Billy Hargrove X Henderson!Reader - Woman

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Woman by Doja Cat (and also a hell of a lot of 80s Madonna). I hope you all enjoy it. 

"You're late again."

You lifted your head to look over at the new kid, cigarette hanging from between his lips, as he glanced over his shoulder at the girl getting into his car. From where you were sitting in the driver's seat of your car, you had a good view of the interaction. Hell, you parked in the same spot every day, and you'd had the same perfect view every time he'd berated her over something or rather since they'd come to Hawkins.

"Yeah, I had to get catch up homework," she murmured, tucking her skateboard safely into the back seat.

He scoffed slightly. "Jesus, I don't care. You're late again and you're skating home. Do you hear me?"

You straightened up slightly, leaning towards your open window as he stubbed out his cigarette butt on the ground. "Hey Sweetie," you called out, watching as the girl's head shot up to look at you. "If that asshole ever ditches you here to skate home, let me know. I'm always hanging around waiting on my brother anyway. I can drop you back."

Her eyes widened at the offer, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of the water as she searched for something to say. You didn't let your attention linger on her for long, your eyes drifting over to her brother. "If you want to chauffer the little shit around, be my guest," he bit out, his tongue running over his teeth. "She's an ungrateful-"

"You know, being nice to people doesn't cost anything," you interrupted him, tilting your head to the side and letting out a soft snort of laughter. "You should give it a try sometime," you pressed on, a small smirk pulling at your lips when you saw Dustin running towards your car. You quickly fixed the girl with a smile. "My name's Y/N," you told her. 

"Max," she murmured back. 

"Well Max, you're always welcome to join us. And if you can't find me, Dusty here will always know where I'll be," you started, nodding your head towards your brother, now firmly situated in the passenger seat. "I'm sure we'll see you around."

*Time Skip*

The existence of study periods was possibly the only saving grace of your senior year. Between classes and homework and tests and keeping Dustin from burning the damn house down whilst your Mom was out at work, you were practically constantly on the go. So being able to linger in the hallways without having to rush to another class was practically a relaxing holiday. 

You were just stashing your books back in your locker when you felt the presence behind you, moving closer until you quickly span to face it, finding the same boy from the day before glaring down at you. 

"Hi," you started, quirking an eyebrow at him. "Can I help you?" 

"You need to stay out of my business," he bit out, his jaw set tight as if he thought he could intimidate you with the expression on his face alone.

You let out a soft snort, a smile pulling at your lips. "Your business? Who said anything about your business?" His glare faded slightly as you let out a gentle chuckle. "I have zero interest in anything that even comes close to your business."

He moved a little closer to you, his hand pressing against the hard metal of the locker behind your head. "Stay away from Max."

The smile that had been playing on your features completely shifted, and for a moment you could've sworn you saw a flicker of fear travel over his features. "Max is a kid and you are the biggest bully I've ever met," you started again, your voice harder than it had been before. "I mean look at you; you're trying to bully me right now. And the fact that you seem so confused that's not working tells me that you're all too familiar with being the Big Bad of wherever the fuck you came from." 

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