Eddie Munson X Reader - Most Girls

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Most Girls by Hailee Steinfeld. Eddie is about to get a lecture on modern feminism because I feel like he would probably need it. It's a little short, but I hope you all enjoy it.

You chuckled as you fell onto your back, the joint held delicately between your lips as Eddie watched you happily from the other side of the van. From the moment you first met him, something had just clicked. It was like you'd met the other part of your brain. The things that were usually so difficult to do seemed effortless. The difficult conversations were easy. Knowing where you stood was just a given. There was no awkwardness or anxiousness. It was just right from the very first word. 

Or at least, that was completely true up until today. And then, whilst Eddie was watching you contently puffing away on the joint he had rolled for you, he'd said one of the stupidest things you had ever heard. 

"You know, you aren't like the other girls at school," he'd murmured, smiling so softly at you that you had known that the intentions were totally pure, even if he was saying something astronomically stupid. 

You sat up a little, your brow furrowing slightly. "That isn't a compliment. You do realise that, right?"

His smile faded slightly, his expression shifting into one of confused panic, which you had never seen before. God, he could be so cute sometimes, but now was not the time to get distracted by that. 

"What?" he uttered softly.

You shrugged slightly. "Saying that I'm not like other girls isn't a compliment. Every girl is different. It's just a given." You paused for a moment, watching as the cogs started turning in his brain. "In fact, most girls are fucking incredible. I want to be like them more than anything else."

"Well, yeah, but-"

"I mean, most girls are smart and strong and beautiful. Why wouldn't I want to be like that?" 

Eddie swallowed around the lump in his throat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"I know," you interjected softly. "I'm not upset. I know what you were trying to say," you hummed, reaching out to link your fingers through his. "I'm just saying. It's not as complimentary as you might've thought it was."

He nodded, letting you tug on his arm until he had it wrapped around your shoulders. "You know, you're smart and strong and beautiful, too," he hummed, finally relaxing into your touch, pulling you closer to press a quick kiss to the side of your head. 

"I know," you agreed softly. "And so is every other girl at school, even if we are completely different on the outside. You just don't know them well enough to really see it."

He hummed out an agreement. "I'm still allowed to think you're my favourite though, right?" he uttered, drawing a snort of laughter out of you.

"Yeah, you're allowed to have a favourite," you hummed, twisting your neck to grin up at him. "You're my favourite too." 

He smiled as he drew you into a gentle kiss. "My smart, strong, beautiful lady."

You hummed out a soft agreement, lifting the joint to place it between his lips, faux-wincing as he took a deep inhale and blew the smoke back into your face. "Gross."

"Yeah, well, you know how all girls are all those things you said?" You nodded your understanding. "Well, all guys are sort of gross."

A sharp peel of laughter slipped out of you at his comment, your head resting on his shoulder. "Idiot-"

"Yeah, we're all idiots too," he added, grinning as you snorted with laughter. 

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