Billy Hargrove X Reader - Last Name (Part 2)

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A/N - This chapter is the highly-requested follow-up to another post in this book. I was listening to the song Infinity by Guru Josh Project and Klaas a lot whilst writing. I hope you all enjoy it.

There was no doubt that Billy was getting anxious about the situation you had managed to get yourselves into. Marriage was a big deal and you'd just gone waltzing into it without a care in the world. His dad was going to go mental. He'd spent the last 20 minutes or so searching his mind for any solution, pacing back and forth along the length of the bedroom. 

When he'd stopped walking, rubbing at his temples in an attempt to cure the headache that was starting to brew under the surface, his attention had strayed to you. 

You hadn't moved in some time, perched awkwardly at the foot of his bed, glaring down at the ring on your finger as though it had burned you. Hell, you looked like you were on the cusp of tears, and he hadn't been able to figure out whether they were sad or angry yet. 

"We're going to figure this out," he reassured gently, watching as your head shot up to look at him, your expression softening slightly. "I mean, we were both drunk, right? We can just go to Town Hall and get an annulment."

"I don't think it's that easy," you murmured, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "This stuff costs money," you added, shaking your head. "You still need to go through all the proper procedures-"

Billy hesitated when you let your eyes drop closed. He wasn't exactly rolling in cash at the moment, especially not the sort of cash that could pay for a lawyer. "What if we come to an agreement?"

Your brow furrowed, eyes still closed. "What?"

"I-" he stopped for a moment, clearing his throat. "I just mean, we could delay fixing this. We could keep it quiet and try dating or something-"

Your eyes shot open, focusing on him. "You're kidding, right?" You finally got to your feet, so quickly that even you looked a little surprised to be at his level so suddenly. "We can't just lie to everyone-"

"Why not?" 

"Because it's wrong."

His lips twitched into a half smile. "So's getting so drunk that you don't remember getting married, but we did that, didn't we?"

You released a frustrated sigh. "This isn't funny."

"It's a little funny," he hummed. "I mean, if it works out, this could be a story we tell our Grandkids someday-"

"Jesus Christ."

"Just trust me, okay?" he told you, catching your hand in his and stopping you from moving. "Give me a couple of months to prove to you I'm worth your time. I'll start saving some cash so that if we change our minds we can get the annulment, but if we don't it can go towards some big, luxurious holiday, or something-"

You took a deep breath, glancing down at his hand holding yours, your eyes lingering on the rings decorating your fingers. It had only just dawned on you how bizarre it was that you were both still wearing them, even after realising what had happened last night. 

"It's just a couple of months, right," he hummed, his thumb running over the back of your hand. "Who knows, you might decide that I make a good husband and want to keep me around."

Your eyes flickered back up to his, catching him already staring at you. "Don't get your hopes up," you murmured, the teasing coming so effortlessly that it brought a bright grin to his features.

*Time Skip*

"Babe?" Billy called into the apartment, kicking the door shut behind him as he made a beeline for the couch with a bag of takeout clutched to his chest. "I got dinner."

Your head appeared from the bathroom, hair still wet from the shower. "You're supposed to be saving money," you reminded him, watching as his smile faltered for a second. 

"I have a surprise for you," he pressed on, letting his smile return to full force as you wandered out into the living room in your pyjamas. It hadn't taken long for you to get comfortable with Billy. After all, he'd seen you at your most hungover within hours of meeting you and it hadn't seemed to scare him off. 

He reached out, patting the couch cushion beside him and grinning when you slumped down beside him. "What's going on?" you hummed, wrinkling your nose when he leaned in to kiss you quickly. 

"I was talking to Mr Whittacker at work this afternoon; he says he's been impressed with my attitude these last few months - thank you for that, by the way - and he offered me a new job."

Your eyes widened in excitement. "Really?"

Billy nodded, letting his arm drape around your shoulders to pull you in for another kiss. "He's giving me a raise, too," he added. "It's only a couple of grand a year, but it'll help with bills and-"

"And if you move in here when your lease ends, you'll save all that money on rent-"

Billy hesitated, smiling softly at you. "Are you asking me to move in with you, Sweetheart?"

You froze. "I just-" you paused, clearing your throat. "I thought that maybe we could start saving to buy somewhere. I mean, we're already married and renting two apartments seems like such a waste of money-"

Billy caught your lips with his, his free hand shifting to cup your cheek as he kissed you deeply. "Baby, I stay here 6 nights out of 7. And when I'm not here, you're at mine. I think it's a great idea."

"The food is getting cold," you hummed, still smiling to yourself, your eyes fixed on his. 

"You know, I'm going to give you a proper wedding right," he told you, watching as your brow furrowed slightly. "Let me save up a little more and I'll get you a proper ring. A nicer one-"

"You don't need to do all of that," you interrupted. "I don't need you to throw money away to prove you love me. And I love the ring I have." You paused for a moment, reaching up to run your fingers over his jaw lightly. "I just can't wait to finally get to wear it on my ring finger, you know? When we make it official and tell everyone."

Billy was smiling softly, leaning into your touch. "I love you."

"I know you do," you reminded him. "I love you too."

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