Eddie Munson X Songwriter!Reader - Love Song

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Love Song by Sara Bareilles. For this one, Reader and Eddie are older (mid-twenties); Corroded Coffin are a semi-successful band living out in LA and Reader is their songwriter. I hope you all enjoy it.

You had never been so nervous in your entire life. Not the first time you'd presented one of your songs to a label. Not when you'd first heard your words sung on stage. Not even when you'd first met Eddie 'hotter-than-hell' Munson in the flesh, no, this was way more nerve-wracking than all of that combined. 

It's not like you were doing anything wrong, either. Signing for a different label that could offer you better pay and a chance to have your songs sung by some of the biggest names in the world would have been hard to turn down in any circumstances. But there was still a sinking feeling in your stomach. A tightening in your chest that told you that maybe you were making a mistake. 

You loved the band, you really did, but Corroded Coffin had a pretty small audience, really. Their label could only justify paying you so much, and living in LA was getting pretty damn expensive. 

But then you thought about Eddie; sweet funny Eddie who had taken a shining to you from the first moment he'd set eyes on you. Eddie who always tried to crack jokes and would derail your writing sessions with stories and tangents. Eddie who made sure you always got home safe. Eddie who never went more than 24 hours without calling to tell you something of utmost importance, even though you'd see him the next day. Eddie who you were totally, hopelessly in love with. 

Of course, it didn't help that you'd been sleeping together for the best part of the last year, either. Friends with benefits, he'd called it, and honestly, you'd been more than happy with that at first. You were so busy that dating wasn't even worth considering. But now, with the idea of moving on lingering in the back of your mind, it was hard to ignore that you felt more for him than you had at the beginning. 

So, tonight, you were standing at his door with an ultimatum floating around your head. You would tell Eddie about the new job offer and explain that it would mean moving to the other side of California. You would tell him that if he wanted you to stay, you would. That the job didn't mean a thing if he cared about you. But if he didn't, you would have to leave. 

But then he'd opened the door and smiled that devastatingly beautiful smile of his, and the thoughts had completely left your head. 

"Hey, Baby," he hummed, letting you in and ushering you over to his living room. You'd spent so many nights here that it felt almost natural to just slump down onto the couch, but instead, you forced yourself to stay standing as he returned with two beers, holding one out to you. "You good?"

You swallowed down the lump in your throat before nodding, perching hesitantly on the very edge of the couch cushions. 

Eddie's brow furrowed slightly, watching you carefully. Sure, you'd had off days before, but this seemed different. You looked sad, like really sad, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused. 

He shuffled closer, placing a hand on your thigh. "Come on, Babe," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder. "Talk to me."

You shrugged him off, so gently that he almost didn't realise it was intentional for a moment. "I need to tell you something," you breathed out, your eyes fixated on the dark purple patch on the carpet where you'd knocked over a half-empty glass of red wine a couple of months back. Hell, you were all over this apartment. You were practically embedded in it. 

"What's going on?"

"I got a job offer," you uttered, biting down on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from just rattling off every romantic thought you'd ever had about Eddie. "It's a great job, too," you pressed on. A small smile pulled at his lips, watching you carefully as you picked at the edges of your nails. "But it's in San Fransisco."


"They're offering me way more money-" the words trailed off when Eddie got to his feet, pacing away from the couch, looking a little lost as he moved back and forth across the room. "It's not like I don't love working with you guys. I have so much fun."

"Then why are you ditching us?"

You hesitated for a moment, finally looking at him properly and seeing the deep frown painting his features. "I'm not ditching you-"

"You're moving to another city. You'll be hours away. You won't be with us anymore."

"I've not even accepted the job yet," you bit out, watching as he suddenly stopped pacing to look down at you. "I don't know if I'm going to take it. I mean, it's a really big step and I'm happy here-"

Eddie's expression softened slightly, moving to crouch in front of you. "Don't go," he murmured, his hands resting on your knees, eyes peering up into yours. "Stay with the band-"

"It's not about the band, Eddie," you uttered, shaking your head in frustration. "I love the guys, but It's never been about them."

He nodded. "Then what is it about?"

You swallowed down the lump in your throat, your tongue darting out to wet your bottom lip. "San Fransisco is so far," you murmured. "And you'd be here-"


You nodded slightly. 

Eddie was leaning up to kiss you a second later, his hands shifting to cup your cheeks as he held you close. "Don't go," he breathed against your lips, his forehead resting against yours. "Stay here with me," he added softly, his fingers shifting to brush gently against your jaw. "Please."

"I need to know it's real," you uttered. "I can't just turn down some incredible job opportunity if we're just friends with benefits-"

"Then marry me-"

"Eddie," you yelped, pulling back slightly, a shocked bubble of laughter slipping out of you. "You're missing a step there, baby," you told him, smiling when he pulled you into another kiss. 

When he finally released you, you were a little breathless, your head spinning. "I just want you to stay, Baby. I'll be whatever you need me to be if it keeps you with me." 

"How about boyfriend?" you murmured, brushing his hair back out of his face. 

"Boyfriend sounds great, Pretty Girl." This thumb ran over your bottom lip for a moment. "I'm sorry I didn't make the move quicker, Baby-"

You shook your head slightly. "It doesn't matter," you told him, nipping at the pad of his thumb lightly. "We got there eventually."

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