Steve Harrington X Reader - Burnout

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Burnout by Bangs, which means that the reader has a bit of a punk vibe, but we can all just pretend that we're all like that for one chapter, can't we? This is set a few years after Season 4, where Eddie survived and moved to Indianapolis to try and get Corroded Coffin to take off. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Steve had been reluctant to come to Indianapolis. I mean, sure, he wanted to see Eddie, he missed him, but at the same time, he knew Eddie well enough to know that wherever he was living was likely to be a total shit tip. He was a great guy, with a lot of talents, but cleaning up after himself was definitely not one of them, and Steve really wasn't feeling great about having to live amongst the filth whilst he was staying there. 

But, when Eddie had swung the door open with a bright grin, ready to greet his old friend, Steve had been shocked to find the place behind him glistening. There wasn't a spot of dirt and the floors weren't sticky. In fact, he couldn't see a single thing wrong with the place. 

"This place is nice," Steve hummed, eyes roaming over the living area whilst Eddie beamed with pride. 

"It's great, right?" he pressed on. "Nicer than Uncle Wayne's place was," he added, slumping down on the couch. 

"You taking credit for all my hard work?" a voice interrupted, and Steve glanced over towards it to find you leaning in the doorway to the Kitchen, eyebrows raised at Eddie. "This place would be gross if it wasn't for me. Honestly, it's a miracle that you guys survived before I moved in," you pressed on, clutching onto a coffee cup as if it was your lifeline, which with the early hour, Steve assumed it probably was. 

"Hi," Steve hummed, watching as your coldness slipped for a second to send him a sweet smile. 

"Hi," you repeated back to him, before disappearing back into the kitchen and leaving the two boys alone. 

Steve hesitated for a moment before moving to sit next to Eddie. "You never mentioned you had a girlfriend-"

"Y/N isn't my girlfriend," Eddie interrupted, looking a little upset by the assumption. "That girl would murder me before she let me take her out on a date," he added, a little louder, hearing you snort with laughter from the other room. "She's a friend, we met at one of the bars we perform at and she came over to tell us that the band weren't shit, which is probably the nicest thing she's ever said to me."

You snorted again, your head popping around the edge of the door. "I think you'll find," you started, clearly enjoying the conversation. "I said you weren't total shit, which means you were still a little bit shit."


"Asshole," you bit back quickly, before blowing Eddie a kiss and disappearing again. 

Steve was staring at where you had been, fixated on you. I mean, it's not like he hadn't met hot girls before. Hell, he'd dated almost every hot girl in Hawkins. But you were different. You weren't just hot. You had something about you that had him hooked within seconds. 

"So, she just lives with you because she thinks you aren't total shit?" he hummed, finally turning his attention back to Eddie, only to be met with a bright grin. 

"You like her," he whispered, keeping his voice low. "I fucking knew you'd be into her," he pressed on, snorting with laughter when Steve glanced over to check you weren't there listening in on the conversation. 

"I don't like her-"

"Yeah, you do. She's hot and she's mean, that's your type, right?" Eddie pressed on. "I mean, Nancy: Hot and kinda mean. Robin: Hot and basically hated you. Y/N: Hot as hell and the biggest bitch I've ever met."

Steve shook his head. 

"Quit doing that," Eddie muttered, grabbing his head to hold him still. "You look like a bobblehead," he added. 

"I don't even know her."

"No one knows anyone until they get to know them, idiot. Just flirt with her a little. I bet she'd love it."

Steve frowned. "I'm not going to hit on your roommate-"

"Please do. It'd keep her off my ass for a while; she might even be nice to me."

*Time Skip*

Steve had been staying in the apartment for a total of three days before you really gave him the time of day, slumping down beside him on the couch when the other boys had already gone to bed, and turning around to face him fully, studying him. 

"Hi," Steve hummed softly, looking totally lost when your head tilted to the side. 

"So, what's it like living in a shitty little town in the middle of nowhere?"

Steve blinked, his mouth opening and closing as he searched for an answer. "Uh," he murmured, shaking his head slightly. "It's shitty and small," he finally answered. "Everyone knows everyone else's business and pretty much everyone is an asshole."

You nodded. "So, it's like living here, but everyone is nosier?"

He chuckled. "Yeah, pretty much."

You hummed, a small smile pulling at your head. "I guess that explains why Eddie had no ability to keep a secret and zero personal boundaries, huh?" Steve let out a soft snort of laughter. "He told me you thought I was hot," you added, watching as his eyes widened in horror. "You should never tell him anything if you don't want anyone else to know it-"

"I didn't tell him anything," Steve interjected. "He just saw me looking at you and he knows my type better than anyone I know-"

"I'm your type?" you chuckled, shaking your head in disbelief. "I mean, that's cute, but you don't seem like the sort of guy that dates alternative girls," you added. "No offence, but you seem like the guy who dates the head cheerleader, you know?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Eddie says that my type is pretty and mean," he explained. "Which, since he's pointed it out, had become way more obvious to me."

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. "Well, he knows my type too," you murmured. "Better than I do, I think."


You nodded. "He knows I've got a bit of a thing for preppy guys," you hummed. "In fact, he told me I'd like you before you even told him you were coming to stay," you pressed on. 

Steve let his head fall back against the couch, letting out a breathy chuckle. "Fuck, we've been played," he muttered. "He knew what he was doing," he added, letting his head fall to the side as you nodded, biting down on your bottom lip. "So, did you want to prove him right?"

"God, I really want to prove him wrong, but you're so hot that I don't think I actually win in that situation," you murmured, watching his smile grow. 

"We could just go out and not tell him," Steve told you, watching as your eyes basically sparkled at the idea of torturing Eddie by keeping him out of the loop. 

"That sounds like a plan."

Steve nodded. "Let me take you out for dinner tomorrow?"

"Are you going to take me somewhere expensive?"

He hesitated for a moment. "I'll take you anywhere you want to go."

"I'm going to make you regret that statement," you told him, biting down on your bottom lip as you got to your feet, making your way over to your bedroom. "I'll see you tomorrow, Stevie."

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