Steve Harrington X Reader - Super Freaky Girl

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A/N - This chapter was sort of inspired by the song Super Freaky Girl by Nicki Minaj, but more specifically on two lines from the song: "his ex bitch went up against me but she didn't survive," and "one thing about me, I'm the baddest alive. He know the prettiest bitch didn't come until I arrived." I usually struggle with writing these confident characters, but I was really feeling myself today, so here we go. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Meeting Steve had been a total accident. A meet-cute of proportions that could only be rivalled by the cheesiest of romantic comedies. He'd been running through the Starcourt mall, late for work again, and he'd knocked your elbow, sending your drink flying from your hand and across the floor. 

"Shit," he uttered, stuttering to a halt to shoot you an apologetic smile. "I didn't-

You held up your hands to silence him, shaking your head. "It's fine," you uttered, attempting to offer him a comforting smile. In all honesty, you hadn't been enjoying the drink anyway and were in search of a trash can to get rid of what was left. 

"I can get you another one-"

"Honestly, it doesn't matter." 

He nodded, standing there in front of you as if he hadn't just been running at top speed to get to work on time. "If you change your mind, I work over at Scoops," he hummed, tapping the hat that was sitting pretty on his head. "Come and get something on me?"

You had gone to Scoops a little later, after spending the entire afternoon going from store to store, and you swore you had never seen anyone look as happy to see you as he had when you'd come strolling in. 

"You owe me a drink," you told him, a playful smile pulling at your lips as you leant up against the counter. 

"I was worried you weren't going to take me up on the offer," he hummed, grinning from ear to ear as his eyes surveyed your face. You really were pretty, and he was praying that Robin wouldn't appear and make him any more nervous than he already was. "Milkshake?"

"Perfect," you started, watching as he started getting to work on your drink.

He hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to start the conversation. "I've never seen you around here before," he uttered, glancing back up at you only to find your eyes already focused on him. "You didn't go to Hawkins High?"

"I only just moved to town," you agreed softly. "My parents wanted to go off travelling the world now that I'm all grown up, so I'm living with my aunt and her son," you added, before mentally slapping yourself. He didn't need your whole life story. He definitely hadn't asked for it.

"How old's her son; I might know him."

You paused for a moment, trying to do the maths in your head. "Dustin's got to be 13 by now," you started.

"Dustin? Dustin Henderson?"

"You know him?"

"Yeah, he's a friend," he told you, beaming when he placed the drink on the counter in front of you. "He should be coming back from his little nerd camp soon, right?"

You let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, at the end of the week. I can tell him you said 'hi' if you want?"

"That'd be great."

"So, what's your name?" 

He blinked for a moment, his own name disappearing from his head. 

"His name is Steve," Robin called through the little window in the back. "You should take his number too, just in case your cousin doesn't have it," she added, her smile growing when Steve sent her a sharp glare. 

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