Eddie Munson X Reader - Pity Party

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Pity Party by Melanie Martinez. Reader is also resitting her senior year but is a year younger than Eddie. Set just before the start of Season 4. I hope you all enjoy it.

The last thing that Eddie had been expecting when he pulled up outside your house was utter silence. I mean, you'd been excited about hosting your birthday house party for well over a month, chatting his ear off non-stop about the decorations and the cake and the music. God, you'd been buzzing for weeks. Which is why your house should've been anything but silent. He'd been expecting drunk teens littering the yard and music playing from every window, but the entire house was dark. 

As he got out of the van and made his way up the front path, he wondered whether he'd gotten the wrong night. He was certain that you'd said the Friday night, he'd had to negotiate around Hellfire with it, promising to come straight over when he was done with the night's campaigning. No, it was definitely tonight, so where the fuck was everyone?

He knocked loudly, waiting impatiently for you to come to the door. But after a few moments with no response, he knocked again, banging his fist loudly against the wood of the door. 

"Baby," he called out, ducking down to push open the mail slit and glancing in, finding the hallway pitch black. "Y/N, Baby?" he called again, peering into the darkness in the hopes of seeing any movement inside the house. 

When he still didn't get a response, he did what he did best and snuck in. The spare key was where it always was, tucked under a plant pot on your porch. It had actually been your mom who had told him where it was kept, back when you'd first invited him to meet your parents. We'd rather you just let yourself in than hurt yourself trying to scale the side of the house, Sweetheart. When he'd given her a horrified look she'd chuckled. We were all teenagers once, she'd reminded him, and Y/N's a smart girl. We trust her, which means we trust you too.

He unlocked the front door, creeping his way inside almost silently. The decorations were all up, hanging prettily from the eaves of the house, the way he'd helped you hang them yesterday night. And when he wandered into the living room, the snacks you'd insisted on getting were all set out on the coffee table, but still, there were no party goers and definitely no you.

"Baby?" he called out again. "You here?" 

He heard sniffling coming from the kitchen, so soft that if he hadn't been listening out for it he was certain he would've missed it. He toed his way into the kitchen, glancing around aimlessly in the dark before giving in and hitting the light switch, throwing light across the room. 

It was then that he found you, sitting on the cold tile floor with your back to the kitchen counter, head balanced awkwardly on your knees as you sobbed quietly to yourself. 

"Y/N, what's going on?"

Your eyes flickered up to find him looking over the kitchen island at you, brow furrowed tightly. 

"No one came," you breathed out. "The party was supposed to start 2 hours ago and no one came," you uttered again, letting another sob wrack through your body. Eddie was quick to move after that, rounding the counter to come and kneel in front of you. "They said they'd come," you muttered. "When I gave out the invites they all acted so excited and said they'd show up-"

Eddie didn't have any idea what to say. He'd always been the freak, the one on the sidelines who no one wanted anything to do with. But you? You were different. You'd been pretty popular before you'd started dating him. You'd been friends with cheerleaders and jocks. You'd gone to all the house parties and pep rallies. And now, they'd all ditched you on your fucking birthday and it was all because of him. 

"I was stupid, right?" you breathed out. "It was dumb to think that any of them would actually show up?"

"No," he hummed, his hands resting on your knees as you frowned up at him. "It wasn't stupid. They're stupid for not coming because this was going to be the most incredible party in the history of Hawkins High, right?" 

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, forcing a small smile. "Right."

"And it's their loss. But guess what? This way, we get to eat all the cake by ourselves-"

"It'll make us sick to eat an entire cake," you interrupted, raising an eyebrow at him. 

"You underestimate the strength of my stomach," he murmured. "It's still early," he added softly. "We could go out somewhere, show off this pretty little dress of yours," he pressed on, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. "I'll get you some ice cream-"

You shook your head. "I don't feel like it."

"Okay," he told you, brushing the tears off of your face before shuffling to sit beside you, his arm resting around your shoulders. "Then we can just sit here for a while. Until you're ready to get up, yeah?"

You leant in, resting your head against him. "Thank you."

He pressed a quick kiss to the side of your head. 

You were finally starting to calm down when you heard muttering coming from the front of the house, your entire body tensing up as Eddie shifted to his feet. 

"You're sure this is the right house? Because if it isn't, this is technically just breaking and entering and I'm not getting a record just because you're an idiot."

"This is the right place-"

"Then where is everyone, Henderson?"

"Eddie," a voice called out. "Told you this was the right place."

"Where's the party?" 

You lifted up on your knees, looking over the kitchen island to see a collection of kids standing in the doorway, led by Dustin. 

"Happy Birthday, Y/N," he called out, sending you a bright smile. "Hope you don't mind; I brought some friends with me. But we got you a present," he told you, holding up a gift bag in victory.

"You guys came?"

Dustin looked a little confused. "Yeah, why wouldn't we come? We're your friends."

You were on your feet in an instant, rounding the island and tugging him into a tight hug. Eddie had his hand on your back a moment later, rubbing up your spine. "Okay, Baby, let him go. He can't breathe," he hummed softly, letting you lean into his side when you released Dustin.

"Sorry," you murmured. "The party's going to be lame. No one else showed-"

"The decorations are really cute," Robin hummed, pointing up at the pastel streamers hanging from the ceiling. "Did you do them yourself?"

You nodded. "Eddie helped," you started softly. 

"Told you people would like 'em," he muttered into your hair, watching as a small smile pulled at your lips. "Come on, tonight'll be fun. Go get the music going, Baby."

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