Eddie Munson X Pregnant!Reader - Lay It All On Me

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Lay It All On Me by Rudimental and Will Heard (the live Spotify Sessions version.) I hope you all enjoy it.

The last thing you had been expecting to see upon walking into the trailer after a long shift at work was Eddie and Wayne standing over a half-finished crib, with the rest of the pieces spread out across the floor. 

Eddie had looked up at the sound of the door opening, his brow furrowing as he saw you. "I thought you were going to call when you finished?" he murmured as you shrugged out of your jacket, hanging it up on the hook by the door.

"We closed early," you hummed, dropping your keys into the dish and throwing your bag onto the couch. 

"I was going to come and get you. How'd you get back?"

"Claire dropped me back. She only lives a couple of blocks over," you murmured, shooting him an unconvincing smile. "I'm going to take a shower; I feel gross," you added, watching as Wayne continued to fiddle with the instructions laid out in front of him, pretending that he couldn't overhear your conversation. 

"Gross like sick?" Eddie uttered, quickly getting to his feet and following you towards the bathroom. 

You let out a humourless chuckle. "Gross like I just got off of an 8-hour shift and need a shower," you corrected as you ducked into the bathroom, putting your arms on either side of the doorframe to stop him from following you inside. "I'll be a couple of minutes," you told him, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of his lips. "10 minutes tops," you added.

Eddie sighed, pushing away from the door and moving into the bedroom, returning a couple of seconds later with your pyjamas in hand. "We're almost done with the crib," he told you, his free hand moving to rest on your stomach. "We should be finished when you come back out," he added, bringing a small smile to your lips. "Shout if you need anything, alright?"

"Okay," you hummed, watching as he moved away from the doorway, letting you press it closed behind him. You let out a deep sigh once you were alone, letting the smile fall from your lips. 

It's not like you didn't love Eddie, you definitely did, more than you could ever put into words, but you were exhausted 24/7 and his nervous hovering did nothing to ease the weariness that had been growing ever since you had gotten pregnant.  

You knew he was only trying to help, trying to learn everything that he could to make sure you and the baby would be as safe and healthy as possible, and that only made it harder. You couldn't berate him when he looked so concerned for you whenever you so much as moved too fast. You couldn't chastise him for wanting what was best for your family. 

You turned on the shower, letting the hot water soothe your aching muscles. Eddie had lectured you about working such long hours already, he'd told you that the stress and physical discomfort would be bad for the baby, but you'd quickly shut down his suggestion to give up work. You were already living beyond your means as it was without losing a paycheck every month, especially with all the added extra costs that would come with the baby. It would be tough, but you were tougher, and you could cope with a few aches and pains. 

Or so you had thought. But God, you were only 6 months into your pregnancy and you already felt horrific. Your feet were swollen and your back was killing you and by the end of a shift, your mind felt like it was turning to mush. Not that you could ever tell Eddie that. It would only confirm his concerns, and then it'd end up turning into an argument that you weren't willing to have. 

"Baby," Eddie called out, knocking lightly on the door and putting his head through the gap. "I'm going to make dinner. Is pasta okay?"

You hesitated for a moment, your head poking around the shower curtain to look at him. "I'm not hungry," you murmured, offering him your sweetest smile before ducking back inside.

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