Eddie Munson X Reader - Mean

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Mean by Taylor Swift. I hope you all enjoy it.

You were minding your own business. That was always the thing that got you so wound up about your interactions with the 'popular' kids in school. You never sought them out, they came looking for you, and it was never just for a friendly chat either. 

So, whilst you were leaning up against Eddie's truck, waiting for him to come out and drive you home, it wasn't that much of a surprise that Jason had made his way over. He loved throwing the odd insult in your direction and took great pleasure in seeing how your smile would fade from your features, replaced by a small frown. 

"Bride of Freak-enstein," he called out, causing your head to shoot up from the book in your hands, landing on him quickly. "Did the freak ditch out on you, Sweetheart?" 

"He's got extra credit work to hand in," you murmured, brow furrowed as you attempted to turn your attention back to the book.

Jason snorted as he snatched the book from your hands, snapping it shut and looking at the cover. "Salem's Lot?" he hummed, tutting slightly. 

"Give that back," you started, reaching out for it only for him to pull it out of your reach.

"Course you'd be into all that creepy shit," he pressed on, shaking his head. "This stuff is ruining your mind," he told you, waving the book where you still couldn't reach it. 

You were growing more and more agitated as his friends came to join him, looking all too happy to add to your torment. You knew you should've taken the key to the van at lunch, but the weather had been so nice that you'd been happy to stand in the sunshine whilst you waited instead. And now, here you were, regretting that choice more than any other you had ever made. 

"You could be such a good girl if you just stopped letting that freak fill your mind with nonsense like this," he told you, holding it up to show you the cover. "I mean, if it wasn't for the clothes and make-up, you'd be half-decent," he pressed on. 

"Can I have the book back-"

"You know, you'll wish you'd listened to me someday," he told you, shaking his head like you were the most disappointing thing he had ever seen. It was then that you spotted Eddie hightailing it across the parking lot, wishing he hadn't parked so damn far from the school building, with Lucas right behind him. "When the Freak winds up in jail because let's face it, he will, and you're all alone in some shitty trailer having to work two jobs just to make ends meet, you'll wish you'd listened-"

"Hey, sorry I'm late Princess," Eddie started, almost completely out of breath as he pressed a rushed kiss to the side of your head, pulling you close to his side.  "You ready to head out?" he added, his hand resting protectively over your hip. 

You hesitated for a moment, glancing back over at Jason, still clutching your book in his hand. "Jason was just reading the blurb," you murmured, biting down on the inside of your cheek, your free hand balling into a fist in the back of Eddie's jacket. 

"Oh," Eddie hummed, forcing a half-assed smile onto his lips. "Didn't peg you as a big Stephen King fan, Carver," he pressed on. "You mind handing it over so that we can get home?" 

Jason looked like he was ready to snap, his jaw tight as he glanced between you and your boyfriend. "Just remember what I was telling you, Princess," he uttered, putting a little too much venom into the little nickname that you'd grown so fond of hearing from Eddie. "This is just a phase. You'll grow out of it eventually."

He finally held out the book and Eddie quickly snatched it back, handing it over to you along with the keys to the van. "Would you mind getting the old girl started for me, Baby?" he hummed, loosening his grip on your ever so slightly. 

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