Billy Hargrove X Munson!Reader - Black Betty (Part 2)

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A/N - Another little follow-up chapter, because the creativity levels are currently running on empty. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were sitting in Billy's car with your arms crossed over your chest, your eyes staring straight forward at Lover's Lake, trying to figure out just how long you would have to stick around for this to actually be considered a date. I mean, this was far from ideal. You wanted nothing more than to be at home, as far away from the boy beside you as you could possibly be. But here you were, nonetheless, with Billy growing a little agitated beside you at your stony silence. 

"Are you going to talk to me?" he muttered, watching you carefully as your eyes flickered away from the view in front of you to look at him for just a second. You raised a single eyebrow, a simple gesture that asked him whether he thought you were really in a chatty mood. "I'll take that as a no," he murmured, shifting his seat back a little further as he let out a disgruntled sigh, reaching forward to flip the radio on. "So," he hummed, pausing for a moment as he searched for anything that he could say that would make you actually talk to him. "That car is really something, huh?" he pressed on. 

You nodded slightly, turning your attention back to the lake, watching the way the surface rippled under the gentle breeze. 

"So, you and Eddie grew up with your uncle, right?" 

Your head had turned towards him so suddenly, that Billy had flinched slightly, your eyes glaring right into his soul. "Change the subject," you told him, your voice firm as you stared him down. 

Billy nodded slightly, clearing his throat. "So, what do you do for fun?"

You faltered for a moment. There it was, an open-ended question that you couldn't just nod or shake your head at. "I read," you uttered, sitting back a little further in your seat.

"What do you read?"

You rolled your eyes slightly, scoffing. "Books-"

"Do you really have to make this so difficult?" Billy breathed out. "I picked you up. I opened your door for you. I'm being nice. I'm asking you questions. I'm doing all the shit that guys are supposed to do on dates. Could you at least try and have fun?" 

You hesitated for a moment, shifting awkwardly in your seat. "I read basically anything," you murmured. "Sci-fi, Horror, Romance, History." You paused for a moment. "Do you read?"

A small smile pulled at the corner of Billy's mouth, his head rolling to the side until he was looking at you. "I've read some of the shit they give us for school," he hummed. "Does that count?"

"Depends. Did you finish them?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of Billy. "I finished Gatsby," he told you. 

"Everyone finished Gatsby; It was a pretty short book." 

"I almost finished To Kill a Mockingbird," he pressed on. 

Your brow furrowed slightly. "Almost?"

"Yeah," he murmured. "Got like halfway through and then Tommy told me how it ended, so I gave up."

A snort of laughter slipped out of you as you shook your head. "Wow-"

"I should get credit for trying," he pressed on. "Because those books were boring as all Hell."

"Or maybe you should try reading less boring books?" 

Billy shrugged slightly. "I could do that, but I also kind of prefer going to parties, you know? Having fun with real people?" he teased, watching as you rolled your eyes at him. "If you roll those eyes of yours one more time, It's going to drive me crazy, you know that?"

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