Billy Hargrove X Reader - The One

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song You're The One That I Want from the musical Grease. I hope you all enjoy it.

 You rolled your eyes as you heard the low whistle float through the air, your head lifting to find Billy watching you from a couple of cars down in the parking lot. Even you had to admit that he looked good like this, leaning back against the hood of his car and smirking when you forced yourself to keep from smiling. Sure, Billy flirted with you at any chance he got, but he'd never gone as far as actually asking you out before, and you weren't about to go falling for him if he wasn't going to wine and dine you properly. You didn't do hookups. You didn't do casual. You had pretty high standards and if Billy wanted you, he would have to put in the effort to win you over. 

"Hey Pretty Girl," he hummed as you finally reached his car, causing you to stutter to a stop, clinging to your textbooks as though they were enough to stop the giddy feeling rising in your chest. There was no denying that you liked him, even if you were enjoying playing hard to get. "Need a ride, Baby?" he pressed on, his cigarette hanging loosely from his lips as he smiled at you. 

"Don't call me that, Billy-"

"Why?" he murmured, sitting up quickly, putting himself a little closer to you than you'd been expecting. Even when he was sitting, he was as tall as you were, and right now, his face was closer to yours than you were used to, making your stomach do somersaults. "Does it get you all hot and bothered Baby?" he pressed on, smirking when you cleared your throat, attempting to compose yourself. 

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "Nope," you breathed out, sounding far more confident than you had been expecting. "But I'm not your Baby, am I?" you added softly, shrugging slightly. 

His eyes drifted down to linger on your lips for a moment, letting out a soft sigh before roaming back up to your eyes. "Then whose Baby are you?" You shrugged slightly, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "What'll it take to make you my Baby?"

Your lips twitched into a little half-smile, and you quickly turned your head towards where your friends would be waiting for you on the other side of the parking lot. "Shape up, Hargrove," you hummed, finally returning your attention to him. "Right now, you've got potential, but I need a little proof that you're worth my time-"

"What sort of proof are we talking?" he interrupted, his hand lifting on instinct, brushing over your hip ever so lightly. 

A soft snort of laughter slipped out of you, your hand darting down to catch his wrist, pulling it away from you. "You know, you've never actually asked me on a date, right?" you told him, watching his brow furrow slightly. "The closest you've ever gotten is offering me a ride home," you pressed on. 

He looked completely dumbfounded as you took a step back, putting some space between you. "Go out with me this weekend," he called after you, watching as you span around, offering him a little wave of your fingers as you kept walking backwards. 

*Time Skip*

"Let me take you out on Friday," Billy started, slipping into the seat opposite you, his tongue dipping out to wet his bottom lip when you glanced up from your homework to look at him for just a second. 

"What did you have in mind?"

Billy faltered for a moment. Shit. He'd never expected you to ask about his plans. "We can go to a movie-"

You placed your pen down delicately, leaning forward to rest your head in your hands. "What movie?"

"Whatever movie you want." It was clear that you were disappointed with his answer, a small frown pulling at your lips as you watched him carefully. "Or I could pick," he pressed on, watching your lips twitch into a half-smile. 

"Sounds good," you hummed, tearing a page out of your workbook and scrawling out your phone number onto the page. "Call me when you've actually made plans, alright?" you told him, sliding the dogeared paper across the table to him.

He hesitated for a moment before picking it up, reading it over a couple of times as if he was trying to memorise the number off by heart. "Is that a yes?"

A soft chuckle fell from your lips, drawing his attention back to you. "It's a we'll see," you corrected, watching him nod slowly. 

"We'll see," he repeated back to you. "Cool." 

"I've got work to do," you reminded him, picking up your pen again and tapping it against the textbook. "I'll see you around."

A little smirk pulled at his lips. "I'll see you around, Baby."

*Time Skip*

"Y/L/N Residence," you called out as you answered the phone, hearing a snort of laughter on the other end of the line. 

"Baby, you sound like a total nerd when you answer the phone," Billy teased gently. 

You released a startled chuckle at his comment shaking your head. "Did you need something or are you just calling to insult me?"

Billy hesitated for a moment, clearing his throat. "I'll be picking you up at 7 on Friday. We're going to go to Betty's Diner for food and then we're going to see A Nightmare on Elm Street-"

"Isn't that a horror movie?" you interjected, biting down on your bottom lip.

"Yeah. The dude has knives for hands or something," he hummed. "Why? Is that a problem?" he added, his voice faltering slightly. 

"Nope," you answered quickly. "Just checking."

Billy let out a soft, relieved sigh. "Thank God, I already got the tickets," he told you, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

"Someone was very confident in his choices," you teased. "Buying the tickets before I'd even said yes-"

"That's what you wanted, wasn't it, Baby? A guy who's going to take a little initiative?" 

The breath got caught in your throat as you registered his words. That was exactly what you had wanted, even if you'd never said it in so many words. "Yeah," you agreed softly. 

"So, dinner and a scary movie. 7 PM this Friday. Are we on?" 

"I'm looking forward to it," you agreed softly. 

"Shit, Baby, If I'd known it was this easy to get you in my corner, I would've made the effort a long time ago," he hummed. 

You snorted slightly. "Not my fault, you never asked me out."

"I know, Baby. That was all me," he murmured. "Won't be making that mistake again."

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