Steve Harrington X Reader - Never Too Much

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A/N - This chapter was half inspired by the song Never Too Much by Luther Vandross and half inspired by the fact that I just realised that as much as we love dad/mum!Steve, I've never really written a chapter about him interacting with his kids, only really of him as a dad-to-be. I hope you all enjoy it. 

When you'd woken up to find Steve's side of the bed empty, you'd been a little confused. You were certain that you remembered him coming to bed the night before and he was never awake before you, ever. You sat up, brow furrowing as you glanced around for any evidence that maybe he had just gone to use the bathroom or grab a glass of water or something, finding nothing to indicate that he was returning any time soon. A soft sigh slipped out of you as you reached out to touch the sheets on his side of the bed, finding them cold. He'd been gone for some time by the looks of it. 

With a furrowed brow, you switched on your bedside lamp, eyes lingering on the alarm clock. 6:07. Even on a work day, Steve wouldn't have been up yet, not to mention that it was a weekend. 

You tugged your robe on as you got out of bed, wrapping it tightly around yourself as you padded out into the hallway, trying your hardest to tune your ears in the hopes of following whatever noises you heard to find your husband. Eventually, soft snoring caught your attention, drawing you down the hall to the nursery.

Steve had spent weeks getting the room perfect whilst you were pregnant, refusing to let you lift a finger to help him. You'd spent most of the time sitting with him, watching him work and keeping him company. It had been nice, really, seeing how excited he was to meet your daughter, watching him trying his hardest to make the room perfect for her. 

When you approached the door it was ajar, and you quickly shifted to glance through the gap, finding Steve sitting in the rocking chair beside the crib. He had his arms wrapped around your daughter, keeping her safely propped on his chest, both of them fast asleep and looking far more peaceful than you had been expecting. 

A small smile pulled at your lips as you pushed the door open a little further, slipping through the small gap in an attempt to stop the hallway light from waking them both. You crept forward, moving to crouch beside them and placing your hand delicately on Steve's knee. 

"Baby," you hummed softly, watching as his eyes fluttered open, a lopsided smile forming across his features when he glanced down at you. "Here, let me take her," you added, reaching towards your daughter. "You go back to bed-"

He caught your hand in his, linking his fingers through yours. "We're fine here. She was so fussy earlier, but she seems so comfy here," he told you, drawing your joined hands up to his mouth to kiss your knuckles. "Think she just couldn't settle," he added softly. 

"You're sure you don't want to swap? You could get some more sleep," you reminded him, using your free hand to brush his messy, bedhead back out of his face, watching his eyes fluttering closed again under the attention you were giving him. 

"I'm happy right here," he confirmed, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it to rest his palm against the baby's back, keeping her firmly pressed to his chest. 

You bit down on your bottom lip as you watched the two of them, your heart almost growing to twice the size with the amount of love coursing through you. Sure, you had always loved Steve, but seeing him going from young and free to this caring, domesticated father in the last 6 months since the baby had come along had only made your love for him grow. And right now, he was more attractive to you than ever, cooing to your daughter as she stirred slightly. 

You leant up slightly, pressing your lips to his in a gentle kiss, catching him slightly off guard, and when you pulled away, he was watching you with a raised brow. "What was that for, Pretty Girl?" he hummed softly, his hand shifting again to cup your cheek, his thumb running over your bottom lip. 

You shrugged slightly, leaning into his touch. "I just love you," you told him, watching as he grinned at your comment.


"Yeah," you returned softly.

"I love you too, Pretty Girl," he reminded you, using his hand to manoeuvre you a little closer and returning your kiss. 

When he released you, you stood back up to full height, running a feather-light hand over your daughter's back. "I'm going to have a shower whilst she's knocked out," you told him. "And then, I'll get started on breakfast-"

"Let me do breakfast, Baby," he interrupted, his hand running over your hip. "I'll sort it whilst you feed her," he added, watching you smile down at him, craning down for another kiss. 

"God, I really love you," you repeated, drawing a snort of laughter out of him. "Letting me sleep whilst you take care of the baby and make me breakfast. I'm a lucky lady," you chuckled. 

"The luckiest," he hummed. "Go shower," he pressed on, swatting your ass lightly to get you moving. 

*Time Skip*

When you'd emerged from the bathroom a little while later, Steve had already been working away in the kitchen, your daughter sitting up in her high chair. She was wailing along to some old pop song that Steve had loved when you were both still in high school, and he was still trying to sing along properly, through fits of laughter at her noisy performance. 

You hesitated for a moment, leaning in the doorway and watching the two of them. You'd never doubted that Steve would be an incredible dad, but actually seeing it was something else. 

When Steve had spotted you, he'd quickly danced towards you, putting on a show as he took your hand, kissing it delicately before drawing you close, swaying you to the music as your daughter continued squalling in her seat. 

"Little lady likes Luther Vandross," he told you before spinning you out, causing a squeal of laughter to slip out of you. When he tugged you back against his chest, you were grinning, shifting forward to press your forehead to his lips. 

"She's got good taste," you snorted, peeking sideways at your daughter, who was watching you with pure excitement on her face. 

Steve quickly tilted your head back to look at him, your chin tucked gently between his thumb and forefinger. "Love is a gamble and I'm so glad that I'm winning; We've come a long way and yet this is only the beginning," he sang along, knocking his nose against yours before drawing you into a deep kiss.

You giggled as you pulled away, pressing your face into his chest. "That's so cheesy," you teased, snorting with laughter when he continued singing the chorus, releasing you for just a second to scoop your daughter up out of her seat, being met with delighted squeals as he carried her back to you, drawing you both to him in a tight embrace and continuing to sway you to the music. 

"My beautiful girls," he called over the top of the song, pressing a quick kiss to the side of your daughter's head.

"The neighbours are going to hate you," you reminded him. "It's not even 7-"

"Let them hate me," he interrupted, dragging you even closer to him. "I'm too happy to care."

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