Steve Harrington X Hopper!Reader - Guns & Ships

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Guns & Ships from the Hamilton musical. Reader is Hopper's daughter who stayed in Hawkins when El moved to California with the Byers. I hope you all enjoy it. 

"This plan isn't going to work," Nancy murmured, shaking her head as she paced through the Mayfield's trailer, wracking her brain for the perfect tactic to take down Vecna. "There are too many places to slip up. Too many holes in the plan."

The rest of the group watched her carefully, their eyes following her path around the furniture. It was clear that no one else had any other suggestions to help her out, and the best course of action was just to let her figure it out in her head on her own. 

Finally, she stopped, her hands on her hips when she turned back to the group. A sharp sigh slipped out of her, a frown pulling at her lips. "You know who we need to call," she finally muttered. 

Steve raised an eyebrow at her. Of course, your name had been rattling around in his head from the moment they knew that something strange was happening in Hawkins, but you had been pretty clear after your dad had died that you didn't want anything to do with the group. You wanted distance. You wanted some peace and quiet for the first time in three years. 

"She doesn't want us knocking on her door-"

"Who?" Eddie interrupted, sitting up a little straighter and shuffling forwards in his seat. 

"Y/N is the only person I know who will have a clue what to do," Nancy started again.

Steve let out a sharp sigh. "She doesn't want to be involved. You know that as well as I do-"

"Look, I know you guys have a history, but we need her, whether she likes it or not," Nancy bit out, silencing him. 

"It's not about that," he corrected, shaking his head. "She lost her dad. She doesn't want to be mixed up in this anymore-"

"It wouldn't hurt to ask," Max interjected softly, frowning slightly. "She doesn't have to be involved. She could just tell us what to do-"

Steve let out a disgruntled grunt, shaking his head. "That's not fair. You know how she is. She won't be able to walk away if she knows we need help."

"And she'll be mad if we don't at least tell her what's going on, okay?" Nancy uttered her hands on her hips. "We don't have any other choice, alright? We just have to bite the bullet and go to her. I need her. I can't figure this out on my own." She paused for a moment, her expression softening. "If we don't get this right, the world is going to fall apart. You didn't see what I saw. We have to do something."

His tongue darted out, wetting his bottom lip as he considered it. "Fine, but if she gets pissy about us showing up, I'm telling her it was all your fault." He paused for a moment. "And we'll need transport."

*Time Skip*

When they'd pulled the motorhome up outside the cabin, you were already standing in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe like you'd been expecting them. In fact, you had been. As soon as you'd seen the news about the killings in Hawkins, you had known that something bad was going on, and you'd been wondering how long it would take for your little ragtag group of idiots to show up. 

"Took you long enough," you called out, watching as Nancy smiled at you, jumping down the last step onto the ground and hurrying over to hug you. "New car?" you teased, glancing up at Steve through the windshield. 

"We're borrowing it," Nancy corrected, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

You nodded, ushering them inside. You'd managed to tidy it up somewhat since the Mindflayer had all but torn the roof off and it was livable again. "So, what do we know?"

You listened intently as they ran you through the information they'd gathered, your mind working a mile a minute to keep up and formulate a plan as you went. 

"So, you're going in to defeat him?" you murmured, watching as Nancy nodded, sitting forward in her seat to listen for your idea. "But these bat things-"

"We're calling them Demobats," Dustin told you, interrupting slightly and receiving a glare from the other kids. 

"These Demobat things will be looking for you, right? So, you'll need a distraction. Something loud; like, obnoxiously loud."

The group stayed quiet for a moment, and then Eddie cleared his throat, drawing your attention over to him. 

"I play guitar. I've got a pretty loud amp, too," he murmured, and a small smile pulled at your lips. 

"Okay, guitar," you hummed. "That could work. You said they're fast though, right, so you won't have long to draw them in. And you'll need somewhere to go when they come after you. Somewhere safe-"

"A bunker," Steve suggested softly. "You could reinforce the trailer; there's already a portal there. You could lock yourself inside and then come back through. Wait for us on this side."

You clapped slightly. "Perfect," you called out, seeing Steve's lips twitch into a half smile at your praise. "You'll need to be able to protect yourself too. Weapons and stuff-"

"War Zone," Eddie interrupted, looking a little too proud of himself when you smiled at him. "You can get everything there. Guns. Knives. Bear traps. You name it, they've got it. They don't even check IDs." 

"Well, that sounds like a great place to start," you told them. 

*Time Skip*

You'd sat up front on the journey to the War Zone, lingering next to Steve's seat and offering up the odd direction in an attempt to be helpful. 

"I'm sorry we had to come to you," Steve finally murmured, eyes darting to the side to look at you for just a second before returning to the road in front of him. "I know you didn't want to be involved in all of this anymore."

You shrugged slightly. "Honestly? I know I said I wanted out, but I missed you guys. It's been a bit lonely."

Steve stayed quiet for a moment, swallowing down the lump in his throat. "I missed you too. We all did," he told you. "After all of this is over, you should start coming around more. Rob and I work at Family Video now. You could come by sometime-"

"I will," you interrupted. "I promise."

He nodded, glancing over at you again. 

"I'm sorry that I just disappeared like that," you pressed on. "I mean, I still owe you a date, right?"

A soft chuckle slipped out of him. "I won't hold you to it if you don't want to go."

"I do." You smiled softly at him. "It was just bad timing, huh?" 

"The worst," he agreed, grinning when you reached out to take his free hand in yours for a moment. "So, where am I taking you?" he hummed, running his thumb over the back of your hand before releasing you to place it back on the wheel. 

You let out a soft grumble as if you were making the hardest decision that had ever been placed in front of you. "We could go to Enzos," you murmured. "Or we could just order pizza and watch a movie; it'd be just like old times."

"That sounds nice," he told you. "Old times," he repeated.

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