Eddie Munson X Reader - Dirty Little Secret

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Dirty Little Secret by All American Rejects. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"There she is," Eddie called out as you pulled open the passenger side door of his van, climbing up onto the first step to look at him. "My little saviour," he pressed on, grinning when you let out a soft sigh before climbing up the rest of the way. 

"I told you that I would help you pass Ms O'Donnal's final. This is cheating," you uttered, shaking your head in distress as you pulled the door shut behind you, still clutching onto the test answers so tightly that your knuckles were turning white. 

Eddie hesitated for a moment, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "Barely," he corrected, though you weren't sure that either of you were convinced. "It'll be doing her a favour too; she hates having me in her class."

"It's wrong."

"It's one test," he reminded you with a small shrug. "And then I'm out of this place anyway. Come on, Study-Buddy; don't damn me to another senior year."

You stared at him for a second before letting out one of the most disgruntled sighs Eddie had ever heard. "Fine. But if I get caught-"

"You aren't going to get caught, Sweetheart," Eddie hummed, plucking the test answers from your hand and scanning over the quickly before nodding. "It's not like I'd sell you out," he added softly. "Wouldn't want to sully your perfect little reputation."

You nodded, clearing your throat slightly. "Are people going to suspect something's up if I just leave now?" you murmured, your eyes following the steady flow of people walking past the van.

"Nah, Baby, they'll probably think you're just buying a little bit of weed?"

Your eyes widened, your head shooting to look at Eddie in horror, drawing a snort of laughter out of him. "But, I-"

"Don't sweat it. I've got to hang around for a while anyway. You can just sit here until the parking lot clears out," he chuckled. "It'll just look like two friends shooting the shit," he added, lifting his arm to rest it along the back of the passenger seat. "Or, if you really want to convince them you aren't doing anything super evil," he started softly, tapping his fingertips against your headrest. 

"I do; anything," you immediately interrupted, sitting up a little straighter to look him dead in the eye. 

Eddie's tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip, a small smile spreading across his features. "I was just going to say we could make out a little bit. No one will suspect a thing if they think we're just hooking up." 

"Oh," you murmured, your breath catching in your throat. You'd always thought Eddie was cute. I mean, Hell, you'd gone against everything you stood for to help him cheat on an exam, just because he's asked it of you. And you'd always wondered what it would be like to kiss him.

"We don't have to," Eddie hummed softly, shrugging slightly. "It was just an idea."

"I'm not-" you paused for a moment, clearing your throat. "I'm not very experienced or anything," you started again, your eyes darting down to look at your hands, clasped together in your lap. 

"That's okay, Sweetheart," he uttered, his hand shifting ever so slightly to brush over your shoulder. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

You swallowed down the nerves building in your throat before looking at him. "I do want to," you finally uttered, watching a small smirk form in the corners of Eddie's mouth as he watched your shy movements. "I just need you to tell me what to do," you added softly, smiling sweetly at him when he took your hand out of your lap, drawing it up to his mouth to kiss the back of it. 

"I'll teach you, Baby," he hummed out, drawing you closer by your joined hands until he could cup your cheek in his palm. "God, you're so pretty," he murmured, leaning in just close enough that his lips brushed yours. 

Your eyes fluttered closed at the sensation. "Eddie," you murmured, drawing a soft snort out of him. 

"It's okay, Baby. I've got you." And then, Eddie was kissing you, his lips pressed to yours so gently that it made your heart skip a beat. When he pulled away, he was looking at you with such softness in his eyes, as if you were the most incredible thing he had ever seen. "Come here, Pretty Girl," he hummed, sitting back in his seat and guiding you closer until he had you sitting in his lap, staring down at him with a doe-eyed expression. 

He drew you down into another kiss, deeper this time, the tips of his fingers slipping into your hair, keeping you close to him. 

When he pulls out again, he could swear that you whined, your hands balled up in his t-shirt in an attempt to stop him from pulling away. 

"Jesus fucking Christ," he muttered, his hands lowering to rest on your thighs, rubbing gently at whatever bare skin he could find without pushing up your skirt. "You are so fucking hot," he pressed on, leaning up to press a kiss to your neck. "So fucking pretty for me," he mumbled against the skin there, making a soft giggle slip out of you. 

He hesitates for a moment, leaning back to check the clock on the dashboard. 

"Shit," he uttered, letting his head fall back against the headrest. 

Your brow furrowed slightly. "What's wrong?"

"I've got to get to a job," he murmured. 

"A job?"

He sighed softly, lifting his hand to caress your cheek ever so lightly. "Yeah, Baby. If I don't show up, people start looking for new suppliers. It's bad for business," he told you, leaning up to peck your lips again. "Will you stay right here for me, Pretty Girl? I won't be long, I promise," he hummed, his thumb running over your bottom lip as you stared down at him. 

"How long?"

"10 minutes. 15 tops. I'll be as quick as I can," he told you, letting his hands drop back to your thighs. 

You looked as though you were considering his proposition, your head tipping to the side ever so slightly. "You promise you'll come back."

"God, Sweetheart, you've got to be kidding, right?" he uttered, shifting forward slightly in his seat, his arm wrapping around your middle to stop you from bumping into the steering wheel. "If I could stay right here, I wouldn't ever leave," he pressed on, pressing a quick kiss to your collarbone before helping you out of his lap as elegantly as he could manage. "I promise I'll be quick," he added softly, cupping your cheek one last time before releasing you. 

"Then I'll wait right here," you confirmed, biting down on your bottom lip. 

"That's my pretty girl," he hummed, sending you the most devastatingly gorgeous smile you had ever seen. "There's some blankets and stuff in the back," he told you. "Some snacks. Some sodas. A couple of magazines too, I think. Make yourself at home, Baby."

You smiled, kneeling up to look over into the back of the van, finding the little set-up just like he'd said. "Come back soon," you called out, letting out a sharp giggle when he lurched forward to give you a final kiss before opening the van door and climbing out. 

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