Jonathan Byers X Sister!Byers!Reader - Cool Kids

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Cool Kids by Echosmith. Reader is Jonathan and Will's big sister. This is set before season 1. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"Make yourself decent; I'm coming in," you called out before throwing open the door of Jonathan's bedroom with a bright grin, finding him still burrowed under the covers, half-asleep. "Mom said I have to get you up and to school on time, so hurry it up, Loser," you called out, marching past him and tugging his bedroom curtains open. "We leave in 15 minutes and you need to shower-"

"I feel sick," he grumbled, interrupting your little tirade.

You paused, hands on hips as you stared down at him. "What's wrong with you?" 

"I've got a stomach ache," he muttered, and you scoffed slightly. 

"Oh, come on, Johnny. Get up," you told him, shoving his leg through the covers. "I'm not getting another detention because you made me late again."

He grumbled again, peaking his head out from under the pillow. "I don't want to go," you murmured, watching as you raised one perfect eyebrow at him.

"It's school. No one wants to go, but we have to, so get up." You stood there waiting for a second, rolling your eyes when he didn't move. "If you really feel that crap, then get the nurse to call mom. I can't call in sick for you." 

He groaned as he sat up, grabbing at the clothes scattered around his floor. 

"Oh my God, you have to actually shower first," you bit out, snatching the clothes from him, and gesturing for him to leave the room. "Christ, it's like you need constant mothering or something," you pressed on, throwing the dirty clothes into the laundry basket as you went past. "We leave in 12 minutes. Make it quick," you added, shoving him into the bathroom as you headed for the kitchen. 

*Time Skip*

You'd finally managed to get him into the car, only a minute later than you'd told him he had to be. Will had already headed off, opting to cycle in whilst the weather was still nice enough, and now that you had Jonathan completely on his own with no way of escaping, you were ready to start your interrogation. 

"So, you don't feel good?"

"Nope," he muttered, letting his head fall back against the passenger seat. 

"What's wrong with you?"

"Stomach ache-"

"I'm not buying it," you interrupted, shaking your head slightly. "According to Mom, you've had a stomach ache almost every day for the last three weeks," you pressed on, listening to the drawn-out sigh he released at your words. "So, what's the real reason you don't want to go to school?"

Jonathan ignored the question, sitting silently beside you.

"Johnny," you murmured. "Come on, if you don't talk to me, I can't help you-"

"I don't want your help," he interjected, shaking his head. "It's not worth it."

"What's not worth it?"

He hesitated for a moment, sitting up a little straighter in his seat. "You getting involved won't help. It'll just make everything worse."

"Is it a teacher or another kid?" You sighed when he didn't answer again. "Johnny-"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does," you bit back at him. "If someone is picking on you, you need to tell me."

He scoffed slightly. "You aren't going to like the answer," he muttered.

"Doesn't matter if I like it or not. Tell me."

There was an awkward moment of silence before Jonathan shook his head. "Steve and Tommy," he uttered, watching as your brow furrowed. You'd been friends with the boys since you were in Pre-K. Hell, they were two of your best friends.

"Harrington and Hagan? They're the ones picking on you?" He nodded slightly. "What've they been doing?"

He shrugged slightly, rubbing his sweaty palms against his thighs in an attempt to dry them. "Nothing that bad-"

"Don't lie to me, Jonathan," you uttered, glancing over at him for a second with a deep frown. "I need to know what they've been doing-"

"It's not so much what they've been doing," he murmured. "They just say stuff." He paused for a moment. He knew better than anyone that the moment you heard what they'd been saying, your heart would break. These guys were your friends and the stuff they were saying wasn't just cruel about your brother, but your entire family. "They've been talking about Mom and Dad."


Jonathan flinched at the venom in your voice, a tone he'd never even heard from you before. "And Will," he added, his voice a little softer, seeing your jaw tense at the comment. 

"What did they say about Will?"

He swallowed down the lump forming in his throat, eyes focused on you. "They were calling him a fairy. Said that's why Dad left-"

"Those fucking assholes," you bit out, knuckles turning white against the steering wheel as you turned into the school parking lot. "I'll kill 'em," you muttered, turning off the car and quickly getting out, your eyes scanning over the tops of the other cars in search of either of the boys. 

Luckily for you, Tommy and Steve were standing only a few cars away, laughing about something. Steve waved when he noticed you, his smile only faltering when he saw the glare painting your features. 

You slammed your door shut, making a beeline for where they were standing with Jonathan stumbling along beside you, trying to catch your arm and stop you before you could do something you would regret.

When he finally got hold of you, he pulled you to a stop, your eyes softening slightly when they found him. "Let go," you murmured. 

"You'll get in trouble."

"I don't care," you told him. "You're my brother's. The only person that gets to pick on you guys is me," you muttered, prying his hand off of your arm. "So let me do this," you added, turning back towards Steve and Tommy. 

"Good morning, Princess," Tommy called out, grinning from ear to ear. Or at least, he had been until you'd slapped him, leaving him looking confused. 

Steve held his hands up in surrender when you glanced in his direction. "If I ever hear either of you talking shit about my family again, I'm going to destroy you both. Understood?" 

They both looked a little too shocked to make sense of what was happening, Tommy's hand lifting to touch his cheek where you'd hit him. 

"We were only joking around-"

"I don't care," you interrupted. "I don't give a shit. You don't talk to Jonathan like that. And you definitely don't talk about Will like that." 

He nodded slightly. "Sorry."

"I don't want an apology," you told him. "I thought we were friends."

"We are-"

"Not anymore. You can't pick on my kid brother and then just expect me to play nice."

Steve looked like he'd shrunk in on himself, his eyes darting over your shoulder to look at Jonathan, who seemed almost as sheepish as he felt. "I'm sorry, Man," he murmured, brow furrowed. In all honesty, Steve hadn't ever said anything about the boys, but he'd laughed, he'd never intervened, he'd watched Tommy pick on Jonathan time and time again and hadn't even mentioned it to you. He was guilty by association, and right now, he was realising that he'd definitely made the wrong choice when he'd sided with Tommy instead of you. Right now, he was losing a friend who would've gone to the ends of the Earth for him in the place of someone who couldn't give two shits. "It won't happen again, right, Tommy?"

Tommy nodded, still glaring at you as he soothed his stinging cheek. 

"Good," you bit out. "Because if it does, I'm going to make you regret it."

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