Robin Buckley X Fem!Reader - Say It Ain't So

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Say It Ain't So by Weezer. I hope you all enjoy it.

She really couldn't help herself. Robin had been trying to keep you out of her mind from the moment you'd come waltzing into her life, but it turned out you were pretty good at slipping past her defences, whether you knew it or not. And of course, the only person that could see exactly how infatuated with you she was, was Steve. He'd been there when you'd met and the second you'd excused yourself to go to the bathroom, Robin had been all red in the face and flustered. 

And after that, you'd just kept showing up in their lives. You'd come to the video store every Friday night to pick out your weekend movies and strike up light conversation with them as you browse the shelves. Soon enough, the light conversation had slipped into friendly banter and then that had somehow switched to you telling them about your dating life. And God, it was a complicated one. 

At one point, Robin had been convinced that you were going on more dates than there were datable people in Hawkins. But she'd listen intently anyway. You'd been to the movies more times than you could count. And the waiting staff in Enzo's practically knew your order off by heart. But still, you hadn't ended up with a proper boyfriend. There was always some excuse, some reason that the relationship would never work. He was too short. He was too tall. He barely spoke to you all night. He never stopped talking. And the one that had tickled Robin the most: He laughed like a lawn mower starting up, followed by a rather unattractive impression of exactly what that would sound like. 

And then, after a pretty detailed debrief, you would take your movies and bid them farewell, leaving Robin completely deflated. She couldn't talk to you about people she liked or she'd be a complete outcast from society. And it's not like she was going on dates anyway. Steve, on the other hand, was trying his hand at the dating pool again and failing. He could strike up a conversation with you without even trying. Shit, he would probably be perfect for you.

"You should ask Y/N out," she'd mumbled one Friday, once she'd made sure that you were out of the store and definitely not coming back. "You guys would have a good time-"

"Don't be ridiculous," he uttered, shaking his head as she finished piling your tapes onto the go-back cart. "Friend code, right? I can't date someone you like."

Robin shrugged slightly. "She's never going to like me back. And you might end up working out."

"But it'd still be breaking the code. We don't do that." He gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Besides, you don't know that she doesn't like women-" he murmured, trailing off.

"Are you kidding? Have you been here for a single conversation we've had with her? She likes men."

*Time Skip*

Your birthday had been a pretty big deal. Of course, you'd been blessed that your parents were out of town at some inavoidable conference they'd needed to attend, leaving you with an empty house.  

But then, once everyone was there, ready to party, you'd lost control a little. Shots and beers and some punch that you couldn't quite work out the contents of. And Christ, you were far drunker than you had been intending on. 

When Robin and Steve had made their appearance, a little later than intended due to an unwanted pep talk in the car, you'd lit up like a Christmas Tree, a bright smile pulling across your features.

"They're here," you cried out, attempting to push yourself off of the counter and stumbling slightly. "You guys are here," you repeated, pulling them into a clumsy hug and giggling away to yourself as you pulled back to look at them. "I was worried you might not come."

"So you started drinking our share of the booze too, huh?" Steve teased, practically holding you upright as you rolled your eyes.

You shook your head slightly. "I've only had-" you started trying to count the drinks on your fingers, and then sighed. "I don't think I have enough fingers," you murmured, a wrinkle of frustration forming between your eyebrows.

"Okay," he chuckled, patting your elbow lightly. "I'm cutting you off for a little while. Food and water time."

"Steve," you whined, pouting for a moment, before turning your attention to Robin. "Robin, tell him he's being unreasonabubble-" you paused, blinking for a moment. "Unreasonabub-"

"Unreasonable?" she supplied, holding back a bubble of laughter. "I'm going to go and get you some water, alright?"

"Meet me up in her room? It'll be quieter up there."

The two of them agreed before Steve started leading you towards the stairs, listening to you mumble incoherently as you went. "Robin's nice," you finally managed. "So nice."

"Yeah, she's great."

"And she's so pretty, too. And funny. And smart. And-" you fell silent for a moment. "She's really pretty-"

Steve had finally manoeuvred you into your room, letting you flump down on your bed. "Yeah, she's pretty."

"Can I tell you a secret?" you murmured, shifting around on the bed to look at him properly. "But you have to promise not to tell, okay?" 

"Yeah, I promise-"

"I think I might like Robin. Like, really like her," you uttered, suddenly looking a bit lost as you stared at him. "I thought that if I kept going on dates I'd eventually meet a boy that I liked, but I don't think I like men at all-"

Steve stood very still for a moment, watching you carefully. "So, you like girls?"

You stared up at him with wide eyes, putting a finger up to your mouth. "Shhhh, Harrington. People can hear you." 

He knelt down in front of you. "I need you to tell me Y/N. Do you like Robin?" You nodded your answer. "Well, she likes you too, okay, but you can't tell her I told you."

You sat silently for a moment, looking completely baffled, until a knock sounded on the door and Robin opened it, her head poking around the edge. 

"Water delivery service," she called out to you, offering up a bright smile. 

"You like me?" you uttered, watching as her mouth fell open in sheer astonishment. "I mean, you really like me?"


The room fell completely silent as Robin hurried inside, closing the door behind her and placing the glass of water down on your bedside table. 

"Y/N likes women," Steve interjected, glancing between the two of you as he got to his feet. "And she really likes you," he added. 


"Steve, you promised not to tell," you whined. 

He held his hands up in self-defence. "If either of you were capable of saying more than a couple of words in a row right now, I wouldn't need to tell, would I?" 

"I don't think now is the time to talk about this," Robin murmured softly, a little red-cheeked as she watched you, her expression soft. "We can hang out sometime; talk it out, alright?" 

You nodded. "Thank you," you finally uttered, taking the glass from the side and taking a tentative sip. "No one else heard, did they? I don't want my Mom to find out from someone else-"

"No one else heard," Steve confirmed.

"And we aren't going to tell anyone unless you want us to," Robin added, finally letting a small smile pull at her lips. "That's your decision to make."

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