Billy Hargrove X Reader - Take Care

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Take Care by Rihanna and Drake. This chapter is set between seasons 2 and 3. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You took a deep breath as you pushed through the front door into Tommy's house. The annual Halloween party was already in full swing, and if it hadn't been for a closing shift at work, you would've been here hours ago, and you'd probably have already been as drunk as the rest of the partygoers, too. 

You'd pushed your way through the crowd, navigating yourself to the kitchen in the hopes of getting a drink down you before you'd have to deal with anyone else's antics. But the second you stepped over the threshold, you heard someone let out a victorious cry, your eyes darting over to find Billy sitting on the counter, arms thrown in the air as he grinned in your direction. 

"There she is," he called out, letting out a trickle of laughter when you smiled at him. "My girl, the workaholic," he pressed on, watching as you made your way past people to get to him and smiling as you leant up on your tiptoes to kiss him. 

"You're drunk," you hummed against his lips. "And it's only like 9 pm, you lightweight," you teased as you pulled back, his knees keeping you trapped close to him. 

He shook his head. "Not a lightweight," he told you, catching your chin to kiss you again. "Not even that drunk," he pressed on, hearing you let out a scathing chuckle at his comment. 

"Well, you're a hell of a lot drunker than I am," you confessed. 

"I can fix that," he uttered, slipping down from the counter, his arm flinging around your shoulder to drag you along with him, bumping into people as he went. "Here," he added, pressing his drink into your hand.

You took a quick sip, wincing at how strong the mixture was. "Jesus, Billy, this tastes like nail varnish remover," you chastised. 

"It's not that bad-"

"It's basically pure Vodka," you corrected, shaking your head. "Come on, at least make it taste nice."

He grumbled, taking the cup back as you approached the drinks table. "OJ?"

"OJ," you confirmed, tucking yourself into his side as he added to your drink, trying to make it at least a little bit more palatable for you. 

When he finally handed the drink back, you took a tentative sip. 

"Better?" You nodded your agreement, taking another, longer drink. "How was work?"

You shrugged slightly, receiving a stern look from Billy. It had taken a long time for the two of you to move out of your comfortable friendship stage and into the actual dating stage, and the agreement had always been that you'd be completely open and honest with each other. It turned out, you were the one that had more trouble with that than he did. Billy was a completely open book. You knew everything about him. Hell, he told you practically everything he did day to day. He told you every single thought he had. But you were a little more private. You liked thinking things through before you said them. You liked keeping certain shitty parts of your day to yourself. And it drove Billy completely crazy; he'd told you as much time and time again. 

"It was work," you finally hummed. "I did a shit ton of work for minimum wage and zero appreciation, so it sucked," you pressed on. "But I'm here with you now, so I'm fine," you added, giving him a soft smile when he reached up to touch your cheek lightly. 

"You sure?"

You nodded. "Certain," you confirmed quietly, wrinkling up your nose when he leant down to kiss you again. 

"Thank you for telling me," he murmured against your lips. "Let's dance, Pretty Girl-"

You let out a snort of laughter. "I'm not drunk enough to dance," you reminded him, lifting your cup to your lips for another sip. "I won't be for a little while," you added, hearing him let out a soft disgruntled sigh. 

"Come on, Baby. You always look so hot when you dance," he pressed on, his hands sliding down to your hips, trying to shift you to the tune playing in the other room. 

"Billy," you warned softly. 

"Baby," he murmured back. 

"One more drink and I'll be ready to dance," you told him, watching his smile grow as he nudged at the cup in your hand, encouraging you to drink a little quicker. "What's the hurry? We've got all night?"

His tongue darted out to wet his bottom lip. "The hurry is that you look Goddamn gorgeous in this little costume of yours and I want to show off how lucky I am that you love me. Wanna show off my pretty girl for everyone," he told you, grinning when you rolled your eyes at him, chugging down the last few gulps of your drink. 

"Another," you told him, placing the cup into his hand, for him to refill for you. Billy always made a point of wanting to take care of you. He loved looking after you. Carrying your bags when you went shopping. Getting up to get things for you rather than letting you do it for yourself. Driving you places, even though you had your own car sitting at home. 

"Your wish is my command, Pretty Girl," he hummed, immediately going back to work at the drinks table. 

It didn't take you long to finish your second drink, either, and with the measures that Billy tended to pour, you were feeling a little tipsy already, so when he'd pulled you towards where everyone else was dancing, you were more than willing to go with him. 

You wrapped your arms around his neck, moving to the music as he grinned down at you. It was funny to think that less than a year ago, you would've denied being in love with Billy, even though it had been painfully obvious that you were. And now, you were looking up at him as if he hung the moon and the stars, and he was staring back the exact same way. 

"What are you thinking about, Pretty girl?" he hummed, leaning down to speak directly into your ear, now that the music was so much louder. 

You turned your head, pressing your forehead into his temple. "Just thinking about how much I love you," you confessed quietly, grinning when he turned his head so that he was looking you directly in the eye. 

"I love you too, Baby," he told you, pressing his lips to yours in a bruising kiss. "Love you more than anyone else in the world," he added, nudging your nose with his.

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