Jonathan Byers X Reader- Everywhere

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Everywhere by Fleetwood Mac. For anyone who doesn't know me; Fleetwood Mac is one of my favourite bands to listen to. I always loved using them for a little bit of inspiration on my writing, and with Stranger Things being super 80s, it just seems to work even better. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had been in a world of your own as you puttered around the kitchen, attempting to rustle up some sort of breakfast with practically no ingredients. The cupboards and fridge were both practically empty. Milk, but no Cereal. Eggs, but no bread. And then, hidden away on the top shelf was a box of pancake mix, clearly long forgotten. And, luckily enough for you, it was still in date. 

You were standing over the hob, completely focused on the pancake in front of you, making sure it wouldn't burn and spoil breakfast for you and the boys. And then the camera had flashed and you'd practically jumped out of your skin.

"Jesus Christ, Jonathan," you cried out, shooting him a wild glare as you placed your hand over your racing heart. "What is wrong with you, sneaking up on a girl like that?" 

He was clearly trying to hide the smile that was fighting its way to the surface, coming a little further into the kitchen and wrapping his arms around your middle as you turned back to the pan. "I'm sorry," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. "You just looked so pretty, wearing my sweater and cooking me breakfast. It'll be a cute picture."

"You could at least warn me," you grumbled, trying your hardest to ignore the kisses he was pressing to your skin. 

"It wouldn't have looked real if I'd warned you." He paused for a moment, leaning forward just enough to catch your eyes. "This way I've got the real you. The natural you that only I get to see. And she is so damn pretty-"

You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at him. "You're an idiot."

"Even an idiot can see how gorgeous you are," he murmured, pressing a final kiss to your cheek before pulling away from you to find the juice in the fridge. "Is Will up yet?"

You shook your head, slipping the final pancake onto a plate and meeting him at the table. "Your Mom said he'd probably sleep late today. It was a long session of DnD at Mike's last night. They didn't get back until gone ten." You watched on affectionately as Jonathan chose a pancake, cutting into it and taking a bite with an appreciative hum.

The two of you ate in comfortable silence, enjoying the rare peaceful moment in a home full of loving chaos. 

"What are your plans for today?" Jonathan started softly, gathering up the dishes and taking them to the sink. 

You hummed, your head tipped backwards to keep him in your line of sight as he began running the washing-up water. "I don't have any," you murmured. "The girls are going to see that new Molly Ringwald movie, but I told them that you'd already taken me to see it and they sorta just kept making plans without me." You shrugged slightly. 

"I really didn't picture Melanie and Stacy being fans of The Breakfast Club." he uttered, turning off the water and moving up behind you, rubbing at your shoulders. 

"Neither did I," you told him. "But I guess I've not been spending much time with them lately," you hummed, shrugging again, even though their sudden shift in attitude towards you had been bothering you. "Doesn't matter," you added softly. "What are your plans?"

"I was going to go use the dark room at school, but if you aren't doing anything we could-"

"I've never been in the dark room before," you interrupted. "Would it spoil your fun if I tagged along?" 

A small smile pulled at Jonathan's lips as you leant back to smile up at him, and he quickly dipped down to kiss you. "You're always welcome. No matter where I'm going."

You straightened up with a bright grin on your features. "I should go get changed-"

"No," he grumbled, balling his hands into fists in the fabric of the sweater he'd practically donated to you the first night you'd stayed over. "You look so pretty in this," he pressed on, pulling you back towards him and drawing a high pitched squeal out of you and you stumbled into his arms. 

"Jonathan," you chastised, though the lilt in your voice made it clear that you weren't really all that mad at his affectionate actions. "I can't go out like this," you pressed on, turning yourself around in his grip, and reaching up to grab his cheeks, squeezing them together and you pressed a kiss to his lips. "I'll be five minutes."

"Sure, you will. More like thirty five."

"Five minutes," you repeated, finally wriggling out of his grip and dashing towards his bedroom, leaving him grinning to himself in the kitchen. 

*Time Skip*

"So," you mumbled, glancing around at the photo equiptment as Jonathan fiddled with his camera. "Why's it called a dark room when they could call it a red room? It's be more accurate-"

He let out a soft snort of laughter. "If it was completely dark, you wouldn't be able to see what you were doing." 

"That doesn't answer my question," you muttered, moving up behind him to look over his shoulder at the pictures that he'd started hanging up. Right there, in the middle of the collection, was the one of you in his kitchen. He was right, it really was a pretty picture. "You know how you told me that you like pictures because they say things?" you murmured. Jonathan hummed out an agreement. "What does this one say?" you pressed on, pointing at your picture. 

Jonathan scooted his chair backwards, drawing you around in front of him to stand you between his knees. He quickly plucked the photo down, holding it in front of you. "This one says that you love me," he hummed. "You're standing there, in my sweater, in my kitchen, making breakfast for me and my kid brother, even though you detest cooking, because you love me." 

He reached over you, pulling down another photo. "And this one," he murmured, holding it up for you to see. "Says that you are one of the most important people in my life." 

The picture was one you hadn't noticed before, hadn't even noticed being taken. It was of you and Joyce, huddled together over a photo album, with Will leaning over your shoulder to see what you were looking at. And the three of you looked so happy that you were practically glowing.  

"I'm pretty sure we were laughing at a picture of you, there," you teased, blinking back happy tears. "Making fun of that picture where you had the gap tooth-" your words trailed off. "I really like it," you finally told him, lowering the photo just enough to lean in and kiss him. "If I knew how to work a camera, I'm pretty sure all of my photos would be of you," you added. 

He hummed softly. "You're too pretty to be behind the camera," he murmured. "It's hard to take a bad picture with a muse as pretty as you." 

"Idiot," you chuckled, drawing him into another kiss. 

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