Billy Hargrove X Hagan!Reader - Into The Wild

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Into the Wild by Lewis Watson and also just the fact that I'm really longing to go camping at the moment. The reader is Tommy H's sister, who is a grade below him and Billy. I hope you all enjoy it. 

You hadn't even wanted to come away this weekend. You'd wanted nothing more than to stay at home in the warm and watch TV without the chance of getting bitten half to death by far more bugs than you were comfortable with. But your parents had wanted a weekend to themselves, and even though neither you nor Tommy really wanted you to join his little camping trip, you'd been packed up into the car with a scowl painting your features. 

And now, almost a full day later, you were still scowling, sitting around the dying embers of the fire with your headphones tucked over your ears in an attempt to block out the pretty loud moaning coming from your brother and his girlfriends' segment of the tent. 

You should've known that being here with Tommy and his friends only meant that him and Carol hooking up loudly without any care for the people sharing a tent with them. You supposed the only lucky part was that your dad's old tent had multiple living compartments. You could escape without having to see a damn thing. 

A soft sigh slipped out of you as you let your head fall back to look up at the stars above you. Sure, this place was pretty, but you still didn't exactly want to be out here in the middle of nowhere without any chance of escape for the next 3 days. 

A foot nudging at your arm startled you out of your stargazing haze, causing you to jump so hard that you teetered backwards off of the log you'd been perched on, your eyes immediately landing on Billy, who looked to be only just capable of holding in his laughter. 

"What are you doing out here?" he uttered as you pulled off your headphones, staring up at him in disbelief. 

"I was relaxing, but I'm pretty sure you've ruined any chance of that continuing-"

He snorted with laughter at the attitude you were giving him. Tommy always complained about how mouthy you could get at home, and he'd always sort of laughed it off. I mean, at school you seemed so quiet that it was impossible to imagine you getting shitty with anyone. But ever since you'd walked onto the campsite this morning, he'd started seeing the other side of you. 

"What are you doing out here?" you pressed, tugging your hoodie tighter around your shoulders in an attempt to fight off the cold. 

Billy lifted his cigarette, gesturing in your direction with it. "Thought smoking inside a tent could be a mistake," he hummed, placing it delicately between his lips before sparking up. "Those two need to work on the volume control, huh?" he added, smirking when you looked so horrified by the mere thought of talking about your brother's sex life with one of his friends. "That's why you're out here, right? To avoid being scarred for life?"

"Right," you finally confirmed, clenching your jaw to stop your teeth from chattering. It had been easier to ignore the cold when you'd had your music to distract you, but now that you were having to make conversation, you could feel yourself growing colder, fighting off the shivers that wanted to overrun your body. 

"You cold?" Billy hummed, watching you with so much focus that it was a little shocking. "I've got a spare sweater inside-"

"I'll be fine." 

He nodded, moving to sit down on the log next to yours, glancing up at you to find your brow furrowed in confusion. "What?"

"What are you doing?"

He shrugged slightly. "Thought you might like some company whilst you wait for those animals to settle down for the night-"

"You don't have to do that," you uttered, pulling your sleeves down over your hands to warm your fingertips. 

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