Billy Hargrove X Reader - Lonely Heart

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Owner of a Lonely Heart by Yes and also quite a bit of Quiet Riot, but nothing too specific. I hope you all enjoy it.

Your friends had told you, from the moment they had first set eyes on Billy Hargrove, that he was exactly the kind of guy that you would end up falling for. He was prettier than any other guy that had ever graced the halls of Hawkins High and he had this bad boy persona that would immediately trick you into wanting to fix him. In fact, they'd thought it was so likely that they'd started putting bets on between themselves to see just how long it would take for you to end up sleeping with him. 

Of course, that only put you on the defensive. You refused to be as predictable as they claimed you were. You refused to be so easily pigeonholed as the girl who fell for the bad boy. You refused to let Billy Hargrove into your life knowing full well that it would end in disaster. 

"You're being ridiculous," Fran had told you one afternoon, lounging around under one of the trees on campus and tipping her sunglasses away from her eyes to stare up at you. "He would probably be one of the easiest lays on your life and I bet he's amazing in bed-"

You groaned at the sudden turn in the conversation. "I'm not going to sleep with him," you bit out. "And I'm not suddenly going to change my mind just so that you win the money."

"It's worth like $35 now," she exclaimed, suddenly shifting up onto her knees to look you dead in the eye. "I would sleep with someone to get you $35. Any good friend would. And, I would totally give you a cut-"

"You know that's basically prostitution, right?" you interrupted, shaking your head as she rolled her eyes a little more dramatically than you were expecting. "You're asking me to sleep with someone for money."

"It doesn't count if it isn't his money," she told you, watching as you snorted with laughter, burying your face in your hands. "And I wouldn't ask you to do it if he wasn't drop-dead gorgeous and totally into you."

You dropped your hands to the grass on either side of you, fiddling with the blades under your fingertips. "He isn't into me."

"He is. Tommy H told Carol that he was asking the guys about you in the changing rooms. Billy Hargrove is totally crushing on you." 

Your eyes widened, quickly shooting up to look at her. "Keep your voice down."

"What, are you scared he's going to hear me? He already knows he's in love with you. You're the clueless one."

"I'm not clueless; I'm being realistic. He's been here, what, three weeks? And he's already slept with more girls than I can count on one hand." You let out a soft sigh, completely unaware of the way her eyes widened as they glanced past you to the other side of the lawn. "Billy Hargrove isn't interested in anything more than easy sex. And I can't do that. Jimmy was evidence enough that I'm incapable of a one-night thing-"

"Jimmy was an asshole college student who pretended he was interested in order to make you sleep with him. Billy isn't going to pretend he wants anything more than sex. Incredible, life-changing sex-"

"I'm not doing it," you finally breathed out. "It's not worth it, even if he was interested. He's bad news."

A snort of laughter behind you made your entire body stiffen slightly. "Oh come on, Sweetheart, you aren't even going to give me a chance?"

You shot Fran a sharp glare before forcing a soft smile onto your lips and turning to face Billy. "I don't know what you're talking about," you hummed, feigning innocence, even though he'd caught you red-handed talking about him.

"I think you do," he murmured, his cigarette hanging delicately from between his lips. "And I think you like me a lot more than you want to admit."

You shook your head, attempting to push down the anxiety building in your chest. "Nope," you murmured. "I don't even know you."

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