Billy Hargrove X Reader - Come on Over

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Come on Over Baby (All I Want Is You) by Christina Aguilera. I hope you all enjoy it. 

When your parents had first told you that they would be going out of town for the weekend, you had been pretty sure that you would enjoy a full 48 hours to yourself. I mean, it was the first time that you would be truly alone in forever, and it would be nice to just get some peace and quiet for once, right? Well, you had thought that at first. 

They had only been gone for 2 hours when you'd first felt the boredom seeping in. You'd taken a bubble bath and listened to music. You'd tried reading for a while, but the quiet in the house had been unnerving. You'd sat in front of the TV, but there was nothing on that was actually worth watching. And by the time hour 3 was rolling around, you were already getting pretty close to losing your mind. 

So, you'd done the one thing you knew best, and you'd called the one person you knew would show up no matter what. 

"Hello?" his voice started, and you felt a smile pull at your lips. 

"Hey, Baby," you started, biting down on your bottom lip slightly. "Whatcha doing?"

You heard a small chuckle slip out of Billy, a sound that you loved more than anything. "Nothing important. What did you want, Pretty Girl?"

"Do you want to come over?"

Billy hummed softly on the other end of the line, acting as though he would ever have to consider your offer. You both knew that he would drop anything to come hang out with you. Hell, he was soft as anything when it came to you. He loved you. He would never miss the opportunity to spend time with you. 

"What did you have planned?"

"Well," you murmured. "I was thinking we could have a slumber party. You know? Pyjamas. Candy. Scary movies. Face masks. We could do it all."

He snorted with laughter. "All of it? What about the pillow fights?"

"I think I could accommodate a pillow fight," you teased. "So, are you coming?"

"With a promise like that? I'd be a fool not to." A soft giggle slipped out of you at his comment. "You want me to pick anything up for you, Sweetheart?"

"Nope," you hummed. "Just get your butt over here, Baby."

You'd been on your feet the second you'd heard his car pull up on the drive way, hurrying to the front door and pulling it open just as he reached it. 

"Hey, Handsome," you started, grinning when he caught your chin and pulled you in for a quick kiss. 

"Hello, Sweetheart," he murmured against your lips. "You're looking beautiful as ever," he added, releasing your chin and following you into the house, his arms wrapping around you from behind. When you'd first met, you hadn't expected him to be so clingy, but the second he had realised that you guys were the real deal, he'd become a lot more comfortable with hanging all over you whenever he got the chance. "So, you got lonely in this big house all on your own?" 

You leant back against him slightly, letting him engulf you entirely as you let out a soft chuckle. "No," you hummed. "Just missed you."

"You were bored, huh?" he teased, pressing a kiss to your shoulder.

"Nuh-uh," you cried out. "If I was bored I would've called Hannah. Or Tracy. But I called you, didn't I?"

He hummed softly, his hands shifting to your hips to turn you around. "Yeah, you called me, Baby."

"Because I missed you."

He nudged your nose with his, grinning down at you. "Well, I missed you too," he told you softly. 

"That's because you love me," you told him, biting down on your bottom lip to stop the bright smile that was fighting its way to the surface. "You love me so much," you added, reaching up to squeeze his cheeks between your fingers, chuckling lightly when his face went all mishapen. 

"I lub you," you uttered, his words all garbled from your grip on him, drawing another sweet bubble of laughter out of you. 

You released his face, pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I lub you too, Baby."

*Time Skip*

It hadn't taken the two of you long to set up your little slumber party, dragging all of the blankets and pillows from your bedroom down to the living room and turning it into a comfortable den in front of the TV. 

Billy had even let you push his hair back with a headband so that you could evenly apply the facemask to his skin. He'd made out as though it was a real inconvenience, grumbling the whole way through, but the second he felt how soft his skin was when you'd taken it off, he'd been a little more enthusiastic about the entire process. 

And then, you'd settled down in front of some b-rate horror movie you'd rented weeks ago, cuddled up together amongst a pile of blankets. 

It was possibly one of the most relaxing evenings you had ever had, and knowing that Billy wouldn't have to head home soon was even better. Usually, as soon as 10 pm rolled around, your parents would send him home, but this time, he was staying all night and there wasn't anyone to walk in and change that. 

"I wish we could do this every weekend," you murmured, still tucked under his arm, the movie playing in the background. 

Billy hummed out an agreement, his fingers brushing lightly over your arm. "Yeah, that'd be pretty nice, huh?"

"Yeah," you hummed, glancing up at him for a second. 

"Give it a couple of months, Sweetheart. Once we're both graduated and working, we can think about getting our own place," he told you, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head. "And then, we can do shit like this every damn night, if that's what you want."

A small smile pulled at your lips. "Every night?"

"Every night for the rest of our lives."

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