Eddie Munson X Reader - I'm With You

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song I'm With You by Avril Lavigne. I hope you all enjoy it.

9 pm at the bridge on Hurst Street. That had been the plan. Eddie would go to Hellfire and then he would come here to pick you up and you could go back to the trailer and watch a movie. It was the typical Friday night plan. It always had been, from the moment you and Eddie had started dating. And, even though he could get a little caught up in all the fun of Hellfire, he had never once been late. 

You risked a glance at your watch. 9.23. He could still have been coming, but you doubted that he would ever leave you out in the rain on your own, especially not after dark. 

There was a part of you that wanted to give up on waiting. You were in desperate need of a hot shower to chase the cold out of your bones and your Mom would happily make you one of her world-famous teas to warm you up too. But the idea of Eddie showing up to meet you and not being able to find you was enough to curb your thoughts of leaving. So, you waited. And waited. And waited. 

It wasn't until a car pulled up beside you that you realised just how stupid it was to be standing out on the street alone like this. And then the window rolled down and Dustin Henderson was staring at you in disbelief. 


You lifted a hand, offering his Mom a quick wave before returning your attention to Dustin. "Hey."

"I thought Eddie left to pick you up after Hellfire," he murmured. "It's almost 10:30." 

You could feel the frustration building up in your chest. "I was just about to head home-"

"Sweetie," his Mom started, leaning across him to offer you a sweet smile. "Hop in the back; we'll drop you home." 

You hesitated for a moment. "Get in," Dustin added. "She lives over on Redwood."

"It's only a couple of blocks-"

"Sweetie, you're only one street over from us and I'd feel awful leaving you out here all alone."

You nodded, finally giving in and climbing into the backseat. The rest of the car journey was made up of Dustin telling you and his Mom about the campaign that had ended that evening and how incredible Erica had been in the game. And when they'd finally pulled up in front of your house you'd felt nothing but relief. You didn't want to listen to him talk about how incredible your boyfriend was right now when he'd abandoned you out on the street on your own. 

As soon as you were through the front door, slamming it as you went, your mother was hot on your tail, trailing up the stairs behind you. "I thought you were staying at Eddie's tonight-"

"I was," you bit out, picking up the pace slightly as you darted into your bedroom, dumping your sodden backpack on the ground.

"What happened?" 

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, looking at her for just a second before shrugging. "He didn't show up."

"Oh, Sweetheart," she murmured, pulling you into one of the most uncomfortable hugs you'd ever experienced. You didn't want physical affection right now. You wanted to be miserable. You wanted to be angry. You wanted to change out of your wet clothes and take a shower so hot that it burned away the memory of being all alone outside. 

You pulled yourself out of the embrace, grabbing your pyjama's from under your pillow and disappearing into the bathroom, waiting silently for your mother to leave so that you could cry in peace.

*Time Skip*

You'd slept horrendously that night, torn between being angry at Eddie and worrying about where he could've possibly gotten to. Part of you knew he would never ditch you like that on purpose. He would hate the idea of you getting more and more anxious as you waited for him to show up. But you couldn't deny that he hadn't turned up and that only made you more frustrated.

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