Steve Harrington X Henderson!Reader - Jealous

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Jealous by Nick Jonas. Reader is Dustin's older sister and has been secretly dating Steve for over a year. I hope you all enjoy it.

"So, are we going to talk about it?" Dustin murmured, leaning forward in his seat, his face directly in between you and Steve. Your brow furrowed as you tried to keep your focus on the house Max had just walked into. 

"Sorry?" Steve murmured, shifting in his seat to look back at Dustin. "Talk about what?"

Dustin raised his eyebrows. "You're temporary insanity earlier today when you basically threw yourself at Nance-"

"Okay, first of all, that's not what happened-" Steve tried to start, and you couldn't help the frown pulling at your lips or the anxiety bubbling in your chest. You had always known that Steve had loved Nancy once, but part of you had just assumed that by the time you two had started dating he'd gotten over it. Now, you weren't so sure. Dustin was right. Steve had been all too excited to go trailing after her like some lost puppy. I mean, he hadn't even stopped to consider you, or anyone else for that matter.

"It was pretty public. There were, like, a lot of witnesses," Dustin pressed on, almost wincing at how true his own words were.

Steve shook his head. "Are you implying that I still have a thing for Nance?"

"No," Dustin hummed softly, shaking his head. "I'm not implying; I'm stating. And as it relates to your steadfast refusal to date Robin, it's pretty much the only logical explanation."

You could feel your chest tightening as the conversation pressed on, your stomach turning over as you tried to calm yourself. You forced the words to fade out of your mind as your brother and boyfriend continued their argument. 

Sure, you had never been as popular as Nancy had been. You'd never been as smart or charismatic or loved as she had been, but Steve had always told you that it didn't make a difference. Now, you weren't so certain. After all, if you were the second choice, she was always going to come first, and if there was even a single thought in his head that she was interested again, he would drop you in a second and go running back to her. 

"Y/N," Steve murmured and you blinked away tears that you hadn't even realised were forming, your head leant against the car window. "Hey," he started again, placing a hand on your elbow. "You're breathing really weirdly. You need to take a deep breath-"

"I'm fine."

"Is it the Vecna stuff?" Dustin started behind you, shuffling around on the back seat until he could press his face into the gap between the edge of the car and your headrest. "He's not coming after you, is he?"

You shook your head, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "No, Dusty. I'm just-" you paused, letting out a soft sigh. "I'm tired." 

"There's a coffee place down the road," Dustin murmured. "Right on the corner. And Max is going to take forever, anyway. Do you want me to go get you a coffee?" 

Steve was watching you carefully, watching as you wiped at the tears brimming in your eyes as inconspicuously as possible. "That sounds like a good idea. Some caffeine will do her a world of good," he uttered, shifting in his seat to pull out his wallet and throwing it at Dustin. "Get her something with sugar in it too," he added.

Dustin didn't even hesitate, slipping out of the car with a tight grip on Steve's wallet. 

"Baby," Steve murmured, as soon as Dustin was a safe enough distance from the car. "He was talking out of his ass, you know that right?" You stayed silent, head still resting against the cool glass of the window. "I don't like Nancy. I was just trying to-" he let out a soft sigh, his words trailing off. "You know how I get. I hate the idea of any of these idiots going off alone. She's our friend. I didn't want her to get hurt."

"It's fine," you breathed out, a soft sniffle slipping out of you as you keep your back to him.

"It's clearly not fine," he told you, reaching out to rub your back lightly. "Baby, I just need to know that you don't hate me."

"How could I ever hate you?" you uttered. "She was there first right? She staked her claim on you before either of you even knew I existed."

Steve's hand stopped moving, his fingers only lingering on you for a second before pulling back. "She doesn't have a claim on me. I don't love her; I love you. I want you." He sighed, leaning forward to wrap a hand around your wrist, unfurling you from your little ball of misery. "Please look at me, Baby. I need you to see how much I mean what I'm saying-"

You finally let him pull you around to face him, your eyes red and lined with tears. 

"Baby, I love you more than anyone in the world. I love you more than life itself. And I certainly don't love Nancy Wheeler, alright?" He paused for a moment, lifting his hand to brush the tears from your cheek. "Maybe there was a time where I thought I did, but then I met you and I realised that I had been a total idiot before. I didn't know what love was until I found you."

You gulped down air, nodding slightly as he leaned forward to press his forehead to yours. "I'm sorry for getting so worked up," you breathed out. 

"Don't apologise for that, Sweetheart," he hummed. "Although, I might expect an apology when Dustin gets back. Depends on how much of my money he spends on junk food and coffee."

A soft chuckle slipped out of you as he pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. "Your wallet's going to be empty," you teased, watching as he smiled at you. 

"Yeah, but it's worth it if it means getting you to myself for a little while, huh?"

"Even though I'm a crying mess?"

His thumb brushed over your cheek. "As long as your my crying mess, it doesn't matter."

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