Eddie Munson X Reader - Come Over (Again)

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Come Over (Again) by Crawlers. This is set between seasons 1 and 2. Eddie and Reader have been together since before season 1. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Eddie's brow furrowed as he watched you take a deep inhale, hesitating for just a second before he was sitting up and plucking the joint from between your lips, setting it down in the ashtray. 

"Baby, slow down," he murmured when you made little grabby hands for the joint. "You're gonna green out if you keep smoking like that," he reminded you. "You're already a lightweight as it is," he added, offering you a soft smile. 

In all honesty, Eddie didn't like that you smoked at all. Until a couple of months ago, you'd been more than happy to just hang out with him without having to partake. But then Barb had gone missing and you and Nancy had stopped hanging out. And you'd been badgering him about letting you smoke with him just once to try it, with some threat that you could just go and get a supply from elsewhere. So, he'd relented, under the agreement that you would only ever smoke when he was with you. 

"I'm fine-"

"No, you aren't," he interrupted. "You're already high. You don't need more," he told you, grabbing the joint and stubbing it out in the ashtray. "We're done with that for tonight," he added, slumping down on his back in the middle of the bed whilst you watched him, a deep frown on your lips. 

"I'm not that high," you murmured, hearing him let out a sarcastic-sounding hum. "Ed," you pressed on, causing him to lift his head to look at you. "I'm not," you repeated. 

You were frowning, one of those proper frowns that he'd only ever seen since everything that had happened recently, and Eddie immediately felt guilty, even though he knew he was making the right choice in cutting you off. "Babe-"

"It's fine," you muttered, shifting to lie down beside him. He stretched out his arm, drawing you into his side. 

"You just need to slow down, Baby. I'm not saying you can't do it-"

"It's fine, Ed."

"Weed is great, but it can really fuck you up if you're trying to use it as a way to forget about life," he pressed on, feeling you tense beside him. "And I'm not going to let you do that when I'm right here, alright, Baby?"

You swallowed the lump in your throat, nodding slightly. "Nancy cornered me in homeroom this morning," you murmured, feeling Eddie shuffle into a more comfortable position, turning his head to watch you carefully. "She asked if we could hang out this weekend," you added, letting out a humourless chuckle. "She wants us to be friends again."

He nodded slightly. "And what did you tell her?" 

"I told her no," you uttered. "Told her I had no interest in being her friend. Told her that there was no point when I know what she's really like-"

"Baby," Eddie interrupted softly. "You guys have been best friends since Pre-K," he murmured.

You shrugged slightly. "She was Barb's friend too and she abandoned her," you told him. "And now Barb is dead," you added.

Eddie sighed, brushing his hand over your hair in an attempt to soothe you. "Nancy didn't kill her."

"Barb wouldn't have even been out there if it wasn't for Nancy. They were both supposed to be coming to mine for a sleepover and Nancy cancelled to hang out with Steve. She basically forced Barb to go too-" 

"She didn't know," he interrupted. "She's hurting too, Sweetheart." He paused for a moment, spotting your tearful expression. "You know, Steve came up to me in the halls between classes yesterday," he hummed, quickly using his thumbs to wipe the tears away from under your eyes. "Nancy's been really struggling. He says she really misses you," he added. "He said that she fucking hates herself for how things went down," he pressed on. "Hates herself for what happened to Barb." He paused for a second. "Hates herself for how she's hurt you."

You bit down on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from sobbing, sniffling slightly. "He said that?"

"Yeah," he murmured. "He's really worried about her," he pressed on. "I told him that I'm really worried about you too," he confessed. "Told him that not being able to help is killing me." He paused letting out a sharp chuckle. "Shit, even I was a little shocked that I'd be making friends with Steve Harrington, Baby, but you and Nance are in the same boat. We've actually got something in common now."

You swallowed down the lump that had formed in your throat. "You think I should forgive her?"

"I think it would help you move on if you did," he confirmed, letting out a soft sigh. "I think you'd be able to forgive yourself too." 

You nodded slightly. Hell, Eddie was basically a mind reader when it came to you. He could see the guilt lingering inside of you. The guilt that you'd forced yourself to place on Nancy to try and clear your own conscience. I mean, you'd abandoned Barb too. You'd skipped Steve's party to go out with Eddie instead after the plans had changed. If you'd gone, Barb would still be alive. 

"I'm not saying you guys have to be best friends again or anything," he added, shifting onto his side to look down at you properly. "But I think it would be good for you to just talk to her; get it all out in the open."

*Time Skip*

You hesitated on the doorstep of the Wheeler home, glancing back to where Eddie was sitting in the van. He'd agreed to wait outside for you, just in case you changed your mind at any point during the conversation and needed to make a hasty exit. He gave you a quick thumbs up and you took a deep breath before knocking. 

Nancy looked shocked when she pulled the door open and found you waiting on the other side, blinking rapidly as if her brain had malfunctioned. Before everything had happened, you would have teased her for it. The two of you would have giggled and cracked jokes about how silly she'd looked. But now, all you could do was stare. 

"Can I come in?"

Nancy nodded, ushering you inside, and the two of you walked up to her bedroom. 

"You know, our boyfriends are suddenly becoming besties," you murmured, perching yourself on the edge of her bed. "They're talking about us," you added. 

Nancy's brow furrowed. "What?" 

"Apparently, they're both worried that we're spiralling, or something," you hummed, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "Eddie thinks we need to talk it out," you added, shaking your head. "And according to him, Steve agrees." 

She nodded, moving to perch beside you on the bed. "I-" her words trailed off before they could really begin. "I didn't know," she finally managed, her eyes lined with tears. "If I had known what was out there, I never would have let her leave on her own-" Her words faded into nothing, and you nodded. "I shouldn't have let her leave alone anyway. It was selfish and stupid and-"

"And a mistake," you interrupted. "We've all made them."

"Yeah, but mine killed one of my best friends," she told you, clearing her throat slightly. 

"You didn't know," you reminded her. "Eddie had to keep reminding me that, too, you know?"

Her brow furrowed slightly, head tilting to the side. "Why?"

"Because I should've been there too, but I was out with him instead." You paused for a moment, letting out a soft sigh. "He kept telling me that hating myself for one mistake that I made without knowing what was going to happen would end up driving me insane. He kept reminding me that I didn't know and I couldn't have changed the outcome," you pressed on.

"I'm glad you had him," she murmured, reaching out to take your hand in hers. "He's a good guy," she added, drawing a snort of laughter out of you. 

When you and Eddie first started dating, Nancy had been so hesitant. She'd thought he would trouble. And then, gradually, she'd realised how sweet he was and she'd come around. 

"I'm sorry," Nancy finally murmured. "I was a shitty friend," she confessed. 

You shook your head. "You made a mistake. We both did." You paused for a moment. "Do you think Barb would think we're idiots?"

A shocked snort of laughter slipped out of Nancy at the question. "She always did. Why would that change now?" 

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