Billy Hargrove X Reader - Last Name (Part 3)

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A/N - This chapter follows on from a series within this book. Please read the other chapters first for this to make sense. This part was inspired by the song Real Girl by Mutya Buena. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You'd been practically floating around since you'd seen the two little pink lines on your pregnancy test a couple of weeks back. Sure, you and Billy hadn't exactly started out your relationship in the most conventional way in the world, but there was no doubt, 3 years in, that you loved each other far more than you had been expecting. Billy had made the effort to be a good husband. He'd worked his ass off to get you to a point of being able to buy a house. He'd repeatedly tried to talk you into having a proper wedding. He'd even gone so far as to buy you a new ring, in the hopes of persuading you, despite your assurance that your wedding had been enough for you. And then, right after getting yourselves settled in the house, you'd discovered that you were going to be having a baby. 

It had been another secret to keep for a while. You're own little joyful tidbit that you'd kept for yourselves until you had a proper scan to show people. So, it wasn't until you'd reached 16 weeks into your pregnancy, just before the bump was going to start becoming hard to hide as bloating, that you'd decided to give your coworkers your newest life update. 

"Billy and I are having a baby," you hummed softly, turning the picture of the scan over to show them. "I'm due in October," you added, watching as the younger girls seemed to bristle with excitement at the news. They'd been badgering you for months about when you and Billy would finally get engaged, but this seemed to be even more thrilling. And then, your supervisor, Claire, had cleared her throat, and everyone had gone a little quieter, the congratulations halting. 

"You aren't even married," she started, looking so much like a disapproving mother that you almost shrank away from her gaze. Your own mother had been so happy when you'd told her, and now you were wondering whether she'd been hiding the disapproval that was so clear here. "The child will be a bastard," she pressed on, and you watched as the other girls dispersed back to their own workstations, leaving you alone to face the scrutiny.


She raised an eyebrow at you, stopping you midsentence. "Will it take your name or his?"

Your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip. Shit, your hormones had been all over the place in the last couple of months, the pregnancy throwing your entire body for a loop, and right now you had the overwhelming urge to burst into tears, even at the gentle questioning you were receiving. 

"Billy's," you answered softly, clearing your throat slightly. 

"Then, I'd suggest the two of you go down to the courthouse and elope before the baby comes," she pressed on.

Fucking Hell, you weren't a violent person, in fact, you were practically a pacifist, but right now you wanted nothing more than to hit her right around her stupid head. 

"Billy and I are already married, Claire," you bit out, watching her brow furrow slightly. "We got married really young. I just didn't officially change my name," you pressed on, trying your hardest to keep your tone civil as you held your hand up to show her the ring on your pointer finger. "I don't wear it on my ring finger because I was tired of the questioning," you added, offering up a halfhearted smile. "People can be real judgy when you get married young. Even more so when you get married so quickly after meeting. Actually, they can be real judgy about a lot of things, apparently." You licked your bottom lip as you moved the ring to the correct finger, running your fingertip over it delicately. 

"I wasn't-"

"You could've just said congratulations, you know?" you muttered, turning your attention back to the work in front of you as she floundered next to your desk. "You didn't even need to mean it."

*Time Skip*

When you finally got home that evening, you were in a foul mood. You'd been looking forward to sharing the news with the girls from work since you'd first found out about the baby, and then it had been ruined for you. 

Billy had found you stretched out over the couch when he'd come back a little later, a soft smile on his lips when he crouched beside you, pulling your arm away from your face to kiss you. "Long day?"

"The longest," you murmured, sitting up slightly so that he could settle behind you, your head resting in his lap, his free hand shifting to rest over your stomach, even though you were barely even showing yet. "I told the girls about the baby," you uttered, frowning up at him. "They were all super excited, and then Claire had to go and comment about us not being married and-" you trailed off with a sigh. "I tried to keep my head, Baby. I promise I tried to ignore it."

Billy was frowning down at you now. He knew you well enough to know how fiercely protective you could be of your relationship. Hell, you'd practically bitten off the heads of a couple of friends who'd claimed you'd been making a mistake when you decided to move in together so quickly. And now that there was a baby involved, he could only imagine how much more reactive you could have become. 

"I told her about the wedding," you added softly, shaking your head. "It was stupid; I should've just let it go. And now, the entire office knows about it, and you know how rumours spread around here-"

"It's okay," he hummed, lifting his hand from your stomach to tangle his fingers with yours. "It'll be nice to actually call you my wife in public," he added softly, drawing your hand up to press a kiss to your knuckles. "My pregnant wife," he murmured, more to himself than to you, making a smile grow across your features. 

"You can wear your ring now," you reminded him, watching as he fished out the chain from around his neck, unfastening it to remove his wedding ring and slipping it onto his finger instead. "Perfect," you hummed, shifting around until you were kneeling next to him. "I'm going to go to the Town Hall on my break tomorrow," you pressed on. "Become a Hargrove officially. Get all the paperwork sorted before the baby comes."

He was grinning when he looked up from his wedding ring, catching your chin to draw you into a kiss. "Mrs Hargrove," he grumbled against your lips, and you couldn't help but relish the way it sounded in his voice. 

"I've been Mrs Hargrove for 3 years, Baby-"

"Not on your driver's licence, you haven't." He paused for a moment, eyes lingering on yours. "Not officially," he corrected. "God, if I hadn't already knocked you up, I'm pretty sure you wanting to take my name would've done the trick," he teased, kissing you again as you giggled at his comment. "My pretty little pregnant wife."

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