Billy Hargrove X Wheeler!Reader - Popular

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Popular performed by the original broadway cast of Wicked. Reader is Nancy's twin sister. I didn't realise until after I'd made a Married... With Children reference that the show didn't come out until 1987, so we'll just have to pretend that it was released a few years earlier. I hope you all enjoy it.

"Now that you've decided that I'm not a complete idiot," Nancy started, hands on hips as she stood in front of you, watching you lounging across her bed. "I think it's time that you become my newest project."

You raised an eyebrow, sitting up a little too suddenly to stare at her. "You really don't have to do that Nance-"

"Come on, Y/N. Are you really trying to tell me that you don't want to be popular?" She hesitated when you still looked completely unconvinced. "Think how much easier everything would be. You could go to parties and pep rallies and-"

"Nance," you bit out. "I like going under the radar," you hummed. 

"You could date whoever you wanted. I know you've got a crush on someone, even if you won't tell me who." 

You let out a soft sigh. "If I agree," you murmured, watching as a bright smile pulled at Nancy's lips. "I don't want to go over the top, alright? Just a little bit of life coaching."

"Deal," she started, grabbing your hands to pull you up into an upright position. "I know exactly what we need to do. We'll start with a makeover. Makeup and clothes and hair, that's an easy fix, even on you." You raised an eyebrow at her, watching as she rolled her eyes. "Don't go getting all offended. I'm just being honest."

*Time Skip*

Nancy's coaching had been a lot more intensive than you had been expecting. She'd put far more effort into it all too, with notecards and full days at the mall picking out new clothes and cosmetics. It had covered every little detail of your life, and by the end of the three weeks of training over spring break, you had felt like a completely different person. Not necessarily better, but definitely different. 

It wasn't until you'd walked back into school after vacation that you'd realised just how good a job Nancy had done. You'd been drawing attention from the moment you'd walked through the door with her arm hooked through yours. 

You still felt like Bambi on ice, wobbling around on the little kitten heels she'd insisted you wear, even though you could barely walk since putting them on. And your skirt just felt wrong, no matter how many times you tried to fix it. But people were looking at you, and they weren't sneering either, they were smiling. They were acting as though you'd been friends since kindergarten, even though you'd never spoken to most of these kids before in your life. 

"So," Nancy started, tugging you off to the side of the hallway and opening her locker. "If you're going to start flirting, I need to know who you're going to be flirting with."

You took a deep breath to steady yourself, frowning slightly. "You won't like the answer," you murmured.

"Try me."

"It's Billy-"

"Billy Hargrove?" Nancy exclaimed, her mouth dropping open. "Y/N, what is wrong with you? It's bad enough that you guys are friends, but dating him? He's a total goon."

You let out a snort of laughter. "Told you you wouldn't like it."

"No. Come on. Choose someone else."

A small frown pulled at your lips. "But I don't like someone else. I like Billy." You paused for a moment. "You know, he's not as bad as you think. He puts on the big bravado, but he's actually sort of sweet."

"Jesus Christ," she bit out, shaking her head. "Fine, go and flirt to your heart's content, but I'm not helping you."

You grabbed her hand. "Nancy, please," you whined. "I don't know what to say-"

"He's your friend," she uttered, looking resigned to the conversation despite her assurance that she didn't want to help you. "Just be yourself. If he likes you, he'll tell you. Especially now you look like this," she pressed on, gesturing to the outfit. "But if this all blows up in your face, it's not my fault. I was preparing you for a normal guy. Not Billy." 

*Time Skip*

Billy let out a low whistle as he sidled up beside you, giving you a once over as you pushed off of his car, standing upright. "Give me a twirl, Princess," he hummed, cigarette dangling precariously from his lips. 

You immediately did as you were told, grinning as you spun on the spot, letting the skirt flare up slightly. 

"You playing dress-up, today? Is it Halloween already?"

Your smile dropped at his words. "What?"

"What are you dressed like this for? You look like Molly Ringwald in Sixteen Candles," he pressed on, letting out a soft snort of laughter until he saw the frown pulling at your lips. "Not that I hate it or anything. Molly Ringwald is hot-"

"Billy," you murmured, shaking your head.

"It's just that usually, you're more of a Kelly Bundy, type. You know? Little less pep rally-"

"Are you calling me stupid?" you bit out, watching as his eyes widened in horror.

He shook his head, taking the cigarette fully from his mouth. "No, Princess. Never-"

"Kelly Bundy is a total airhead-"

"I just meant that you're hot. Not preppy or cute. Straight up hot." You both stayed quiet for a moment. "You don't dress like this," he uttered, voice a little softer. "Because you dress like a fucking goddess; not like some innocent little daddy's girl." 

A soft sigh slipped out of you. "Nancy said it'd make me more popular-"

"Who gives a shit what Nancy said?" he murmured. "You don't need to dress like this for people to pay attention to you, Princess."

"Well, you never noticed before-"

"Take that back," he bit at you. "I noticed. I've always noticed. Just didn't want you to think I was only talking to you because I thought you were hot."

You swallowed down the lump in your throat. "Really?"

"Hand on heart. I swear it, Princess." He paused for a moment. "I should've told you sooner," he added, reaching out to take your hand in his, playing with your fingers. "But you are the most beautiful woman to walk the planet. Drop dead gorgeous. And I have got the hots for you so bad that it's actually impressive that I can be this close to you without popping a boner-"

"Billy," you chastised, your mouth dropping open in horror as he snorted with laughter.

"I'm just saying," he murmured. "I really like you. And I don't need you to dress like some pretty little princess for you to be my princess, alright?"

You nodded, swallowing around the lump forming in your throat. "You really like me like that?"

"I more than like you, Princess."

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