Billy Hargrove X Munson!Reader - Black Betty

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Black Betty by Ram Jam. The reader in this chapter is Eddie's sister, who is also a little bit on the alternative side. I'm sorry if none of the car talk makes sense, but that's just because I made most of it up. I'm not really sure that I love how this turned out, but I hope you all enjoy it. 

Billy was pretty certain that he'd been getting more and more obsessed with you since the very first time he'd set eyes on you. I mean, he usually wasn't into girls like you. He liked the sort of girls that you saw in the movies. The Phoebe Cates'. The Jennifer Beals'. The Daryl Hannah's. But you? You were something else entirely. You didn't wear pretty dresses and perm your hair, and the idea of you wearing pink was laughable. But, Billy couldn't seem to shake the thought of you from his head. 

It had all started in the parking lot when you'd pulled up in the most gorgeous car he had ever seen. He'd been dumbfounded, to be honest. I mean, he loved the Camaro, but your Mustang was something else entirely. 

Billy had released a low whistle when you'd thrown the door open, drawing your attention to him for just a second before you rolled your eyes so hard that it had thrown Billy for a loop. He wasn't exactly used to a reaction like yours. Usually, girls would melt at even the tiniest shred of attention thrown their way, but here you were, scoffing like he was the biggest inconvenience in the world. 

"What is that? A Mach 1 R Code?" he hummed, walking around the hood of the car to admire it properly. 

"Mach 1 429 Super Cobra Jet," you corrected, pressing the car door shut and raising an eyebrow at him. 


"'71," you uttered again. "Are we done here?"

"Is it your dad's?"

Your brow furrowed quite suddenly. "No. She's mine."

"She's gorgeous," he murmured, his tongue running over his bottom lip as his eyes wandered over the paintwork. He let out another low whistle, shaking his head before turning his attention back to you, his jaw almost dropping as he looked at you properly for the first time. "I'm Billy."

"Okay," you uttered, finally locking the car and swinging your backpack onto your shoulder. 

He started walking with you as you headed up to the front entrance, falling into step at your side. "What's your name, Sweetheart?"

You stopped walking, causing him to come to a sudden halt at your side. "It's not Sweetheart. And It's none of your business," you uttered. "We aren't going to be friends just because you like my car," you added before moving away again, leaving him in stunned silence in the middle of the parking lot. 

It hadn't been until after a couple of weeks, and a hell of a lot of pining on Billy's part, that you'd actually spoken to him again, marching up to him in the middle of the hallway looking so damn mad that he'd actually been a little scared for a moment. 

"Quit fucking with my brother," you bit out, jaw set tight as you glared at him.

"Your brother-"

"Don't play dumb, Hargrove. You've been hassling Eddie for weeks-"

A soft snort slipped out of Billy and he swore he saw red flash in your eyes. "Sorry, I just didn't realise you were a Munson."

"And what's so funny about that?" you uttered, arms crossing over your chest, one eyebrow raised as if you were daring him to push you any further. You were clearly pissed and ready to let your wild side out.

"It's not funny," he corrected. "Just shouldn't be such a surprise with that little attitude of yours," he hummed, his tongue running over his bottom lip as he pushed off of his locker, standing up to his full height and grinning down at you. "And you know, the music and-"

"Leave Eddie alone," you interrupted. "Or I swear to God, I'll make you regret it." 

Billy held his hands up in surrender. "Tell you what, Sweetheart," he hummed. "We'll strike a deal."

A disgruntled sigh fell from your lips, and there was that eye roll again. The eye roll that told him that you would rather be doing literally anything else than standing here talking to him. "What sort of deal?"

"I'll leave Eddie alone. I'll even tell the other guys to back off."

"And what do you get?"

Billy hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting down to your lips for a moment. "You go on a date with me."

"Get fucked," you bit out. 

"God, I hope so," he chuckled, grinning down at you. "Come on, Princess. Don't you want to help Eddie out?" 

Your jaw practically twitched as you considered the question. I mean, of course, you wanted to help Eddie, and getting Billy and his little group of idiot friends to leave him alone for a little while would be incredible. But going on a date with Billy was ridiculous and you were pretty sure Eddie would be out of his mind pissed if he ever found out that you had done it for his sake. 

"Just so we're clear," you uttered, clearing your throat slightly. "This date. What would it entail?"

Billy shrugged slightly. "Thought we could go for a drive. Maybe head down to Lover's Lake. See where the mood takes us."

"And what if the mood moves me to beat the shit out of you?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of Billy and he shook his head. "Then it would be an honour to go out on a high," he teased. "Come on, Sweetheart. It's one night and Eddie gets a free pass for the rest of the year."

A disgruntled sigh fell from your lips. "Fine. But I swear to God, if you try anything funny, my Uncle Wayne has a gun and a lot of built-up anger." When Billy snorted, you raised an eyebrow. "Do I sound like I'm joking? He'll shoot you." 

Billy was still grinning. "I don't intend on doing anything you don't want me to do, Princess."

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