Billy Hargrove X Reader - My Life Would Suck

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song My Life Would Suck Without You by Kelly Clarkson. This one is actually set in the mid-90s when everyone is grown up, and Reader and Billy are married. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"Sometimes, it feels like I'm still living with a teenage boy," you grumbled, shaking your head as you settled down on Nancy's couch, clutching your wine glass like a lifeline. "I mean, what sane adult throws their clothes at the washing basket and just leaves them on the floor when they miss?"

Robin snorted at your comment as she settled on the carpet on the other side of the room. This had become a bit of a tradition over the years. The girls would all get together every couple of months and catch up. It was lovely really, getting to see them all at the same time and being able to actually talk about the stuff that had happened to all of you as teenagers. 

"Come on," you pressed on, turning your attention to Nancy. "Does Jonathan clean up after himself?"

She hesitated for a moment, taking a sip from her glass. "He's a bit of a neat freak," she hummed, shrugging slightly. "You probably shouldn't compare anyone to him in terms of tidiness," she added, offering you a reassuring smile. 

"Steve is messy as Hell, but we're not a couple, so-" Robin paused, repeating Nancy's shrug. "He keeps his mess contained to his room."

You let out a disgruntled sigh. "I just wish that for once he'd make the effort, you know? Do the dishes or the laundry or anything to make my life a little easier."

"If he's such a pain in your ass, why are you even still with him?" Max piped up, her brows furrowed. "I mean, come on, everyone knows you could do better-"

"Hey," you interrupted. "I never said anything about leaving Billy," you added, shooting your sister-in-law a warning glance. Sure, she had never been Billy's biggest fan, for good reason, but that didn't mean she should be suggesting that you got a divorce. "He's a fantastic husband, he just needs to clean up after himself a little better," you pressed on. "Everyone does something that annoys their partner."

"Jonathan never stops taking photos when I'm not paying attention and I always look crazy in them," Nancy uttered, rolling her eyes at the mere thought of the collection of photos hidden away in the back of the cabinets upstairs. "And, I know that it drives him crazy that it takes me an hour to get ready to go anywhere," she added with a small shrug.

"Mike is such a nerd," El hummed, shaking her head slightly.

You chuckled slightly, settling down further into the couch cushions. "I always talk to myself around the house, and Billy always thinks I'm talking to him, and it drives him crazy," you confessed. "Sometimes, I do it on purpose if he's been annoying me." 

Max let out a soft bubble of laughter, looking around all of you. "Lucas doesn't do anything-"

"You guys don't live together yet," Robin pointed out. "Give it time," she added.

*Time Skip*

A couple of hours, and a few bottles of wine, later, Nancy had called Billy to come and pick you up from your girls' night, watching as you perked up when you heard his car pull up outside. 

"That's my ride," you called out in a sing-song voice, looking more excited than any of them had been expecting. 

You were already on your feet when the doorbell chimed, and then Billy was in the living room with you, grinning as you stumbled over your own feet in an attempt to get to him. 

"Ladies," he hummed, his arm wrapping around your waist to keep you upright. "Hope she's been behaving," he added, sending you a teasing smirk when you glared playfully up at him. 

"I always behave," you protested, your hand petting his chest lightly. 

"Whatever you say, Baby," he murmured, letting you lean against him rather inelegantly. "You need a ride, Max?" 

"Lucas is picking me up," she confirmed, watching the way you were grinning up at Billy and realising how right you had been earlier in the night. Sure, he might drive you completely mad sometimes, but there was no doubt that you were still totally head over heels in love with him. 

He nodded. "Call me if you change your mind, alright?" She nodded her agreement, taking another tentative sip from her glass. "Come on, Pretty Girl, let's get you home," he pressed on, turning his attention back to you and watching as your smile only grew now that his focus was back on you. 

"Can we get pizza?"

He hesitated for a moment, seeing the hopeful glint in your eyes. "Sure, we can get pizza." You released a gentle squeal, tucking yourself even closer into his side as he gently steered you towards the door. "I'll see you around, Ladies," he called out behind him, chuckling when you waved out from under his arm at them. 

Billy had kept his promise on the way home, stopping off to pick up a pizza, and letting you start eating in the passenger seat of the car. It was probably one of the main things that proved he loved you. Billy's car was his baby, it always had been, and even though you would probably end up getting grease or sauce on the leather seats, he couldn't bare the idea of denying you the things you wanted, especially when you were drunk. 

"You want a bite?" you murmured around your mouthful, watching as he risked a glance at you from the corner of his eyes. As he pulled up to the next stop sign, he nodded, leaning over and taking a bite from your outstretched slice. "It's so good, baby," you mumbled, grinning as he let out a soft hum of agreement. In all honesty, the pizza was pretty average, but Billy didn't have it in him to disagree with you when you were so clearly infatuated with the food you were eating. 

"Damn good," he agreed through his mouthful, listening as you giggled at the muffled sentiment. "Got my girl. Got pizza. Life can't get better than this," he added, catching you grinning at him from the other side of the car. 

"Damn straight," you agreed, biting down on your bottom lip as another peel of laughter slipped out of you. "Life is pretty damn great."

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