out, keeping herself between the two of you with a face like thunder. 

Billy grinned down at her, looking way too proud of himself. "Wowee," he muttered, head tilting to the side. "That psycho streak must really run in the family."

Your head shot around to look at him. "You'd know all about that, wouldn't you?" you bit out. 

His smile faltered for a second, his expression hardening, he took a step forward, only to be met with another stony glare from Nancy, still standing between the two of you. 

"Fuck. Off," she repeated, practically growling. 

"You gonna make me, Sweetheart?" he uttered, squaring up to your baby sister in a way that made you see red. Luckily for you, it seemed that you weren't the only one feeling a little protective over Nancy. 

"What is wrong with you, man?" Steve bit out, shoving Billy in the chest to move him back a couple of steps. "Leave 'em alone," he added. 

Billy's eyes darted back over to you for a second, before he let out a soft sigh. "Do you know what? It isn't worth it," he uttered, holding up his hands and backing away slightly. "Tell your guard dogs they can stand down, Baby-"

"Don't call me that," you interrupted, finally slamming your locker shut. "Fucking low-life," you bit out as you shoved past him, making him stumble slightly as you went. 

He caught your arm, pulling you back to look at him. "Don't test me-"

"Don't fucking touch me," you growled, feeling his grip loosen slightly. "Did you really think you could come in here and paint me to be some clingy, desperate ex without me fighting back? I am going to absolutely fuck your life up and it's going to be so much fun," you told him, keeping your voice low enough that he would be the only one to hear you. "I'm going to make you regret the first time you ever even looked at me," you added softly, head tilting to the side as you finally pulled your arm fully out of his hold. "I'll see you around, Hargrove."

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