Billy Hargrove X Reader - All Cried Out

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song All Cried Out by Blonde and Alex Newell. (Max and Billy don't hate each other in this one, and Billy isn't such a massive twat. I hope you all enjoy it.

Trigger Warning: This chapter alludes to attempted sexual assault, however, it is not described in any way. It also has a vomit warning. If this is likely to affect you negatively, please give this one a miss.

When Billy had chosen to go to a club for a night out, he had definitely not expected to see you. Hell, he'd not expected to see anyone from Hawkins High, but you were the biggest shocker of them all. He'd always thought you were a little uptight, a little too quiet and innocent, maybe even a little naive. In fact, when the rumour that your boyfriend had been cheating on you for the last three months had started spreading, he hadn't been all too surprised. I mean, you were hot, but you were probably the biggest prude he'd ever met. 

So now, only a couple of weeks after the relationship had blown up in your face, seeing you dancing along to the music, the strobe lights painting your features pretty shades of pink and blue and green, you looked completely out of place. Although, Billy hated to admit, that you actually didn't. This all looked so natural on you. The booze and the make-up and the dress that he would never have imagined you even considering wearing; it looked almost normal. 

He'd found himself a spot up near the bar, trying to forget that he'd seen you at all. After all, you were supposed to be here. He wasn't supposed to be here. Neither of you was even old enough to get past the bouncers, let alone order a drink. But it turned out, you were a lot harder to ignore than he had first thought. 

You were swaying along to the music, but you were holding onto the guy you were dancing with like he was a liferaft and you were stranded at sea, using him to keep you on your feet. And the guy looked all too happy to help, his hands wandering over you. 

It was when your eyes drifted closed for a moment, your head resting against the guy's shoulder, that Billy started becoming concerned. You were drunk, like completely off your face drunk, and by the looks of it, the guy manhandling you around the dancefloor knew it too. He leant down, whispering something billy couldn't make out into your ear, his grip slipping down to squeeze your ass, and before he knew what he was doing, Billy was abandoning his drink and forcing his way through the crowd of dancing bodies to get to you. 

"Hey, Y/N," he called out, watching as your eyes focused on him for just a second before they went all spaced out again, drifting over his shoulder towards where the lights were flashing. "I was just about to head home. Do you want me to drive you?"

"You don't want to go with him, do you, Sweetheart?" the guy still holding you murmured, a wicked smirk pulling at his lips. "We're having fun, aren't we?"

Billy's jaw tightened as he watched the man grin down at you, twisting your head to look up at him. "She's under eighteen, you know that right?" he bit out, frowning when he snorted with laughter. 

"She's old enough where it counts," he told him. "You're going to be my good girl, aren't you, Sweetheart?" he pressed on, leaning in as if he was going to kiss you until Billy shoved at his shoulder, moving as close to you as he could get. 

"I'm taking her home-"

"No, you want to come back to mine, don't you, Princess?" he hummed, using his hands, still cradling your head to make you nod. "See, she wants it."

Billy could swear he could see that red mist that everyone talked about seeping into his vision. 

"Billy," you whined out, drawing his attention back to you. "I don't feel good," you finally managed to utter, your hands released from the man's shirt to reach for Billy instead. 

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