Billy Hargrove X Reader - Somebody Else (Part 2)

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A/N- Guess what? It's another follow-up chapter because I'm too lazy (and busy) to come up with a new dynamic to write with. P.S. Reader's mom is the type of parent I want to be. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Sweetheart?" your mother hummed, knocking lightly on the doorframe, observing you from beyond the threshold. You'd been moping around ever since you'd gotten home the night before, hesitant to say a word to your parents in case they told you that you were overreacting, or even worse, that you were right to react the way you had. But now, your mother had decided to make avoiding the topic difficult, showing up unannounced at your bedroom door. 

She took the step into the bedroom, moving to sit beside you on the bed, her hand resting on your back. You'd been laying this way for most of the morning, face down on your comforter, trying to get your head in order, but it didn't seem to actually make much of a difference. 

"Sweetheart," she pressed on again, nudging you lightly until you let out a soft grumble.

"Leave me alone-"

"Billy called the house," she interrupted. "He told me you had a fight and that he didn't think you'd want to talk, but he was worried about you, Sweetheart. He just wanted to check you were alright." 

Your breath caught in your throat. The Billy you knew couldn't have been more different from the egotistical asshole you'd been introduced to last night. Your Billy was sweet. He was caring. He was the kind of guy to call your mom because he was worried about you. But in all honesty, that just made his shift in personality even more painful. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

You pushed yourself up into a sitting position, your tear-lined eyes meeting those of your mother, and you saw her expression soften slightly at the sight. "He was a total ass," you murmured, wiping helplessly at the tears that fought to escape. 

"What'd he do?" she hummed, shifting until she was sitting more comfortably at the head of your bed, holding her arm out for you to come and join her. 

You hesitated for a moment before moving to lean against her side, resting your head on her shoulder. "He was so dismissive," you murmured. "He was acting like a totally different guy to try and impress his friends. It was horrible." She stayed quiet for a moment, waiting for you to explain further, only for a soft sigh to slip out of you. "It felt like he was somebody else," you uttered. "Like he wasn't my boyfriend suddenly because these other guys were around. It made me feel like he was embarrassed to be with me or something." 

"Did you tell him how you felt?"

Your brow furrowed slightly, biting down on the inside of your cheek as the night before replayed in your head. "He knew I was upset. And I-" your breath caught in your throat. "I told him that if that was how he wanted to act then we should break up."

"Oh, Sweetheart-"

"And even though I was being really hard on him, he walked me home. He didn't want to leave me out on my own like that." 

Your mother squeezed your shoulder. "I think you should let him try and explain," she told you softly, letting out a soft chuckle when you shot her a confused look. "I'm not saying you have to forgive him. Just hear him out." 

*Time Skip*

Billy had been at your house within 10 minutes of you calling, and you could swear that when you opened the door he looked more nervous than you had ever seen him before. 

"Hi," he hummed softly, shifting awkwardly on the spot until you moved to let him inside. 

Once you were in the privacy of your bedroom, though, some of the anxiousness seemed to fade. You had allowed him into your space. You were willing to be near him. That, at least, was a step in the right direction. 

"I- Uh-" He cleared his throat, scratching at the back of his neck. "I'm sorry about last night," he pressed on, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "I promise you, I'm not that guy anymore. I used to be, but not now. Not with you."

You let out a shaking breath. "Is this why you didn't want to go to the party? You were scared I was going to realise that you aren't the person I thought you were?"

"No, I-" he let out a soft sigh, running a hand over his face. "I am the person you think I am. I'm the guy who loves you. I am a gentleman, you know that."

"So why'd you do it?"

He hesitated for a moment. "It was stupid-"

"Tell me," you muttered. "Or go home."

A soft sigh slipped out of Billy as he slumped down onto the edge of your bed, his elbows leaning on his knees. "Tommy kept making comments about how whipped I was. Started saying that I was a pussy because I was watching the door waiting for you to show up. He was telling the guys that I let you walk all over me." He shook his head. "And I know it's dumb, but I'd been drinking at it got in my head," he pressed on. 

Your expression had softened slightly at his comments. You knew all about Billy's troubles at home. You knew about the name-calling and the way his dad tore him down at any chance he got. You knew that the focus of the verbal beatings usually came down to his masculinity. And as hurt as you had been the night before, as hurt as you were now, you could see why he'd been so desperate to prove himself in front of his friends. 

"Do you think loving your girlfriend makes you a pussy?" you murmured, watching as his eyes flickered up to look at you. 


"And do you think I walk all over you?" 

His face contorted in horror at the question. "No. Never. You wouldn't do that." 

"Then why do you care what they think?" 

He let out a soft sigh. "I don't." 

You shrugged slightly. "It sure felt like you did," you uttered. "Felt like you cared more about what they think about you than you do about how I feel." 

"I know, Baby, and I'm sorry," he repeated softly. "It won't happen again." 

You nodded slightly. "It better not." 

A small smile pulled at the corner of Billy's lips. "It won't," he confirmed quietly, shifting up to his feet to draw you into a gentle hug, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as you burrowed closer to him. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" he uttered, glancing down at you when you looked up at him with furrowed brows. "I slapped your ass pretty hard-"

A soft chuckle slipped out of you, and you shifted to press your forehead against his chest. "Idiot," you murmured softly, feeling a soft rumble of laughter slip out of him. 

"You want me to check for any bruising?" he pressed on, the teasing now clear in his voice. 

You caught his chin in your hand, rearing back to look him in the eye. "Don't push your luck," you hummed, giving him a quick kiss through his laughter. 

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