Eddie Munson X Wife!Reader - Rock N Roll

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Rock N Roll by Avril Lavigne. It's set in the early-2000s when Eddie and Reader are married with kids. It also has a few references to Evanescence because I think Eddie would've loved them tbh. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"Dad," your daughter called out, clearly distressed as she came flying down the stairs with you hot on her tail. It was a scene Eddie had become pretty familiar with over the last year or so. Your daughter, freshly turned 15, had suddenly become one of the most argumentative and frankly terrifying people he had ever met, and the two of you tended to butt heads daily. "Mom says I can't wear this to the party tonight," she pressed on, standing in front of him with her hands on her hips. 

Her outfit was pretty revealing, in fact, it was basically just a swimsuit with a skirt over the top. You were still so young, and Eddie couldn't help but frown as he glanced over her shoulder at you. "I agree with your mom," he uttered, shrugging slightly. 

"All of the girls wear stuff like this," she counteracted. In the years since she'd become a proper sentient little being, she'd learned one thing better than anything else. If you were going to get your own way in this house, Eddie was the one to go through. You were a tough cookie to crack, but he crumbled under any pressure.

"Sweetheart, if you were 18, I wouldn't kick up a fuss-"

"This is so unfair," she interrupted, looking so Goddamn angry that it caught him off guard a little. Shit, he'd always known that she looked like you, but right now, standing here glaring at him, you'd never looked more similar. "It's just a party. I already have to be the loser with a 10 pm curfew; everyone's going to think I'm an idiot."

Eddie frowned slightly. "Look, I know this isn't what you want but-"

"Mom used to wear way worse than this," she interrupted. "I've seen the pictures of you guys in high school."

A small, mischievous smile pulled at Eddie's lips as he glanced over at you for a second. "Yeah, and we were blessed with you when we were 18. We're not ready to be grandparents at 33, Sweetheart."

"Oh my God," she cried out, shaking her head in frustration. "You guys are so lame. You ruin everything," she bit at him, shoving past you and back upstairs. 

You let out a soft sigh, shifting forward to wrap your arms around Eddie's middle, your head resting against his chest. "She is terrifying," he hummed, tilting your head back with one hand so that you'd look up at him. "Almost as terrifying as you were at her age," he pressed on, watching a small smile spread across your lips. 

"Yeah, and she's got your attitude," you teased. "It's a horrendous combination."

He chuckled, letting your head fall back against him, snuggling close. "Do you think we're lame?" he finally murmured, his hand running up and down your spine as he thought out loud. 

"We're her parents; she's supposed to think we're lame. All kids do-"

"No, but like, do you think we're lame now?" He paused for a moment. "We were so much more fun when we were her age," he pressed on. "And now we're telling her that she needs to change her clothes because we're scared she's going to - what? - get herself knocked up by some idiot?" 

You sighed softly, untangling yourself from him. "You aren't lame, Eddie," you told him. "You just have to step up and be Dad now. You have responsibilities that you didn't have back then."

"Right," he murmured, leaning back against the kitchen counter and watching as you readied yourself to head back upstairs. 

"I'm going to go and see if I can talk her into a little more clothing, alright, Baby?" 

"Good luck, my little Paladin," he hummed, hearing your snort of laughter as you disappeared out of sight.

*Time Skip*

Eddie had been a little mopey the last couple of weeks. Ever since your daughter had made some throwaway comment about the two of you being lame, he'd been stuck in his own head. When she was a baby, the Hellfire kids had thought he was the coolest guy around. Hell, he was the coolest guy, even with her resting on his hip whilst he hosted DnD. And now, he was just Dad. This old guy who was too busy to plan campaigns nowadays and who'd had to put the idea of being a rockstar on the back burner in order to support his family. Shit, maybe he was lame now.

You'd noticed how in his own head he was too. I mean, it wasn't exactly hard to miss. Eddie was usually so loud and lively, but ever since she'd made her little comment, he'd been quieter. So, you'd done the thing you did best and planned to make him feel a little better about himself. 

The babysitter was a no-brainer, really. Dustin was always your go-to when you needed a date night. But then you'd needed to actually make plans. Sure, you could go for dinner or to the movies like you usually would, but something was telling you that it wouldn't cut it this time. And then you'd seen a flyer for some new up-and-coming band playing in town and it had all clicked into place. 

You'd practically had to drag Eddie out of the house, but the second you'd gotten out of the cab outside of the bar, he seemed to get a second wind. Neither of you had been to The Hideout in years, not since Corroded Coffin was playing there on a weekly basis, and it had always been a place of fun and excitement.

"What are we doing here?" he hummed, his arm wrapping around your shoulders to steer you inside. 

"Well, there's this new band playing tonight," you started. "They're called Evanescence. Don't even have an album out yet, just this little thrown-together EP, but they're just touring the country and somehow ended up here." You paused for a moment smiling up at him. "Seemed like the sort of band you'd like from the poster." 

Eddie bit down on his bottom lip, fighting back the grin he wanted to let through. "Yeah?"

"Yeah. Real alternative rock stuff." 

He let out a soft sigh, drawing you into a quick kiss. "God, you are so perfect, you know that?"

You shrugged slightly. "You might've told me a couple of times, yeah."

Inside, the band were already playing, the music ebbing loudly around the room. And you'd been right, it was exactly the sort of music you and Eddie would have gone to see when you were younger. 

Suddenly, you were teenagers again. He had you tucked up under his arm, a drink clutched awkwardly in his other hand as you both stared in awe at this practically unknown band. It was perfect. 

As one song came to a close, you hooked a finger into the collar of his t-shirt, pulling him down to your height. "Do you think someone lame would come to see a band like this on a work night?" you asked, watching a little smile pull at the corner of his lips. 

"Never," he called back to you, drawing you into a deep kiss. 

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