Eddie Munson X Reader - Fast Car

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Fast Car by Tracy Chapman. I've been wanting to write something that related to this song for so long, because it's one of my all-time favourites, and finally, Eddie has given me the little nudge that I needed. I hope you all enjoy it.

You spent the last three years of your life fantasising about the life you would lead when you finally saved up enough money to leave Hawkins. Sure, it was a nice enough town, but it was quiet and tame and, save for the interdimensional monsters, it was pretty boring. You wanted excitement. You wanted freedom. You wanted to go to the city and make something of yourself. 

Of course, the second you had told Eddie your thoughts he'd been on board. Rockstars always move to the city before they make it big. That's just a fact. Axl Rose. Malcolm and Angus Young. Lemmy. They all made it big after they moved away from home, Baby. But then, he'd failed his senior year, and you'd made a point of sticking around until he graduated. He couldn't drop out just because being Hawkins for an extra year slowed your plans. So, you'd gotten a job, doing the bagging at a grocery store, and you'd saved every penny in the hopes of getting an apartment when you finally got out. 

And every spare moment was spent with Eddie. Whether you were helping him study for a test or laying with your head in his lap whilst he planned his DnD campaigns. But your favourite moments were always in his van, cruising around town with music blaring. It was almost enough to keep you from leaving Hawkins altogether. It was that little taste of freedom that you had always been so desperate for.

But then, a couple of weeks back, you'd started feeling queazy all the time, and you were practically always exhausted. And you hadn't quite been able to put your finger on it until one evening whilst you were on one of your drives, your head leaning against the window as you watched the world go flying by. 

"Baby," Eddie had murmured, turning down the music as you tore your eyes away from the road in front of you to look over at him in the driver's seat. "What'cha thinking about?" 

You let out a soft, sigh, pulling your legs up under yourself in the passenger seat. "I'm just trying to do some quick maths-"

He let out a snort of laughter. "You are such a nerd," he teased, grinning until he glanced over at you, your face contorted with worry. "Not that I think that's a bad thing," he pressed on, trying to dig himself out of a hole he had never even gotten himself into.

"Not school maths," you corrected, biting down on your bottom lip. "Life maths. Period maths." 

His brow furrowed slightly, and then his eyes widened. "Are you-" his words trailed off, getting stuck in his throat. "When you were being sick the other day and you said it was a stomach bug?"

"I don't know. I'm only a few weeks late-" You swallowed around the lump forming in your throat. "I mean, it might just be a coincidence or something?"

Eddie placed a hand on your knee, his thumb rubbing against the skin. "Deep breath, Baby," he murmured, following his own instruction as he pulled over to the side of the road. "Deep breath," he repeated, putting the van in park and finally looking at you properly. "It's okay," he told you, keeping his voice soft. "We'll go to the drug store and get a test, and then we can figure it out from there."

"If I buy a test in a drug store, everyone will know," you muttered. "Cassie works there and if she sees me buying that she'll tell everyone. Someone's bound to tell my parents-"

He nodded slightly, looking a little lost at how worked up you were getting. "Then we can drive to Princeton," he started. "If we leave now, we could get there and back before dark. No one there will know us and no one here will ever know we were gone, alright, Sweetheart?" 

You took a deep shaking breath, taking his hand in yours. "You sure?" 

"I'm sure," he confirmed, leaning forward to press a gentle kiss to the side of your head before settling back into his seat and turning the van back on. "You know, this doesn't change anything, right?" 

A small confused hum slipped out of you, your brow furrowing slightly. "What?"

"This doesn't change anything. I love you. And we're going to leave Hawkins once I'm done with senior year. Whether that's just you and me or if we have another little travel companion with us."

You hesitated for a moment, your eyes fixed on him. "Aren't you scared?"

He let out a soft chuckle. "Absolutely terrified," he murmured. "But, it's a hell of a lot easier knowing I'm in this with you. We can cope with anything, can't we Baby?"

"I love you, Ed," you hummed, finally allowing a small smile to pull at your lips. Because he was right. If you were pregnant, it wouldn't be part of the plan, but you would make it work. Together.

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