Billy Hargrove X Reader - Not Another Rockstar

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Not Another Rockstar by Maisie Peters, which was only released this week, but has already got me totally hooked. Honestly, if you haven't already heard it, you should definitely go and give it a listen. I hope you all enjoy it.

The night had been going pretty smoothly. A little flirting. A little prying, even though Billy always managed to scoot around your questions about his family without giving you anything worth remembering. You'd been having a great time. And then had come time for him to drive you home. 

He was speeding. Hell, he was always speeding. In fact, it was a miracle that this hadn't happened before with the amount of time he spent driving you around over the speed limit. But when the police car had pulled out behind you and flashed its lights at him, you had seen Billy visibly tense. You should've known something bad was coming, really.

Billy had put his foot down without second thought, picking up the pace and leaving you a little breathless.

"Babe, they want you to pull over," you started, twisting in your seat to watch the cruiser through the rear window. "They're flashing their lights, Billy."

He'd stayed quiet, a smile on his face that made you feel sick just to look at it. And then he'd sped up again and you'd felt the bile rise in your throat.

"Billy. Pull over." 

The sirens came to life behind you, the lights colouring the inside of the car red and blue as you forced yourself to face forwards, digging your fingers into the sides of your seat. 

"Billy, slow down," you started again. "Please Billy, you're going too fast."

He hushed you, reaching one hand away from the steering wheel to turn up the music, covering up your soft whimper. 

"It's dark; you can't even see where you're going," you pressed on, raising your voice slightly, frustrated with him ignoring you. "Pull over," you finally yelled. "Pull the fucking car over or I swear to God, Billy-"

"Quit yelling."

"Stop the fucking car," you screamed back at him, practically shaking with anger until you saw his foot lift just a touch, the car slowing slightly. "Pull over," you cried out again, jaw tight.

He finally did as he was told, slowing right down and pulling over to the side of the road. 

You had thrown the door open as soon as the car was at a standstill, holding your hands up to show that you weren't armed as you marched away from Billy and towards the police car. 

Hopper looked horrified when he spotted you, telling the other officer to deal with Billy as he walked towards you. "Y/N-"

"Please don't make me get back in the car," you uttered, looking like you were on the verge of throwing up. "I told him to pull over."

"What're you doing out with a boy like that?" he muttered, ushering you over to the back of the cruiser. "Your dad would lose his mind-"

"You can't tell him," you interrupted, swallowing down the anxiety building in your chest. "Please don't tell him. He thinks I'm at a study session."

Hopper let out a disgruntled sigh. "That boy is bad news," he finally told you. "I'll drive you home once we're done here, alright? Just sit tight."

*Time Skip*

School the next day had been interesting, to say the least. You'd had a couple of people asking you about whether Billy had really been pulled over by the cops and of course, you'd brushed off the questions without answering. But then you'd heard someone make a comment about how cool it was that he had refused to pull over and you'd almost lost your mind. 

It wasn't until you were standing at your locker later that afternoon that Billy had found you, slapping his hand against your ass so hard that it made you jump. 

"There you are, Princess," he hummed, grabbing your chin to draw you into a kiss that you yanked yourself away from. "You avoiding me, Baby? I didn't see you at lunch."

You stayed quiet, digging in your locker in an attempt to avoid conversation. 

"You're not still mad at me, are you, Princess?"

"Of course, I'm mad at you, Asshole," you bit out, spinning on your heel to glare up at him. "Last night was mortifying. I have never been so fucking embarrassed." You shook your head. "Hopper was looking at me like I was a complete idiot for even being out with you. He knows my dad, Billy. If he tells my parents about your antics, they'll lose their minds."

Billy's brow was furrowed, looking far too put out by your outburst of emotions. I mean, he wasn't exactly used to it. In the time that you'd been dating, you'd never let your temper get the better of you. Not when he made dumb comments. Not when he was being a total asshole. You'd let way too much slide, but clearly, this had been your last straw.

"It wasn't a big deal. He didn't even take me to the station-"

"Are you completely stupid?" You were growing more agitated the longer you were in his presence. All of the things that had once drawn you to him before, the cockiness and charm that had been so attractive, were driving you crazy now. "You could've gotten us both killed."

"I knew what I was doing."

"No, you didn't," you bit back, almost growling at him. "Jesus, you really don't think you did anything wrong, do you?" You scoffed slightly. "You're a fucking lunatic."

Billy's jaw tightened at your comment. "You know, I'm not sure I'm a fan of this little attitude you've suddenly decided to pick up, Princess."

"Well, get used to it."

He shook his head, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip as he moved further into your personal space, crowding you against your locker. "There are a hundred girls at this school who would've killed to be you right now."

"And what? You think I should be grateful that you chose me?" you muttered, glaring up at him. "Maybe you should take one of them on your next joyride. Actually, be my fucking guest. See how lenient Hopper is with you when you haven't got me in the car." 

You turned your back on him, grabbing your stuff from your locked and slamming it shut before barging past him and marching down the hall.

"Where are you going?" he uttered, jogging to catch up and falling into step beside you.

"Anywhere. I would literally go anywhere if it meant I wouldn't have to be around you anymore," you growled, stuttering out a relieved sigh when he stopped walking, letting you leave him behind.

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