Billy Hargrove X Reader - Fire and the Flood

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Fire and the Flood by Vance Joy. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Billy had been losing his fucking mind from the moment you had stormed out of his bedroom that afternoon. Claims of him being too jealous, too overprotective, hanging in the air after he'd practically flown off the handle when he'd seen you talking to Steve Harrington in the hallway after class, dragging you away from the conversation before you could even say goodbye. 

You'd explained that Steve was a friend from Kindergarten; explained that there had never been a chance in hell of you ever thinking that Steve was even remotely cute when you'd once seen him eating his own boogers in 1st grade. You'd tried laughing it off, but still, Billy had been inconsolable. 

He knew it was stupid too, which was even worse. He knew that you would never do anything to hurt him. You were one of the only people in his life that he trusted with everything. He told you practically everything and maybe that was actually what scared him so much. He'd always known that you deserved better and he was terrified that maybe you had realised too. 

Sure, Steve was an idiot, but anyone with two eyes knew he was attractive and he was destined to get some great job at his Dad's company and live the perfect life. He was the American dream. He was going to be able to give you the life you deserved to live. All Billy could really offer you was himself and he was just waiting for you to realise it. 

He'd tried going to bed that night, pressing his eyes closed as tight as possible until he was seeing stars form in the darkness behind his eyelids. And then he'd tried taking a hot shower, an attempt at scalding the thoughts out of his head, but all it had done was leave him overheated and restless. 

Eventually, he'd settled on going out for a while. A quick walk around the block would wear him out enough to get him off to sleep and then when he woke up he would be levelheaded enough to call you and apologise for overreacting. But then, the quick walk around the block had turned into a forty-minute march, his feet carrying him without him ever really having to think about his destination. 

It wasn't until he was turning onto your street that he'd realised where he'd been heading,  coming to a halt at the bottom of your garden path. Your bedroom light was on and he could see your shadow moving around from where he stood. It was strange. You never stayed up late, especially not on a school night, but there you were, practically pacing around your bedroom in the middle of the night. And then it clicked. He couldn't sleep thinking about your argument and, by the looks of it, you were having the same issue. 

He had barely even hesitated before making a beeline for the trellis that led up to your window, scaling it with a confidence that only came from knowing the climb like the back of his hand. A year of making the same journey up to your bedroom almost every night had made it an easy job, one he was almost certain he could do with his eyes closed at this point. 

He only paused when he reached the window, peering inside and seeing you, marching back and forth across the carpet in the cute little pyjamas your mom had got you for Christmas and a pair of fluffy pink slippers. You looked beautiful and he felt his chest tighten at the realisation that he'd almost pushed you away to a point of never getting to see you like this again. 

When he tapped on the window, you'd practically jumped out of your skin, your head whirling to stare at him in disbelief. He lifted his hand, offering up a little wave, and you blinked in disbelief before leaping into action, tearing the window open and moving back to let him inside. 

"What are you doing here? It's 1 in the morning-"

"I'm sorry," he interrupted. "I was being an idiot," he added softly, watching as your expression softened slightly. "I just don't want to lose you."

You hesitated for a moment, nodding. "And you think acting like a caveman is going to stop you from losing me?" 

"No, I know it's not. I panicked and-"

"It was embarrassing. People are going to think I was flirting with him or something. They're going to think you don't trust me-"

"I do trust you."

"Then act like it," you bit out, shaking your head. "Steve and I have known each other for as long as I can remember. We're friends. That doesn't mean I want to sleep with him." You paused for a moment. "I have friends, Billy. You can't just freak out whenever I speak to them."

"I know," he finally uttered. "I just got in my own head and-" his words trailed off into nothingness. 

Your brow furrowed slightly. "About what?"

He shrugged slightly. "You. Steve. Everything." He sat himself at the foot of your bed, resting his head in his hands and letting out a soft sigh. "I know it's stupid, Baby. I know I overreacted."

You sat beside him, prying his hands from his face. "Tell me."

"Steve's the guy that ends up with the perfect wife, right? He gets the big house and the perfect kids and the dog. Guys like me don't get that-" He paused for a moment. "Guys like me get shitty dead-end jobs and we get asshole kids and we definitely don't end up with angels like you, Baby."

You were frowning when he looked up at you. "I'd rather end up in a shitty rundown trailer with you and our ungrateful, little brats than in a mansion with Steve and his snooty, privileged brood." You shrugged slightly. "I don't care where we are as long as I'm with you, alright?" 

Billy sniffled slightly, drawing you in just enough to press a kiss to your forehead. "Shit, you really are an angel, aren't you?"

A soft bubble of laughter slipped out of you. "As close as humanly possible," you agreed. "And I know you're going to hate it, but you're going to have to apologise to Steve. It was rude and-"

"I know, Baby. I will."

You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, offering him a sweet smile. "You need to stop letting your mind convince you that you aren't deserving of good things, alright? Because I don't want anyone else. I want you. I knew I was going to spend my life with you from the first time you kissed me." 

He gave you a soft smile as you pulled him in for another kiss. "I love you so much, Baby."

You hummed against his lips, your thumb running over his jaw. "I love you too, Caveman."

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