Eddie Munson X Reader - Little Miss Can't Be Wrong

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Little Miss Can't Be Wrong by the Spin Doctors, even though it literally has nothing to do with the actual song lyrics. Also, Chrissy never got Vecna'd in this one and Eddie wasn't ever implicated. I don't really like how this one turned out, but I hope you all enjoy it anyway.

In all honesty, you knew that the argument had been your fault. It was stupid and childish and deep down you hadn't even been all that upset. But pushing Eddie's buttons and getting him all wound up was one of life's greatest pleasures. Listening out for the little disgruntled sighs whilst he waited for you to give in and finally break your silence was incredible; he sounded so pretty when he got all frustrated with you. 

"Are you really ignoring me?" he finally uttered, shaking his head slightly when you didn't answer him. "What do you want me to say, baby? Nothing happened between me and Chrissy. She was just here to buy-" His words trailed off when he saw your lips twitch slightly, the tiniest hint of a smile pulling at your lips for just a second before dropping away into the stony expression that you had been wearing for the last twenty minutes. "You've got to be kidding me?" he blurted, eyes widening when you glanced up at him with a single brow raised. 

"Kidding? Me?" you murmured. 

"You aren't upset with me," he pressed on, jaw tightening as he shook his head. "You're just doing this to get your kicks, aren't you?"

"You don't sell from the trailer-"

"I do when it's more than just a little bit of weed," he interrupted. "And this was a lot more than a little bit of weed, alright? So can you quit being such a bitch?"

You let out a faux gasp, placing a delicate hand over your chest. "A bitch?"

"Yeah, you heard me, Baby," he uttered, moving to kneel on the couch beside you, looming over you. "You're being a total bitch right now," he added, leaning in just enough to draw you into a kiss. "So cut it out," he hummed against your lips, giving you a light shove as he got back to his feet and moved over to the kitchenette. 

You watched him silently for a moment, moving around the work surface, tidying as he went. 

Eddie glanced back at you, brow furrowing when he found you already watched him. "I was right, wasn't I? You aren't actually upset, are you?"

"What was she buying?"

His nose wrinkled up at the question. "Just a bit of Special K."

Your eyes widened in horror. "And you sold that to her?" you exclaimed. "Eddie, she's never even smoked weed before," you chastised. "You can't just sell her Ket straight out the gate. Jesus-"

"It's not my job to ask questions," he breathed out, holding up his hands in surrender. "She asked if I had any and I did." His brow furrowed again when he caught you shaking your head. "Wait, are you actually mad at me for selling to her?"

"You should've said no. She's a kid, Eddie."

"So are half of my clientele, but I don't see you moaning about that."

You rolled your eyes, scoffing. "This isn't the same. Chrissy doesn't do drugs. She hangs out with the same girls as my sister, and Chloe thinks that smoking is lame. They don't so shit like Ket to get their kicks." You let out a soft breath. "Don't sell to her again."


"If she asks again, tell her no," you uttered, your voice firm.

He ran his tongue over his teeth, hands pressed to his hips. "If I don't sell to her, she'll just end up finding someone else in town who will. At least you know that she's safe coming to me." 

You paused for a moment, considering what he was telling you. He wasn't completely wrong. Eddie was possibly the only dealer in town with a conscience, and a pretty girl like Chrissy showing up asking for Ket was the perfect way to make her a target for some pretty awful things. You sighed, shaking your head. "Then you tell her that if she wants Special K, she has to talk to me first. Otherwise, all she's getting is weed."

Eddie looked like he wanted to argue. You both knew that weed was basically chump change in comparison to ket. He'd be throwing away easy money if he told her no. But he'd never seen you so worked up over his dealing before. You looked so agitated, biting at the skin of your thumb as you waited for his response. Clearly, this mattered to you. 

"Fine," he breathed out. "If she asks again, I'll tell you first."

A small smile pulled at your lips. "Thank you." You hesitated for a moment. "Did she say anything to you?"

"Nothing that stood out-"

"She was at the house recently, with Chloe. She was really nervous; I just assumed it was school stress or something. Do you think something could be going on?"

"Baby," he breathed out. "She's a teenager. They act weird sometimes."

You let out a soft sigh, nodding. "I guess, it just seemed different, you know? Like she was scared of something." You paused. "You don't think that idiot she calls a boyfriend is doing something, do you?"

"Jason? No. He's an asshole, but he really loves her." He moved to crouch in front of you, hands on your knees. "Baby, don't get yourself all worked up over this. She's a kid. It was probably a one-time thing; just trying new shit." 

"She isn't that sort of girl-"

"Yeah, and I'm pretty sure that half the people that knew you never would've thought you'd be dating a dealer, but here we are. People surprise you sometimes." He watched as you chewed on your bottom lip, still unconvinced. "Look, if you're this worried, we'll talk to her. But I promise you, it's probably nothing to be so worked up about."

You nodded. "It'd make me feel better," you murmured.

"Okay, well," he paused, looking at his watch. "It's 4:30; what time does cheer practice finish?" 

"5," you hummed out. 

"Then, we can drop by as they finish. Just a quick check-in, alright?" He leant in, pressing a kiss to your forehead before standing to his full height. "Come on or we'll end up missing her."

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