Steve Harrington X Henderson!Reader - Love Grows

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) by Edison Lighthouse. Reader is Dustin's older sister in this one. I really struggled with writing this one and it ended up coming to a really sudden close because I just couldn't make any of it sound good to me, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway. 

You'd spent most of the short hike to Skull Rock in total silence, watching Dustin from a distance. It was still pretty shocking that he was even wrapped up in this entire mess, but now, you could see exactly why his behaviour had been so strange over the last couple of years. 

It wasn't until darkness had fallen and you'd reached Lover's Lake that you'd finally started talking. Eddie had already given Dustin a light shove, keeping him on dry land. "You trying to sink us? This thing holds three people, tops."

You were quick to copy, pulling Dustin away from the boat entirely and back onto shore. "You stay here," you told him firmly. "Keep an eye out for any trouble."

"You keep an eye out," he bit back, watching as you raised an eyebrow at him in frustration. "It's my Goddamn theory."

"Hey," Steve uttered, fixing your brother with a firm look. "You heard Y/N; you stay here."

"Who put her in charge?"

"I did," Steve told him, holding out a hand to help you step into the boat. "Now, do as you're told and stay here," he added.

You held out your hand to Dustin. "Compass," you uttered, watching as he sulked, fishing the device from his pocket and shoving it into your grip. Steve waited for you to sit yourself down before pushing off of the shore, climbing in behind you. 

"You said three," he yelped, gesturing to the now overcrowded boat. 

"Sorry," Steve murmured back.

Dustin looked mad, madder than you had ever seen him before, shaking his head disapprovingly as you rowed away.

"Bedtime at nine, Kiddos," Robin called out with a bright grin, only adding insult to injury. 

Dustin quickly flipped her the bird, watching as your eyes widened in horror. "I'm telling mom," you called out. "You know how she feels about your swearing," you added loudly, only receiving a middle finger of your own in response. 

"Miss you already," Robin pressed on, waving wildly from behind you. 

"Sorry about that," Steve finally hummed, drawing your attention to him. "The swearing," he explained. "I don't think I'm the best influence."

You chuckled, shaking your head. "He's been swearing since he was ten; I highly doubt it was all your doing," you told him, offering up a soft smile. "Besides, he's a teenager. We all swear, right? It's just that mom doesn't like hearing it come from her sweet little Dusty."

"Sweet?" Steve snorted. "She thinks he's sweet?"

You shrugged. "She doesn't know him as well as she thinks she does," you explained. "But then again, I guess I didn't either. I mean, how can he be running around fighting monsters and neither of us noticed?"

"I'm kind of impressed. He's a horrendous liar-"

"The worst," you confirmed. "Which is why it all seems so-" you paused, letting out a sharp sigh. "I don't know, it just doesn't make sense. How hasn't the police noticed you guys doing this stuff?"

"Government cover-up. Local police don't get involved-" he hesitated. "Well, I mean, Hopper was before, you know?" Your brow furrowed in confusion. "I promise, I'll make Dustin sit you down and explain it all once we fix whatever is going on this time. He understands it better than I do. He'll make it make sense." 

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