Eddie Munson X Reader - Rockstar

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Rockstar by Nickleback because I hadn't heard it in a lifetime and when I did, I immediately thought of Eddie. Sorry, it's been a couple of days, but this Christmas has been a pretty hectic one. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You released a soft grumble as you woke up, your head nuzzled into Eddie's chest where you'd fallen asleep an hour ago, listening to him reading through one of his old music magazines. It was impressive how he could read the same thing over and over and never get bored of it. 

"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," he hummed, letting go of the magazine with one hand to brush your hair back out of your face, sending you a sweet, teasing smile. "Good nap?"

You nodded, burrowing even closer to him in the already close proximity of his couch, where you'd chosen to cuddle up. "What are you reading?" you finally murmured, eyes peeking up at him. 

"Just Darkstar," he told you, lifting it for you to see the front cover, a small smile pulling at your lips. 

"He kinda looks like you," you hummed, lifting a finger to poke the face of the man on the cover. 

Eddie's brow furrowed slightly, turning the magazine around to look at who you meant. "Jorma Kaukonen?"

"Yep," you murmured, still smiling. 

"The dude from Jefferson Airplane?" he pressed again, watching you as you let out a soft giggle.

"Yes," you confirmed. "If that's who that is, then yes." You paused for a moment, seeing Eddie's scrunched-up expression. "He's sorta hot, Baby. Not as hot as you, obviously, but-"

He let out a snort of laughter. "I don't care about him being hot, he's just boring."


"He's boring. Look at him," he uttered, prodding at the cover. "He's not a rockstar, he's just a dude with a guitar."

You tried to hold back the eye roll, you really did, but it still escaped as you slumped back down onto Eddie's chest. "Okay, Rockstar."

"I will be one day," he told you, brushing your hair back.


"Yeah," he confirmed. "I want to be a real rockstar."

You'd had this conversation a million times before. Eddie's dream to be one of the most famous, talented rockstars in the world was something that had always brought you so much joy, and you always enjoyed hearing it. 

"So, what do you want?"

"I want a big old house, big enough for the two of us and all of our friends so that they can stay when they come out to California to see us," he started, glancing down at you to find you already grinning up at him. "One of those giant bathrooms too. And a tub so big that you'd always have space to come a join me," he pressed on, dropping the magazine off of the side of the couch to wrap his arms around you, his hand lingering on your hip. 

"What else?"

Eddie paused as if he was thinking, even though he knew the answers by heart already. "A credit card with no limit. And a beautiful private jet, so that I can take you all over the place," he stopped for a moment, knowing that you already knew what was coming next. "We could even join the mile-high club," he pressed on. "Not in some shitty little bathroom, either. In a proper bed in a private bedroom. I'd treat you so good-"

"You already treat me good," you interrupted. "Come on, what else?"

"Two tour buses. One for the band and one for me and you. And a star on Hollywood Boulevard."

"Right between James Dean and Cher," you confirmed.

He nodded. "Right there." He chuckled to himself as he thought about the next part, shaking his head. "And I'd have my favourite little Golddigger right there on my arm, wouldn't I?"

"Golddigger?" you uttered, your head shooting up to look at him in faux shock, even though you knew he was just messing around. "Baby, you think any sane Golddigger would date you as a teenager?" you added, listening to the soft bubble of laughter he let out. 

"I didn't say you were sane," he pressed on, dragging you up so that you were sitting fully in his lap, grinning down at him. "But I'd still buy you all the nicest things. Shoes and bags and clothes. You'd be wearing all the best designers, Princess," he told you, his hands moving to rest on your hips, his thumbs pushing up the hem of your shirt to brush over the soft flesh underneath. "I'd take you to all the best places too. Paris. London. New York. Just tell me a place and I'll take you," he pressed on, grinning when you leant down to kiss him. "Sound good?"

You shrugged slightly as you sat back up, your hands splayed on his chest. "Sounds alright," you hummed. "Think it'd sound better if I was your wife, rather than just a Golddigger," you added, a little half smile pulling at the corner of your lips. 

"Oh, you want a ring too, huh?" he teased, squeezing your hips and drawing a peel of laughter out of you. "Believe me, Baby. I don't need to be a rockstar to put a ring on that pretty finger of yours," he told you. "I'm gonna do that, no matter what."


"Yeah, just give me some time to save up for a real pretty one for you, okay?"

"Okay," you agreed softly, biting down on your bottom lip as you grinned at him. 

He was smiling up at you when he sat up, wrapping both arms around you. "As if I'd ever want another woman in my life. You're my own personal playboy bunny. You're hot as fuck." He paused for a moment, his nose brushing yours. "And, you're smart as hell. You'll be the only reason I'll get big enough to be a rockstar. You're basically my manager already."

You hummed out an agreement. "I was actually thinking about that," you told him, sitting back a bit so that he would have to look at you properly. "I was wondering whether I should take some business courses next semester and then I could actually be your manager. Keep it in the family, save us losing out money to someone else when you really start trying to make it."

He hesitated for a moment, a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. "You'd do that for me?"

"Course I would," you murmured. "You're going to be my husband, right? I want to make sure you haven't got anyone taking advantage of that massive talent of yours."

"Oh baby," he hummed softly, drawing you back in for another kiss. "You're an angel, you know that?" he murmured against your lips, feeling you grin. 

"Better than some golddigger, huh?"

"Way better."

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