Eddie Munson X Reader - Back In Town

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song The Boys Are Back In Town by Thin Lizzy. It's set a few years after the end of Stranger Things after Corroded Coffin starts gaining some popularity. I hope you all enjoy it.

When Nancy had shown up at the door to your apartment with the brightest grin you had ever seen, you had been a little shocked. Sure, you were friends, but she didn't do spontaneous visits. She was a meticulous planner. She basically gave you an itinerary for every outing you went on together. But here she was, looking pretty damn pleased with herself and waiting for you to welcome her inside. 

"You'll never guess who showed up at my parent's place today," she started, not even offering a greeting before striding very confidently into your living room, and perching herself on the edge of the couch. 

"I don't know-"

"I only went over to pick up some of my stuff to move over to the new house," she interrupted, her grin only growing. "And my mom and I were sitting having a cup of coffee before we started moving anything when the door goes, right? So Mom goes and answers it and it's Eddie Munson," she pressed on, watching as you startled slightly at the name. "He was coming over to see Mike, but when he saw me in the living room he sort of got waylaid."

You hesitated, waiting for her to continue and when she didn't you raised an eyebrow at her. "Okay-"

"He was too busy asking me about you," she pressed on, practically vibrating in her seat with excitement. "Said he'd gone over to your parent's old place, but the new owners didn't have a forwarding address."

"So, what did you tell him?"

She let out a soft snort of laughter at your hesitation. Nancy was one of the only people who had ever managed to make you admit that you liked Eddie, not just as a friend, but as something more. She was the only person who could see that the little faux-flirting act you guys put on was a little more genuine than you'd ever let on. 

"I told him that you'd moved whilst he was off on tour and he asked who you were living with. Seemed pretty happy when I told him that you were still living alone," she told you. "He's totally got the hots for you-"

"Nancy," you murmured, shaking your head.

"Corroded Coffin is doing a final tour date in town tomorrow night. Like a comeback show at the Hideout. He asked me to let you know that you'd be on the VIP list if you wanted to go." She paused for a moment. "So, you'd better show up and remind him why he was so in love with you before he went away, alright? This is your chance to make a move. He clearly missed you and-"

Her words trailed off when she caught you frowning. "Nance, he's been on tour across the entire county. He's been gone for a year. I'm sure he's met plenty of pretty girls who were more than happy to keep him entertained."

"Eddie? You are kidding, right?" she uttered. "The guy has been in love with you since he was like 13." 

"That doesn't mean he won't meet someone else," you reminded her. "I bet he won't even notice me with all those pretty little groupies in the crowd."

Nancy sighed, shaking her head. "You're an idiot," she muttered. "Eddie is in love with you. He has always been in love with you. And if you don't make a move soon, I'll do it for you."


"I'll tell him everything if it means that you guys finally do something about this ridiculous mutual pining thing you've had going on for the last decade."

*Time Skip*

You'd had this nervous knot growing in your stomach from the moment you'd woken up that morning. Sure, you did like Eddie. Actually, it was a Hell of a lot more than that. But that didn't mean that hitting on him at one of his shows was a good idea. And with Nancy's threat lingering in your mind, you couldn't really do much about it. 

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