Steve Harrington X Henderson!Reader - Waiting For A Star To Fall

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A/N - This chapter was inspired by the song Waiting for a Star to Fall by Boy Meets Girl. Reader is Dustin's older sister in this one. I hope you all enjoy it.

"You just need to find someone like Suzie," Dustin murmured around a mouthful of pizza, so focused on his food that he didn't see the exaggerated eye roll that Steve sent his way. They'd had the same conversation time and time again. Dustin would pretend to show interest in whatever girl Steve had taken out recently, and then within a couple of minutes, he would twist it into some weird bragging session where all he could talk about was Suzie. I mean, Hell, Steve was happy that the kid was so loved up, but if he had to listen to him talk about how great and smart and pretty his girlfriend was one more time, he would have a mental break.  

"Yeah, so you've told me," Steve muttered, throwing the crust from his slice down into the box with a deep sigh. "You got any suggestions?" he pressed on, watching a sly little smile spread across Dustin's features. 

Dustin shrugged slightly, chewing the mouthful he'd just taken for dramatic effect. "Well, I see how you look at Y/N," he finally uttered, watching as Steve floundered at the comment. He'd had a crush on you since Freshman year of High School, but he'd always thought he'd been pretty good at hiding it. But if Dustin had noticed, he could only assume other people had too. "You really should just ask her out," Dustin started again, sending Steve his brightest smile. "The worst she could do is say no-"

"That's not true," Steve interrupted, shaking his head. "That's such bullshit," he pressed on. "Saying 'no' is, like, not even close to the worst thing a girl can say when you ask her out. The worst has got to be 'ew' or 'gross' or something." He paused for a moment. "Or God forbid they just laugh in your face. There are so many things that are worse than 'no'," he uttered, shaking his head slightly.

Dustin shrugged slightly. "I don't know," he murmured. "I don't think Y/N would say any of that stuff to you," he told him, reaching towards the pizza box only for Steve to slide it out of his reach.

"Why not?"

Dustin hesitated for a moment, looking between the pizza and his friend. 

"Dude," Steve pressed on. "If she's said something about me to you, you're obligated to tell me, as my friend."

"I think sister trumps friend-"

"Come on, Man; just tell me."

Dustin opened his mouth, and then deflated slightly, letting out a soft sigh. "I can't."

"Well, if you aren't going to give me my information, I'm not going to keep feeding you for free. What's the point of having a friend that doesn't tell you about girls you like?"

"So you do like her," Dustin cried out, clapping his hands together loudly. "I knew it." He let out a sharp chuckle. "She said there was no way-"

"You guys have talked about it?"

Dustin wrinkled up his nose, letting out a little guffaw of laughter. "Of course we have. She's my best friend."

Steve's brow furrowed. "Since when?"

"Since I was born, Idiot." Dustin rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Y/N thinks you're cute, but she doesn't want to say anything because she thinks you don't like her like that. I tried telling her that you do, but she won't listen-"

"She likes me?"

"Jesus Christ. Are you completely stupid? Yes, she likes you. So you should ask her out."

*Time Skip*

When you pulled the front door open, you hadn't exactly been expecting to find Steve on the other side. Usually, Dustin would be waiting for him on the doorstep before he even got the chance to knock. And Steve wasn't the type to show up for a visit without making plans first.

"Dustin isn't here," you told him, offering up a little half smile. God, it was ridiculous how easy it was for you to get flustered in Steve's presence. He didn't even have to say a thing. He was just standing there looking pretty and you could feel your stomach tying itself up in knots. "He's out with Lucas and Mike," you added. 

"I know," he started, clearing his throat slightly. "I actually just wanted to come and talk to you," he pressed on. "I-" his words caught in his throat. "Sorry, if this is completely off base, just tell me and we can pretend it never happened, but Dustin's got this mad idea that you like me, and well, I like you too-" his words trailed off, his brow furrowing slightly as you watched him with wide eyes. "Unless he's totally just messing with me and you don't like me-"

"I do," you interrupted, biting down on the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from grinning at him. Steve Harrington liked you. Like, actually liked you. Which was possibly one of the most surreal things you had ever heard in your life. "You just surprised me, is all."

Steve nodded, a small smile pulling at his lips. "Well that's great," he told you, his nod going on a little bit too long. "I mean, yeah, fantastic," he pressed on, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. "So, did you want to go out sometime, or-"

"I'd love to," you interjected, letting out a soft chuckle when he sighed in relief. "What did you have in mind?"

"We could go to the arcade," he told you. "And then a movie. Or dinner. Or-"

"That sounds nice," you told him, cutting off his rambling. "Little warning though, I'm a total air hockey champion, so you'd better get ready to lose." He snorted with laughter, watching your lips twitch into a little half-smile. "I know you think I'm joking, but Dustin is 14 and he's literally never beaten me-"

"The kids got no coordination. He can barely walk in a straight line without bumping into someone. He's hardly good competition," he chuckled. "Pretty sure I'll be a stronger competitor than him."

You nodded slightly. "That sounds like a threat," you told him. "And I can't wait to see you lose," you teased. 

"So, tomorrow night?"

You bit down on your bottom lip slightly, head tilting to the side. "Tomorrow night," you confirmed. 

"I'll pick you up at 6."

"I'll be waiting."

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