Billy Hargrove X Reader - Somebody Else

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song You're Somebody Else by Flora Cash. I might have actually used this song for inspo before, but I really can't for the life of me remember, and this time, it's also inspired by the movie Grease, so who really cares? I hope you all enjoy it. 

You chuckled when Billy released your hand, jogging forwards the last couple of steps to the entrance to the diner, tugging it open for you with a grin and gesturing for you to go through first. 

"Baby," he hummed, nodding as you touched his elbow lightly on the way past him, a bright grin on your face. 

"Such a gentleman," you teased lightly, squealing when he stepped through behind you, his arm wrapping around your middle as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder. "Thank you," you added softly, reaching up to pat his cheek delicately. 

The waitress had seated you a few seconds later, putting you in a little booth tucked out of the way, and Billy had immediately slipped into the booth next to you, throwing his arm around your shoulder. 

"I think you're supposed to be on the other side," you chuckled, turning to look up at him, your faces so close together that your nose caught his on the way past. 

"Can't kiss you from all the way over there, can I?" he murmured, his fingers lifting to brush over your jaw as he pulled you into a chaste kiss. "Too far away," he added softly his lips still brushing yours ever so lightly. 

In all honesty, you had been a little shocked when Billy asked you out for the first time. You were never exactly Miss Popular at Hawkins High. In fact, you rarely ended up moving in the same circles as Billy did. But you'd been pretty damn happy when he had hit on you. And then the first date had gone well. And so had the second. And third. And soon enough, Billy had asked you to be his girlfriend officially. 

You still didn't exactly move in the same circles, though. You were perfectly content with letting Billy hang around his friends at school. After all, when you got him on his own like this, it was like heaven. And you got him to yourself almost all of the time. He would come over to your house most nights. And on weekends, he made it his mission to take you out whenever he could afford it. He spoiled you rotten with his attention and you were more than happy to bask in it. 

"My pretty girl is so stuck in her head," he hummed softly, pressing his nose into your throat as you released a soft chuckle. 

"Am not-"

"Are too," he corrected softly, his free hand lowering to rest on your thigh, squeezing lightly to get your attention back on him. "What're you thinking about?"

You hesitated for a moment. "Just wondering what we should do tonight," you murmured. "I heard Tommy's having a party-"

"That'll be shit," he interrupted, his smile faltering almost imperceptibly. "We could go to the movies-"

"But Tommy is your friend. You should be there." 

He shrugged slightly. "Bit bored of the same old parties every weekend," he uttered. 

"That's because you've never been to a party with me," you teased, placing your hand over his. "Come on, we'll have fun. I'll even pretend to be super Impressed when you almost make yourself sick doing a keg stand," you chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before turning your attention to the menu in front of you. 

*Time Skip*

Tommy's house was enormous. It was possibly the most beautiful place you had ever seen. And walking up to the front door, you'd been a little in awe of how stunning it all was. The music was already blasting from inside, but you couldn't help but imagine how peaceful it must be when there wasn't a party raging inside. This was the sort of place you would want to live someday. The sort of place you would want to share with Billy. Maybe even the sort of place you would want to raise a family in. 

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