Eddie Munson X Reader - Last Night

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Last Night by The Vamps. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You'd woken up to the sun pouring onto your face, warming your skin with early morning light and making you blink the sleep out of your eyes. God, your mouth was drier than the Sahara and it felt like you'd been chewing on cotton wool all night. And right in the middle of your head, you could feel the niggling start of a headache that would probably last for the entire morning.

You groaned, twisting around in your bed in an attempt to ignore the light filling your room, silently praying that you would be able to fall back to sleep. And then you'd collided with something, or more accurately someone. Your eyes sprung back open, locking onto the figure splayed out across the other side of the bed, and immediately recognising Eddie. You continued staring for a moment, your eyes wide as they roamed over his bare back. What the fuck was Eddie doing asleep in your bed, and where the fuck was his shirt?

Without a second thought, you reached out, nudging his arm lightly, brows furrowed in confusion. He grumbled at the contact, burying his face further into your spare pillow and wriggling around into a more comfortable position. You nudged him again, hearing a louder groan pour out of him.

"Wayne, it's the weekend," he mumbled. "I'm allowed to sleep in," he pressed on, his words muffled by the pillowcase. 


His head lifted slightly at the sound of your voice, his eyes peaking open to look over at you, your hair all messy from sleep and your eyes only just managing to stay open. Clearly, you were still half asleep and definitely in the throws of a killer hangover. "Shit," he murmured. "Sorry, forgot where I was for a second there," he pressed on, offering you a small smile. 

"What are you doing here?"

Eddie let out a soft chuckle, rubbing his hand over his face as he woke himself up. "I drove you home last night."

"We didn't-" your words trailed off as you swallowed down the lump forming in your throat. "Did we?"

Eddie's eyebrows shot up in horror. "No. God no. You were drunk; like, really drunk. Wouldn't ever take advantage of a girl in that state-"

"Oh," you hummed. "So, why are you still here?"

He snorted with laughter. "You really don't remember?" You shook your head slightly, shuffling further under the covers, a little embarrassed by just how drunk you must've been to forget such a huge chunk of the night before. "I had to help you up the stairs; I was worried you were going to end up falling down 'em on your own. And then you told me I had to tuck you in and when you got into bed you made me promise not to leave until you were asleep." He paused for a moment, smiling at the memory of you curling up next to him. "And then, you fell asleep half on top of me and I knew I wouldn't be able to get out without waking you up, so-"

"I am so sorry," you uttered, looking completely horrified at your own actions. "I don't usually drink that much," you pressed on, shifting to sit up in bed. "But with finals and college applications and everything-" your words trailed off and you shrugged. 

"You needed to blow off a little steam," he finished for you. "Don't worry about it, Sweetheart, you're one of the nicest drunks I've ever met," he hummed. 

"What happened to your shirt?" you finally uttered, brow furrowed as you attempted to stop your eyes from wandering over his bare chest. 

Eddie let out a proper belly laugh. "I know I said that you're a nice drunk, but you're pretty damn demanding," he explained, nodding towards you and causing you to look down, finding the Hellfire shirt he'd been wearing last night covering you. "You told me that you weren't going to be able to sleep in your dress and that the polite thing to do was to offer you my shirt so you could get cosy. I tried to remind you that we were in your bedroom and you had plenty of clothes but you got all pouty. Didn't think it was worth getting you all upset over so I just handed over the shirt."

"Jesus Christ," you breathed out, running your hands over your face as you let out a drawn-out sigh. "I'm a fucking mess."

Eddie waved off your comment, grinning up at you as he hugged your pillow to his chest. "Nah, it was cute," he told you. "And it looks so cute on you that I couldn't find it in me to be annoyed," he added, reaching up to pull your hand away from your face, smiling when you peaked down at him. "You're cute," he reiterated, his thumb running gently over your pulse point on your wrist as he lowered your hand to your lap. 

"I'll wash the shirt for you," you murmured, biting down on your bottom lip. "I can give it back at school on Monday," you told him, giving a little shrug. 

"Or, I can come and pick it up tomorrow? And whilst I'm in the neighbourhood anyway," he hummed, chuckling when you raised an eyebrow, still waiting on his suggestion. "I could take you out somewhere. To the movies, or the mall, or-"

"The movies sounds fun," you interrupted, a small smile pulling at your lips. "But I have to pay; say thank you for taking care of me."

Eddie raised an eyebrow. "That's not how I do things, Sweetheart. I pay for dates." 

"You can next time," you murmured. "But I owe you; for the ride and the making sure I don't fall down the stairs and the shirt-"

He nodded. "I didn't do any of that for compensation," he told you with a small shrug. "So, I pay for the movies and the popcorn. No arguments, alright?" He paused for a moment. "And you can keep the shirt, by the way. It looks so much better on you than it ever has on me." 


"Sweetheart," he interrupted. "I've got like five; they're basically all I wear. One of them being here with you won't kill me." 

"You sure?" He nodded his agreement and your smile grew slightly. "It's really soft," you mumbled, playing with the hem of the shirt.

"So, is that a yes to the date thing?" 

You nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. "As soon as I've recovered from last night," you told him, shuffling down the bed and pulling the covers back up over your body. "Because I feel like death right now," you pressed on, hearing him chuckle behind you.

"Okay, Sweetheart. You sleep off the hangover and I'll be right here when you wake up."

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