Steve Harrington X Reader - Steady As She Goes (Part Two)

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A/N - This chapter follows on from another that I posted in this book, which did surprisingly well. It was inspired by the song Dreams by The Cranberries. I hope you all enjoy it.

It was safe to say that Steve's timeline had been a little bit off. I mean, I guess that's what happens when you skip over the getting to know each other part of a relationship, going straight from friends to something more. Everything moved quicker. You'd introduced him to your family within a couple of weeks of making the relationship official. He'd practically been living with you by the end of the second month. You were basically an old married couple already, just without all the official paperwork, so when he asked you to marry him a couple of weeks before your first anniversary, you'd been all too happy to say yes. 

The wedding planning had gone quicker than expected too, coming together within a couple of months. In the space of a year and a half, you'd gone from hopelessly single to Mrs Harrington, as shocking as that may have sounded. 

After that, Steve had managed to talk his dad into getting him a pretty well-paying job at his company, and you'd got some pretty easy office work. You'd managed to figure out how mortgages worked and got yourself a house on the outer edge of Hawkins. Everything was going pretty damn well. So, you'd decided it was about time to start considering the next step; getting started on building your little army of kids. 

When you woke up one morning feeling queasy, you'd immediately started doing the maths, sitting on the floor beside the toilet and counting out the days since your last period. It had been over a month, not long enough that you'd really noticed the difference, but enough that it was a possibility. 

"Baby?" Steve knocked on the bathroom door, making you jump slightly. "I've got to head to the office. You doing alright?"

You hesitated for a moment. "Can you come in?"

The door opened and Steve's head poked around it, a small smile pulling at his lips when he found you on the floor, back leaning against the wall and looking a little dishevelled. It was unfair really, how you could feel so crap and still look so damn pretty. "Hey-"

"I think I need to take a test," you interrupted, grinning up at him through the queasiness. "Can you pick one up on your way home?"

"I'll call in sick-"

"Steve, no-"

"I can run to the store really quick. Pick up a test and see if I can find anything to settle your stomach." He paused for a moment, brow furrowed. "Are you getting any cravings yet?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of you, pure affection painting your features as he moved to kneel in front of you. "No more than usual," you teased as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. "Just don't get too excited, okay? It could be a false alarm. I could just have a stomach bug or something-"

He nodded, grinning at you. "I don't think it's a false alarm," he hummed out. "I can feel it," he told you, placing his hand over your stomach. "I think our little one is in there already," he pressed on.

"You can feel it?" you uttered, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I can just sense it."

You snorted with laughter. "Okay baby," you hummed out, a soft groan slipping out of you when he leaned towards you in an attempt to kiss you properly. "I was just sick," you chastised, placing your hand over his mouth before he could kiss you. "I'll brush my teeth whilst you're at the store and you can kiss me when you get back," you pressed on when you heard him grumble beneath your hand. 

"Fine," he uttered, pulling back just enough to press another kiss to your forehead. "So, was that a no on the cravings front?"

You shrugged slightly. "Surprise me."

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