Billy Hargrove X Wheeler!Reader - Guy Like Me

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A/N - This chapter is based on the song Stacy's Mom by Bowling For Soup/Fountains of Wayne. Reader is the older sister of Nancy and Mike. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had always loved going to the pool with your mom in during summer vacation. Nancy tended to ditch you for her friends and Mike was way too invested in his little games with his friends, but you were perfectly content with lounging around in the sun with a book. And then, Billy had started his job as a lifeguard, and you had been even more excited for your trips to the pool. 

He definitely made the trips more enjoyable and over the course of the summer, you noticed his eyes wandering to your little corner more and more often. So, of course, you did what any logical girl would do and fell totally in love with him. Not like it was hard. He was possibly the most beautiful person to ever grace Indiana, let alone Hawkins, and even if he was a little rough around the edges, he'd always been totally sweet when he would greet you around the pool. 

When school had come back after summer vacation, however, you'd expected the sweetness to fade. It was one thing for him to be nice at his work. It was something completely different for him to be nice at school in front of his friends. But, he was actually nicer than ever. He walked with you from class to class, offering to carry books for you whilst you just basked in his presence. 

God, as if he wasn't already good enough, he was being a total gentleman, and by the time you'd been back at school for a couple of weeks, he'd asked to take you out on a date. It was a shock, sure. I mean, you weren't exactly one of the popular kids at school. But a summer of longing glances had wreaked havoc with your mind, and logical thinking wasn't exactly your forté at the moment, so of course, you'd agreed with little hesitation. 

But then the first date had gone incredibly and you'd agreed to another. And then another. And another. And soon enough, Billy was asking you officially to be his girlfriend. You'd practically squealed in excitement at the question, launching yourself at him and pressing a kiss to his lips. 

"I take it that means yes," he teased as you pulled away, still grinning at him. 

"Of course, it means 'yes', Dummy," you chuckled, pulling him in for another quick kiss. 

A few weeks later, you'd invited him over for a movie night, setting up the basement with fairy lights and blankets and a selection of snacks. 

You'd been waiting by the door when he showed up, pulling it open with a bright grin. He greeted you with a quick kiss, his hands moving you back so he could kick the door shut behind him. 

"Is your mom home?"

You raised an eyebrow at him. "She's at the store," you confirmed, your teeth digging into your bottom lips. "Why? What did you have in mind?"

He let out a soft snort of laughter, pressing a quick kiss to your neck. "Nothing, Baby," he hummed against your skin. "Just wanted to make sure we wouldn't be getting in her way when we make popcorn," he pressed on, his fingers skirting over your hips lightly. "When's she getting back?"

You shrugged slightly. "I don't know. She'll probably be a while; she didn't go out too long ago," you pressed on, letting your fingers drift over the exposed skin of his chest, pushing the collar to the side slightly. "We could go upstairs-"

"We should get started with our little movie marathon, huh?" he murmured, spinning you around and giving you a light shove towards the kitchen. "Popcorn," he reminded you.

Reluctantly, you did as he had asked, hurrying to make the popcorn in the hopes of sneaking in a quick make-out session before anyone else came home.

"You know," you started, leading him down the stairs to the basement. "My parents never come down here. And Nancy is at Jonathon's house. And Mike is out with the boys-"

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