Billy Hargrove X Reader - Good Girls

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A/N - This chapter was sort of inspired by the song Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer. This is almost certainly going to be a 2 parter because it started getting too long and I was nowhere near the point in the story that I wanted to be. I hope you all enjoy it.

"I need a favour." For a moment, you had seen the cool, calm composure that Billy wore so well stutter, brow furrowing as he stared down at you in confusion. Honestly, he was pretty confident that you'd never said a word to him before. Hell, you'd never even looked in his direction before, far too busy with your nose buried in a textbook to be impressed by the antics he liked to pull. He was pretty sure that even when you came to watch the team play, you still didn't actually watch. You'd sit pretty amongst the crowd, reading some novel that he'd never even heard of and only glancing up on the rare occasion to check the score whilst your friends bounced around with nervous energy. So, sue him if he was a little shocked to find you staring up at him with the most determined look painting your features like you were ready to take on the world and win. 

"Morning, Princess," he finally hummed, forcing his charming persona back into place as he lounged back against his locker, giving you the once over as his tongue ran over his bottom lip. "What did I do right to deserve this little visit, huh?" he added, watching as you rolled your eyes at the comment. God, you looked like you totally detested him, which made your choice to come over and strike up a conversation all the more intriguing. 

"Cute," you muttered, wrinkling up your nose in frustration. "Look, my dad is being a total dick about trying to get me to apply for Harvard and I'm looking for a way to scare him into letting me choose my own college-"

"Oh no, Daddy wants to pay for you to go to one of the best colleges in the country?" he breathed out, clearly mocking you. "That's practically child abuse, you know? How will you ever survive?"

You raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to stop talking. "I should've known it was a waste of time trying to get you to help anyone-"

You turned on your heel, ready to march away until he caught your elbow and spun you back, causing you to stumble into his chest. "I didn't say I wouldn't help," he corrected. "What do you need?"

"Take me on a date," you started, watching as a slight smirk pulled at the corner of his lips.

"You know, if you just wanted to hook up, you could've asked. Didn't need all this backstory and plotting."

You let out a snort of laughter. "I wouldn't hook up with you even if you were the last man alive," you told him, offering him a sweet smile. "I think you're absolutely loathsome, which is why you're the perfect guy for the task. My dad would hate you."

He released a soft whistle, placing a hand over his heart as if he was in pain. "Breaking my heart, Baby. All I've ever wanted was Daddy's approval-"

"I haven't got time to unpack all of your Daddy issues, Billy," you muttered, rolling your eyes again. "Would you just help me out, please?"

"I'll pick you up tonight at 8," he hummed. "Wear something a little cuter, would you? The preppy look really isn't doing it for me," he added, pushing up off of the locker and sauntering away, offering you a quick wave over his shoulder. 

*Time Skip*

You'd made as much noise as possible as you hurried down the stairs, drawing your parents' attention from the TV room. 

"Where are you off to, Sweetheart?" your dad hummed, eyes following you as you wandered over to the mirror by the front door, giving your reflection a once over. 

"Just out with a friend," you murmured, sending him your sweetest smile as you heard Billy's car pull up outside, as loud as you remembered it being in the school parking lot. 

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